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Posts posted by cheffip

  1. cheffip, it's not as tight as an airport but they are pretty strict. For example at Ashdod they don't want you taking any photographs of the port.


    Wishing you a wonderful time.


    Israel is such a beautiful country. It is amazing how nice they made it. For example, you will pass by areas that are forests but that came to be because they planted millions of trees.



    Thanks Keith. First time there for us and really looking forward to it. - Phil

  2. Thanks to you both. I'm concluding from your comments that Israel has a well established system and we'll probably have immigration clearance on one of our two sea days before arrival. As Keith notes, local events could cause a delay at the port. I believe we're the only major ship in port Oct 3-5 so that may help. Is security at the port itself something like an airport? I'll have my camera bag of course and my daily medication with me.

  3. Just to close the storyline here: my TA switched our Classic package to the other official perk, $300 OBC, so we will purchase the Premium non-alcoholic package with that. Does anyone know if they have Day 1 promotions on these packages like they often do for specialty restaurant packages? We had a great deal on a Millennium specialty restaurant package which the we're promoting on Day 1 last time.

  4. We have the Classic alcohol package that was pre-bundled by our travel agent. I know you can pay the price difference to get a premium alcohol drink but what about non-alcohol drinks? eg Does Celebrity have a formula for you to get a Perrier for a supplement over the price of a regular water? Or a can of Diet Coke rather than the fountain stuff?

    My first choice would be to simply downgrade to the Premium non-alcoholic package but based on feedback on other threads that seems to be a very hit and miss option. My travel agent certainly wasn't able to do it when she called Celebrity though we'll try again on the ship.

  5. I'm feeling the frustration with the website. When I get it to log me in (sometimes takes a few times) and when I get to my reservations, I can't find my shore excursions...nothing is listed under the "extras". I do have my receipts from Celebrity but is there something I'm missing in order to see them on the website?

  6. My wife and I have a stop at Mykonos on our eastern Med cruise this fall. Our second time there...first time we did a very enjoyable DIY to Delos plus exploring the town.

    I was looking for something new like an island tour this time, but the ship's tour is very expensive and I can't find any local tours through TripAdvisor.

    Any suggestions? I was also wondering about part of the day at the beach (if it's warm enough) and some time in town. If so, what's a good DIY beach?

  7. Hey Phil. Since you are now in C2, you might want to contact Celebrity and ask if there are any staterooms between 1083 and 1223 on starboard side between 1062 and 1102 on port side. We booked C2 in August and swutcged to another C2 on the 10th of this month. Good luck. The other Phil



    Thanks eanj...I did look at the sticky and read about those closest to 1079. Just wondered if anyone had actually been in it.


    And thanks Phil...nothing right now but I will keep an eagle eye with your advice in mind. Particularly close to final payment, somebody bails. Also I'm aware of the price volatility of our cruise. Who knows, we may end up in Aqua Class :)

  8. Here is a copy of the menu that someone posted previously.


    There has been some debate about the "freshly squeezed" orange juice.



    Thanks for posting. I wonder if those are the regularly available smoothie flavors?

  9. Thanks everyone. I'm now looking at a 1A - 7260 - which would be the second furthest forward of the angled balconies on deck 7 just in front of the rear elevators. Reviews sound good and better than 7258 because the bed apparently is not beside the balcony and it would appear that wind and noise wouldn't be an issue. Actually all four starboard angled cabins 7258,60,62 and 64 are available if anyone has something to add about the merits of each?

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