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Everything posted by AroundWithMAPTravels

  1. Antipasto was yummy. I had tomato risotto as Main. (I had limited choice due to GF options). DH had grilled calamari appetizer and main of pasta genovese. Very unusual shaped pasta in pesto. He had marzipan torte for desert. All in all said it was his favorite meal yet (better than steak in pinnacle).
  2. I am in total agreement. Being a Gluten free diner it’s been a real challenge to find acceptable options without too much repetition. The only “fine” dining we have had so far was as Pinnacle grill. Rest, including MDR, has been fair. It may be the ships I have sailed in past that raised my “expectations “, so I have had to temper those expectations. I normally do not eat sweets but can normally be tempted into indulging…. The only time that has happened so far was in pinnacle grill ( also GF options are not plentiful so that may be a factor). cabin staff are wonderful still hoping at some point to say same about restaurant staff Another glorious sunny day, however!
  3. There did not appear to be a bed of noodles either…. Served on rice in Lido. I did not have it , but one of our table mates did. All of us looked at the brick of meat quizzically…. None of us would have conjured that for stroganoff. It actually was a conversation topic for at least 10 minutes. The person who had it said it was “okay, but it’s not like any stroganoff “ he ever had. (The lack of noodles really did jolt him)
  4. Did forget to mention that I Loved being able to walk on covered, deep promenade whilst it was raining earlier today! A huge plus for this ship!
  5. 100% agreed. (Also first timer) Right size ship. Steady. Comfortable. My only complaint so far had been the lighting. The passageway you mentioned. is highest on that list. Cabin (OV on deck 3) is extremely comfortable except even with all lights on and curtains open, sometimes too dark. I am still trying to come to terms with use of plasticware (salad bowls, water glasses, wine glasses) in Lido buffet… (I know we are trying to avoid comparisons but this one is a big difference for me… still not sure how to process this).
  6. We found the Gelato Fiasco store in downtown there . We thought same- some of the best gelato ever!
  7. If you are salad-friendly… I have had Cobb or chopchop salad at Lido lunch last two days. Both customizable (size and ingredients) and fairly tasty . (I am easily satisfied with a lunch salad but YMMV). the description of “hotel banquet” seems to sum up the lunch offerings concisely. By the length of line at coffee shop and the number of snacks being purchased there this afternoon (line was constant from 1:00-3:30 when I left the area) there were many people wanting for “more”.
  8. We went on the Coastal Photography excursion here in St. John. Small group. Nice bit of photo lessons (both camera and iPhone). Went to several places (including a beach) that the other tours do not go to. Very much enjoyed it
  9. A. It “off topic” here… also new to HAL. Many people have mentioned “fridge” in above posts…. I didn’t think there were any fridges in cabins? Or does that depend on type of cabin booked?
  10. Me too, since I (also a Jersey-ite) am embarking on my first ever HAL next week😄
  11. If I had the 13K to blow on one day (play the lottery, maybe?)…. I would SO do it. what an awesome day that would be! and the 6x6 that you can get driven around in looks like fun ! ahhhhh, to dream. again, if this is the ONLY away you could get there….worth it 😄
  12. As you probably have figured out by previous replies… if there is ANY way you can swing going there on a smaller ship that will allow passengers off, DO IT! If that is not an option, choose the trip with longest time there…. It’s a rather long sail with the possibility of some rather rough seas (it’s called the Drake Shake for reason). However, it is truly mind-blowingly awesome! Been to Alaska several times. Love it. Been to the arctic and encountered some really good ice(And LOTS of polar bears). Love it. But there is still NOTHING like Antarctica. Other posters are correct in that with out ice class ship, the area traveled will be limited, but still worth the trip. Was there in February on a Lindblad/NatGeo trip…. I still remember the awe on everyone’s faces when we got our first glimpse of the ice and mountains ! Time spent on land/island/ice was special, but so was cruising.
  13. Yep, Zaandam😄 funny thing about activities, I did initially get check marks, But they also disappeared at some point …. Sigh. thanks fo info, glad to know that “its not just me” Hope to meet up on board!
  14. New to HAL. Sailing 8/23. Attempting to upload photo using app link. Have tried 4 times from phone, three from iPad (cannot find a link on website). Have removed / reinstalled app several times. Choose photo, but never uploads. also have had mixed results when trying to add activities. Sometimes says “added” and shows, but other times “error adding”. Some were showing on iPad, but not on phone (logged into same account). After last reinstall of app, none showing. I have read many “discussions “ regarding the app…. is this one of those things to just accept it as a quirk?
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