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Everything posted by hazeleyes46

  1. Most likely because your immune system was low from doing things out of your normal routine. This is nothing unusual why people get sick.
  2. I agree with that part as now you can get paid for 5 days if you have covid. Maybe some other illnesses should allow that too without you having to take your own days. That way more people wouldn't feel like they need to be out when they are sick and then get others sick also.
  3. YES!!! I haven't been on vacation for 4 years. Have had 2 cruises cancelled and it IS stressing me out that I have to test. I have tested many times for work and I have never (as far as I know) have gotten covid (unvaccinated for 2 + years). There are 4 of us in our house. If one person gets it, our vacation will be ruined especially if they have no symptoms and can easily go about their week on a cruise like they have been doing on land.
  4. Yes we lost a lot of people to covid. Did many if not most have underlying conditions? I am sure. I waited all winter for the horrible death that was going to come to me because I was unvaccinated. So people will still go on cruises sick and get sick as well as the same on land. We need to go back to normal and just be more cautious when you are sick and try and avoid others as much as you can.
  5. Do you honestly think before this NO ONE went on a cruise ship sick or got sick on any? You can easily spread any type of virus so you should avoid others with any sickness but we need to start treating this virus like every other. I wonder how much the compromised actually avoided others and made them avoid them before all of this and before the media drilled it in their heads they would die if they got it.
  6. Honestly I hope they drop that as it is very stressful trying to get everyone together to test and have an extra expense.
  7. Right now I am just interested in the testing to stop since I already had to get the vaccine to cruise 🙂
  8. What does this actually mean? Does RCCL have to come out and say what guidelines they are following as of today?
  9. lol, the 24 year old will be celebrating their bday. The other one is 18.
  10. Not much for his bday honestly as hers has fallen on vacations as well as graduation too. 2 cancelled cruises which would have been to celebrate his graduation.
  11. We have actually never been on a cruise for his bday and this is her 2nd or 3rd time for her bday and her h.s. graduation. He has been slighted a few times already lol.
  12. They fight like cats and dogs so don't expect anything less. He didn't get upset over the decorations I bought but since we are decorating our door too, just thought he would want to be included too 🙂
  13. She already got her bday gift so she is done 🤣 These kids find things way before their bdays that they just need lol.
  14. Thanks, older kids so they are picky (24 and 18). Probably won't like anything I do anyway or won't be fazed lol.
  15. Ahhh he actually complained that it is HIS door too lol. I picked up some decorations yesterday and he didn't complain but I feel bad leaving him out.
  16. I plan to decorate my kids' door because it is my daughter's bday on our cruise but feel bad excluding my son. Has anyone had this dilemma and did you do something else besides the person who is celebrating an event?
  17. True, the middle of island if that helps lol
  18. Has anyone priced this out lately as wondering how much more it would be than to park our own car. Thanks.
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