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Everything posted by no1talks

  1. Lest any readers scoff at the idea of a chihuahua being a legitimate service dog, the breed can be trained for a "short" list of tasks. Hearing dog. Seizure detection dog. Diabetes dog. Of course, it is also possible this lady has specious paperwork for the dog and MSC couldn't refuse. Also possible, this lady knows or is related to someone highly placed in MSC and she got her dog a "VIP waiver."
  2. Only the Interiors are true doubles. Other rooms will hold four and five guests, due to sofas and ceiling drops. There could be quite a few more YCers, really. I suppose there are many students in YC, because of school break, yes?
  3. Morpheus, I thank you kindly, sir. For those in YC who enjoy afternoon tea, it is not just available during the scheduled tea program. (Pictured.) We make a point of informing our butler of our tea request, along with other wants, when first meeting the butler. We've had afternoon tea every day, minus that of the Jamaican Deluge, storms so bad that many excursions not canceled from the start, were hours late to the ship. The only differences from the once-a-cruise YC tea program are: No loose tea, bags only. No scones. The three-tiered tray is laden with an array of Top Sail nibbles. A very pleasant way to relax after an excursion an before dinner.
  4. Oh, I like this. Penalty tables!
  5. This news is a bit disconcerting. It was on my bucket list to do a Cunard transatlantic and bring my ren faire kit (minus the rapier) for the masquerade. C'est la vie. 😄
  6. I really hope they get the elevator-YC relationship figured out soon. Otherwise, summoning an elevator is going to get very weird.
  7. In my case, charcoal grey and navy blue with red pinstripes. 🙂
  8. I know that story. The incident occurred in late 1966. The boy's question was, "Mr. Disney, do you honestly think being frozen in nitrogen and stashed under Cinderella's Castle is a plausible way to cheat death?" 🤪
  9. That may have been entirely accurate from his perspective. During our cruise, the shrimp course was delayed one evening and the server mentioned the YC kitchen had been late getting the shrimp from another kitchen. It would seem a server cannot unilaterally redistribute ship's inventory, the way management can.
  10. But... In YC, you can have shrimp cocktail every night. We did so as recently as March, on Seascape. Our YC dinners always began with the shrimp course, before whatever appetizers we ordered from the menu. This, along with other dining room requests, were discussed with Arthur on the first day. Another addition we requested was a sorbet intermezzo during the dinner.
  11. Which happens frequently to my wife. One might suppose a woman from NW Germany would be more resilient to a slight chill, but it is not so.
  12. So no Bloody Marys, Bellinis, Mimosas, etc. with breakfast? 🫢
  13. I hope you will forgive my penchant for the much-maligned wing collars of yore. I choose them in remembrance of the all-but-dead white tie kit, which had the wing collar. Added bonus: If I have cause to remove my jacket, the wing collar shows the world I tie my own damn tie. No hook-and-eye closure! (Also, please excuse my insouciant expression. My wife asked for an insolent pose.)
  14. I doubt it. Multiple cruise lines allow officers (rank depends on the cruise line) to bring friends and/or family on board for varying lengths of time. The only proviso is that the added headcount not violate bed space and lifeboat limits. R.H.I.P. There are a few blogs out there by wives of officers and they admit to pretty much having access to everything a paying cruiser gets, plus free laundry and other perquisites. Add to this the fact that MSC is family-owned. I'm confident they think nothing of comping their friends and extended family members, when beds are available.
  15. Especially famous for his virtuoso use of tailoring shears... He wasn't called the ol' Snipper for nothing.
  16. I believe SC Johnson is no longer distributing Kiwi to the UK, but still making the products for sale elsewhere. I've not looked for it here (US) for years, because I prefer other brands.
  17. I wear this for dinners on White Nights, but my double-breasted tux jacket has satin faced buttons and not the metallic naval buttons described in the guide. After dinner, I leave the jacket in our room and switch to white shoes for the remainder of the White Night.
  18. Here's a very good explanation of the (off) white dinner jacket... https://www.gentlemansgazette.com/tuxedo-black-tie-guide/classic/off-white-dinner-jacket/
  19. Since you had to relinquish your personal flotation devices, may I suggest a door-sized piece of luggage to add to the set? The innocuous and easily explained contents of which shall serve your wife very well, in the event of a floatation-related emergency. However, I'm afraid bad news awaits you in said situation.
  20. The only thing worse than rented tux shoes are... The Cruel Shoes. (Any Steve Martin fans in the house?)
  21. And were their shoes Birkenstocks? Their attire, so their call. However, I'd sooner go commando while in a tux, than sockless. (Neither omission has ever occurred, I'm happy to report.)
  22. This was not on my CC bingo card for the week.
  23. "Sink me! Look you here, Sir. Your cravat is, again, limp."
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