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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. That’s certainly true, but the cruises we’ve done in recent years are rather strict in relation to smoking. I remember many years ago NCL allowing smoking in its casinos, which was terrible because the open corridor used to move from one end of the ship to the other reeked of stale smoke as you walked past. On our last NCL cruise, about four years ago, I couldn’t detect any indoor smoking at all.
  2. Gosh, that's surprising in this day and age. We certainly haven't come across that little loophole, which obviously should be closed pronto.
  3. Lyle, I meant to add that we did a "leaf peepers' cruise" a few years ago on NCL, (NY-NY) which sailed to Quebec and then returned to NY. The scenery was stunning, with autumn foliage coating the landscape like glowing jewels. The weather was actually lovely. One rainy day, from memory. During that same trip, we also did a wonderful Tauck land tour through New England (Vermont, etc.). I would return to either in a heartbeat.
  4. From experience over recent years, all cruise lines forbid smoking on balconies or elsewhere on their ships, not before time, with some designating a small corner on an exterior deck for this purpose.
  5. Lyle, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Oceania. We embarked on our fifth Oceania cruise six weeks ago. The fact that I was diagnosed with Covid two days before the end of the cruise didn’t detract from our pure joy at sailing with them again. My problem with Viking was that Oceania had set the benchmark, particularly with cuisine. The ambience is reminiscent of a relaxed country club, and the crew professional and marvellous. Yes, it’s more costly than Holland America, but not as expensive as Seabourn or Silversea. A good mid-range option. Of course, Murphy’s law seems to be following us lately, so I hope my recommendation doesn’t result in an unpleasant cruise experience for you and Lynn.
  6. Oops. I got so steamed up I posted before adding that we’re all riding this one with you, Les. Please keep us posted, and thank you for your updates to now. Hope the test results contain some positive notes🤞
  7. I do too. The original intention of the aged pension, all those years ago, was to acknowledge and compensate retirees for a working life of income tax contributions. It was never intended, at inception, to be means tested. Years of poll-driven political philosophy and media pontificating have delivered the shambles we have today, where responsible and loyal senior citizens in your situation, Les, are actually punished. I’m not suggesting that in the current economic climate all retirees should be automatically granted a full pension; the idea of compulsory superannuation was to alleviate the burden of the pension as our population aged. The problem is that there are cracks in the system; there are those who exist just outside the margin of comfort and security because they fall through the gaps. They should be afforded the fear-alleviating benefit of complete medical cover, particularly for vital and expensive procedures and tests, at the very least. I do know that a referral from a Specialist ensures a lower fee than that of a General Practitioner, but it still incurs an outlay many can barely afford. Scandalous.
  8. Grateful for the update, Les. I've been wondering all day how you went. Specialist treatment and care is exactly what you need. Rest, take care, and know we're all sending healing wishes💜
  9. Enjoy both cruises. Our replacement QE cruise is between yours. We may pass you on the gangway on 28 Jan.
  10. Hi Aussieflyer from Barton; it’s great to be back in our wonderful town, even with all the potholes which seem to have expanded and multiplied while we were away. The road in Weston Park near to us is like an obstacle course.
  11. Only very special people could claim dedicated threads, Les. Thank you, Marion, for creating this one. Wishing you successful treatment, and many years of good times ahead. Please let us all know, either yourself or through a kind family member, how you're progressing. We truly enjoyed meeting and chatting with you, and would love to do it again some day when you feel up to it. Linda and Mario
  12. Hi Julie, I've been following you on this thread. Sorry to read you returned a positive PCR. If it helps, the same happened to me several weeks ago on our Oceania cruise (Baltics). We both had to isolate immediately, even though Mario didn't test positive for a day or two. Excellent medical care, and I was prescribed Paxlovid, an antibiotic (for the upper respiratory infection the virus causes) and a decongestant/expectorant syrup. All worked wonders. Mario tested positive just the day we disembarked, so missed out on all these medications. Actually, he sailed (pun apology) through it with nothing more than a slight head cold for a few days. Our close friend who's a doctor says the real secret is being quad-vaxxed, the best pro-active protection. Hope you have the same result from your meds, and the same wish for Rolf, should he succomb. Not every close contact does. Good luck, we'll be thinking of you. Linda
  13. No, Marion, you are correct. Before our dollar was floated, our exchange rate was extraordinary. When we were extremely young newlyweds and on a tight-budget world trip (working as we went, of course) we were actually getting Two (2) $US for our $1. No-one believes it these days, but that is exactly how it was.
  14. Understand perfectly. Moruya sounds just the ticket for you right now, particularly with specialist treatment on tap, and more especially, you’ll be with family. Thinking of you and wishing you positive results from any treatment. Linda and Mario
  15. Are you up to another Cat lunch, or even just a Crumb coffee soon?
  16. If ever there was a Battler, it’s you, Les. We’re all here for you. Please just keep in touch💜
  17. Bad luck this time, Lyle. A better, successful transaction may be looming. Australian communities are enduring serious and tragic, in some cases, flooding.
  18. I know in my heart you're right, Leigh. My beloved nephew and his wife are both police officers in Brisbane, usually in the thick of it. My prayers and thoughts for the safety of your son in law.
  19. Oh Les, I know I speak for all your friends on here: none of us want to hear this. What is your medical advice? If you need to come to Canberra for specialist treatment, our home is yours.
  20. What a dreadful tragedy. Sadly, much of your description could apply to local government culture here in Canberra.
  21. Such a terrible, awful act. Our thoughts and prayers for this brave woman, her family and community🌹
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