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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Well starting this Thursday I am going on a little adventure. Thursday morning I leave for Hilton Head Island SC to visit my life long best friend from high school and the best man at my wedding. He is a great musician, singer and entertainer who plays at the Salty Dog cafe for over 25 years. Dave @Ozark_Kid has seen him and knows who I am talking about my best friend Dave Kemmerly. What makes this trip interesting and a I'm little nervous is that I will be there 5 days with 7 other friends who I went to high school with. Two of which Mary and Steve lived on my street growing up and I have known for over 50 years. Two couples, one of which were in my class and got married right after high school and another couple a year behind us. We are staying a a great VRBO in Sea Pines a short distance from the Salty Dog. It's a six bedroom house so plenty of room. Here are some of the pictures of it as it looks wonderful. And it should because it is also for sale for over $3 million. I mentioned that I was a little nervous. Most of these people while friends I have not seen in over 5 years. A few of us have spent time together but none for 5 days. I like these people but they are extremely different from me in my view on most things. I stated the only way I would go is that we not discuss politics or religion as I have had a couple of run ins with one of the guys over the years. Maybe as I gotten older, I don't put up with BS and I just rather cruise with my wife than do anything else. Linda is going to stay home with the dogs and said go have fun with your high school friends. I hope it will be that way. I may not be around later in the week as much but I will try and post some pictures of our adventures. Wish me luck and as they say "Can't we all just get along?"
  2. For ours I still have the Harmony and it still works great. Itโ€™s been so long with tech advances Iโ€™m not sure whatโ€™s best now. Sorry I couldnโ€™t help.
  3. Love the color Larry. It looks similar to out living room color which is a Sherwin Williams color. It looks lighter in this picture but we love it.
  4. Wow that was a close call. So happy you got to cruise. I can't believe the parents would allow their kid to say that. What a shame. Some people are just so pathetic.
  5. That's a good question. I really like most all of them but if I had to pick a couple it would "Florida" with it's big chorus. Also "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me" is great too. I had not really listened to her before she and KC player Travis Kelce started dating and I was curious about her. My son went to her Eras concert here and said it was incredible. Linda and I watched her Eras Concert movie and I was very impressed. Her songwriting skills are impressive as well as her performance. It helps also as I think she is incredibly beautiful.
  6. @brillohead Welcome back! I know it's tough when you get behind on reading posts. It happens to me. I know I have missed things from people here. For that I am sorry. Glad you are doing ok.
  7. That red velvet cake looks incredible. Looks like a splendid lunch. Tell Andy I am thinking of him. As Deb @brillohead says hips are easier to rehab than knees. I had several hip replacement patients in rehab with me. I talked to them about their experience and they all said it was not bad at all. If Andy has mild arthritis of the knee he should be able to get by for a while with Hyaluronic Acid Injections such as Synvisc or Duralane. They could give him relief for at least 6 months to a year. Will his hip replacement in November interfere with going on Bella 2.0?
  8. Agreed. I went to their website and looked at some of their cruises. Very reasonable. We will strongly look at cruising with them in the future.
  9. Yes we are. When I was younger I loved going to Vegas. I was interested in Craps so I went and bought every book I could about playing, and strategies, I ended up doing ok but I was never lucky. As I got older saving money was more important to me than spending money. I have played a few times on a cruise ship but have never won. I guess Iโ€™m just unlucky.
  10. I know there were some posts last week about Below Deck Sailing Season 5 and why itโ€™s not airing before Below Deck Medโ€™s new season. Here is an article that addresses the Gary situation which is at the heart of the matter. https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/what-happened-to-below-deck-sailing-yacht-season-5-heres-what-we-know/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3PzGeBaYvpub46YwCePkRD1-uB72HsDe59muQCA7_4JLVqL_H7yFTKnKk_aem_AbKpDSHZe6pYRzoB3q8IujhFdQWpeho-Sle6FtoR-JzNfcPUFODol5lPrJr9Ewg65UiheAjlAabIm0rpfr_fZstl
  11. Yes I would hold off as long as you can before getting knee replacement surgery but it may be the best thing to do if you are in constant pain like I was. You might look into stem cell transplants as well as I discussed earlier. We watch every Saturday too. Love the musical guests. We did watch the piece on Oceana and their chef. Both Linda and I said wow that food looks amazing. We might need to consider them in the future. Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s not cheap. Do you remember how much they recommended you take?
  12. Hmmm interesting he would say that. My brother and several other doctors have told me the opposite. I would say if it works for you and you are getting relief thatโ€™s all that matters. Another thing to look into which insurance does not cover here is stem cell treatments in the knee. The research has been very promising. My brother does it where he injects bone marrow into the joint and has patients who were amazed what a difference it made.
  13. Thats weird I wonder why he wonโ€™t recommend it? The only issue we have over here is that some insurance companies will not cover it. It has gotten better over the years for insurance to pay for it. Linda just got her knees injected with it and is quite happy how her knees are feeling now.
  14. My doctor brother has told me that steroid injections in the knee can actually make your arthritis worse. Have you considered a hyaluronic acid injection such as Synvisc or Duralane? They are like a lubricant for the knee and worked well for me. Winner! Winner!! EH Taylor is my favorite and I love the Widow Jane. Is that the 10 year? Great stuff. Now CC on my phone is working just fine this morning. I donโ€™t know what was going on last night.
  15. She just finished her last day with her rehab. Doing really well. Thank yo for asking. It's funny in that after her hand surgery she was doing well but lately she had been doing weights with her hands and arms for her shoulder and that has irritated her hand. I think it's short term. I did with my iphone. Tried restarting and still the same. I tried Safari and could get into main boards but not individual threads. We dodged a bullet. It went to the south of us. Thanks Judy for checking in on us. Yes my knees were toast. 40 years of television camera work took it's toll. Same here not sure what's going on. I cleared my browser history and cache and still had probelms.
  16. Thanks Mark! I have been working hard at losing weight but itโ€™s coming off slowly. Iโ€™m still down 50 pounds but would like to lose another 30-40.
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