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Everything posted by laudergayle

  1. Nah man…you gotta keep your ratios 🤣 “No cruise food for you” (in memory of the late great Seinfeld series).😊
  2. This is known as the 20/20 club. Of which I am a member. 20 years ago and 20 lbs lighter. TBH..it is now the 40/40 club🤣
  3. ChiefMateJRK…enjoy your B2B cruise. As you know the Bliss is likely the best NCL ship. Cheers🐀🥰
  4. Hmmm. Look for bed bugs…which there are probably none. If you ever sleep somewhere that is not your bed…why on Earth are you worried about a luggage bargin?? Have you bought it yet?.
  5. Lol. I’ve been MIA for the past week due to elder care..so just catching up from last week. You have made me chuckle so much, thank you 😊. I believe that person was saving an extra seat between y’all since you never know who might sit down. 😊
  6. Lol…yes 2025. So you have more than 365 days to ponder. Wow…that is HUGE. Both from a news perspective, but also from a humanitarian perspective. You and hubby have such kind hearts. SMOOOOOCHES 💋💋🥰🥰❤️❤️
  7. Hey there, check out the 8/24/2026 MSC Meraviglia YC to Bermuda. We’re on this sailing (not in YC of course 🤣). But we do have Aurea. We canceled a 6/2026 NCL cruise on Getaway to Bermuda after finding MSC for half the cost.
  8. Fitness Center. Got this! Physical or Intellectual? Brawn or Brain? Or, just clever? Yeah…me and you, both.
  9. And, food-wise, I’m excited to try Princess again. Unfortunately not until 4/25…a California coast including Ensenada. Hey…maybe you could do that one ?? Edit..ignore the posts about Bubbles. Lol…I was going to comment just how appropriate a show about Bubbles was sooo YOU. But then I got side-tracked 😕
  10. Yum. The buffet spread looked tasty. Especially the paella (of which I know you can’t comment). Have you found enough variety for a vegetarian? Do you find it is much easier to dine in buffet vs MDR?
  11. That’s cool. What is their Claim to Fame? The Ice Pilot enrichment was well-timed considering your cancelled ports. It definitely made it more relevant. I would have enjoyed listening, as well. On one of our AK cruises we were unable to get up to Endicott Arm due to an ice field. Prior to your posts I believed it was due to cold weather and little melting, when in fact, it could have been the exact opposite. You are a teacher at heart😊.
  12. Funny you say that…as that was exactly my thought process. Our port excursions just became more low budget 😊 and the Getaway is now a bigger part of the cruise.
  13. Debbie Downer…Wear Him Down!! Let the peer pressure resume. Cheap OL’ me just booked the Vibe😊
  14. We are not in Haven. Boo Hiss…lol. My Dad’s last words to me were “I always knew you were cheap” haha. That being said, it looks like the others on the roll call are in Haven. I’m thinking me and DH are better positioned to “interloper” (oh my!!) in the Haven vs spending $$ in Vibe. I like @cruiseny4life idea of the (my interpretation) “ Flying V”. That being said…we’re open.
  15. Hmmm. Interesting intel. Insightful. Sooo much to learn…continuously. Perhaps this is not the trip to brand your adventure, The best news is…you are still a “youngster”…with so much adventure and experience ahead🥰. Counting on you! Pls share design inspiration ❤️
  16. Lol😊🥰. Can I keep up?🤣🤣. In all seriousness. We’ve never cruised in Haven. Does Vibe provide something that Haven doesn’t?
  17. That would be awesome! Let’s see if we get any feedback on sailing out if NOLA in February. I’m crious if @cruiseny4life and @Travelicious are Vibe-candidates. 😊
  18. Lol…with you on board, I’m leaning to FAS+🥰
  19. Oh my..of course. What are your thoughts about your image? YOLO. ?? YOLO Is that no longer cool to say?
  20. So thrilled we’re cruising together!! 🥰. Still up in the air about Vibe. We’ve never booked Vibe before and have enjoyed being with Gen Pop. I may decide to allocate those $$ to FAS Plus 🤣
  21. Thanks for your insight. What region did you sail last February? And, did you feel like the cabana helped cut down on wind, as well?
  22. I’m interested in opinions on the Vibe on the Getaway. For those who have experienced it, would you do individual passes or pay $100 more for a cabana? This would be for a Western Caribbean cruise out of NOLA in early February.
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