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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Thats weird I wonder why he won’t recommend it? The only issue we have over here is that some insurance companies will not cover it. It has gotten better over the years for insurance to pay for it. Linda just got her knees injected with it and is quite happy how her knees are feeling now.
  2. My doctor brother has told me that steroid injections in the knee can actually make your arthritis worse. Have you considered a hyaluronic acid injection such as Synvisc or Duralane? They are like a lubricant for the knee and worked well for me. Winner! Winner!! EH Taylor is my favorite and I love the Widow Jane. Is that the 10 year? Great stuff. Now CC on my phone is working just fine this morning. I don’t know what was going on last night.
  3. She just finished her last day with her rehab. Doing really well. Thank yo for asking. It's funny in that after her hand surgery she was doing well but lately she had been doing weights with her hands and arms for her shoulder and that has irritated her hand. I think it's short term. I did with my iphone. Tried restarting and still the same. I tried Safari and could get into main boards but not individual threads. We dodged a bullet. It went to the south of us. Thanks Judy for checking in on us. Yes my knees were toast. 40 years of television camera work took it's toll. Same here not sure what's going on. I cleared my browser history and cache and still had probelms.
  4. Thanks Mark! I have been working hard at losing weight but it’s coming off slowly. I’m still down 50 pounds but would like to lose another 30-40.
  5. Yikes! I’m sorry that happened to you. Luckily in my neighborhood most homes have wooden back yard fences. There are a few dogs that bark at me when I walk by. It’s funny that it’s mainly all the little dogs. A German shepherd and a large Great Dane just wag their tails at me.
  6. Agreed anything anyone can do to avoid knee replacement is good. While I don’t regret getting mine replaced it’s a hard surgery and a long rehab. You have to ready for a new normal. That being said I now walk 50 minutes a day without any knee pain. Before I couldn’t even walk. From the car to the store without pain and limping.
  7. I have not heard he is officially gone. Last I heard he and Daisy were shooting episodes for the newest season. Unless something else has changed I am not sure what is going on. I know Colin will not be back as he is sailing around the world and has his own YouTube channel. Sure would like to find out what is really going on.
  8. Thank you! I find this very interesting in learning about slot strategies.
  9. Interesting. I had heard about the allegations but had not heard anything new. Gary is a predator and should have been gone from the show years ago. Currently Ben on BD reminds me of Gary. Maybe not as creepy but way to handsy on the stews.
  10. I would be curious to know and I understand if you don’t want to answer but would like to know how long did you play before hitting that jackpot and how much money did you put in before it paid out and what denomination were you playing with?
  11. I saw the new trailer for the new season of Below Deck Med with Captain Sandy. Looks interesting as Aiesha is coming on board to be chief stew. What I’m confused about is that it was my understanding that the new season of Below Deck Sailing would be airing after Below Deck season 11. I wonder what happened?
  12. Was she a teenager from the hallway escapades? Would be interesting if it was. I still would love to know what happened to cause them to be escorted off.
  13. This is very disappointing that teens would do this without any regard to others. I'm even more surprised that it was a group of girls. I would hate to see what their parents are like.
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