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Everything posted by CruiseMob

  1. I haven't sailed for a bit due to Covid and then cancer treatments. Am getting back into sailing and had an email that I had a new PCC. I asked some questions and I don't think she gave me correct information and now I'm not sure what to do. The items I don't trust are: After a relatively long phone call discussing my questions she said she would look up quotes. I asked if she could just send them to me by email so I could read them when I was available. She said she would. After a few hours I received an email back where she said "It has come to my attention that we no longer send quotes to guests, I would like to continue our conversation." Is this legit? Is it new in the last 6 months? Seems so odd that I'm supposed to sit on a phone call for long period of time while she lays out a quote and the promotion details, frantically taking notes. 🤯 When was the last time you had a quote by email? A new thing I saw online is if I booked cruise only (no package), it said the deposit is non-refundable. This is new to me, so I asked can you move the deposit to a different cruise if you can't make the booked one or if you just lose the deposit with any change. She told me that "what you do is not cancel, but wait until after PIF and the Cancellation Insurance Policy kicks in, then you can change to a different cruise and not lose any money." This seems totally wrong to me as everything I've read says, I'd be out the insurance money and it only pays out at 80% or 90%, so it may be a bigger loss than the deposit. Am I missing something in the policy where this would be true? I told her we may have a 3rd person, but I wasn't sure yet, as it would be my son asking a friend. I asked if it would be better to book a 3rd person now and then change the name later (if needed) or if it was better to just add them later. She told me I can just "wait to add them and there would be no cruise fair for a 3rd or 4th person". Being a 3 star mariner it say's I can get 50% off on select sailings, but free fare only kicks in for 4 and 5 star mariner on select sailings. Does anyone know if she is correct or if there is some promotion right now? If someone has the list of select sailings that would be really helpful, as I can check if I can at least get the 50% off. Last but not least, if as I suspect she is giving me wrong information, how would I go about getting a different PCC that will give me correct information. Thanks everyone in advance!
  2. Is it better to pre-purchase WiFi or to wait until onboard? Do they have deals once onboard?
  3. There's 2 other threads with this issue. For those of us that can't book The Catch, we've tried old app, new app, website, chat, and calling. Every method gets an error regardless of day, time, or method. Support hasn't been able to help as they get an error also. All other SD's can be booked with no problems. It's very frustrating.
  4. Thanks SCX22! That's the info I was looking for. I don't care about the lane color but I do care about the boarding pass. I didn't know what the date range was for the boarding pass to show up. Thanks again.
  5. Yep, which is why I'm concerned I won't have the boarding pass as I can't find that on the old app or website like I did the luggage tags. Also anyone else notice how on the shoreside page it says items with * are required but only the zipcode has a *. Obviously not true and so weird.
  6. BTW the only payment method missing on mine is the shoreside which I don't want to do. The other is fine hence the Green lane status on old app.
  7. Screen prints with 2 from new app and 1 showing Green from the old app. I'm 55 days out not 57 as I said earlier.
  8. I'm 57 days out and have luggage tags and green lane status in the old app and on the website. In the new app I don't have boarding pass or luggage tags.
  9. I don't have that. I have 5 tabs that say Check-in, Book Dining, Packages, Excursions, Spa. No boarding pass and no luggage tags even though I already have my luggage tags from the old app and website.
  10. Agreed! Definitely not obvious. My text is in black. Since website and old app both say green, I'm assuming green. Bit worried about boarding pass as I have no button/link for that. Might not be close enough to cruise yet. But with the old app going away right before my cruise, hope this is fixed before then.
  11. Hmmm, mine doesn't say "All Set" or "Ready to Sail", it just say's Check-In and if I go into that it shows I have the 6 out of 7 items with green checks and the shoreside not completed. In the old app and on the website it say's ready and green line. 🤷‍♀️
  12. I haven't been able to book The Catch even before the new app came out. I've tried the old app, the website version, and calling and it errors every time on the last step. So this may not be a new app issue, but an older problem. I've had no problems booking other SD, just The Catch. The one annoying thing with the new app that the old app didn't do, is it deletes the existing reservation conflict even though it errors and doesn't book the new one. The old app would give me the error but leave the old reservation in place since the new reservation didn't go through. My guess is the developers put the delete of the conflicting reservation in the wrong place, they are doing it before the new reservation is successful.
  13. Okay, this is probably a dumb question. I can see my green lane status front and center in the old app, but I don't see any indication of status in the new app. It does have that stupid shoreside thing not completed but I don't see any where that my status is blue lane because of it. Where do you see the status in the new app?
  14. Got the new app and it also won't let me book The Catch. No way I'm doing that shoreside cc info. Still have the old app and it says I'm ready to go in green lane so sticking with that. Hope they get this worked out before the old app stops working and we sail.
  15. Oh, I'm sorry. It's so frustrating! It was even more annoying that it gave me no info on recommend size or format. I wasn't using there in app camera but selecting a pic I had, so information in their tips would have been helpful. I just started playing with the image and re-uploading to test. Finally hit upon it. Maybe you could try a different file type or resize smaller before uploading.
  16. Yeah! I fixed it! It didn't like the size, so I made the image smaller and then it worked.
  17. I uploaded a picture for my security photo and profile pic for the app. Everything looks fine when I select the pic, then I press Save and it turns the picture on it's side. Is this normal?
  18. I also tried calling Princess and like others they couldn't book it either. They didn't offer to open a ticket, but told me "sometimes it can't be booked until 30 days out, so try again later". Which sounds made up to pacify me and get me off a call they can't fix. 🤣 Oh well nothing I can do but try later or wait until onboard. Please let us know if someone is finally able to book.
  19. I can see it as an option and select it, but then it gives me the error after pay page. So it looks available but then errors.
  20. Thanks, really appreciate the great tip!
  21. If you've paid off your cruise can you apply this as onboard credit?
  22. Is it new? I've never been on Discovery and have only done 1 Princess cruise in 2018 on Ruby.
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