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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. I'm a good friend with a retired U.S. Naval Captain. He's never spent a day as sea, he's a dentist, spent most of his time in USMC bases.
  2. I'm not singling out anyone that has posted in this thread. However, I believe that for some it may be more psychological than physical. If I was hoodwinked, before entering the ship and taken to a cabin with the blinds drawn and told to lay in bed and tell someone which way the bow is and which way the stern is, once the ship was moving, I don't believe I could do it. I'm sure some would say you can tell from the rocking motion of the ship, bow to stern. But, what if it is following seas? The stern raises before the bow? Once you enter the cabin, normally, you know which way the bow is and which way the stern is. So, it is a know factor.
  3. This isn't meant to debate anything with you and I really don't care if people put their pre-printed tags on their luggage or not. It's not my issue as I do utilize the pre-printed tags. But, think of the porter that is trying to make a living making tips as quickly as possible. Only 1 minute, for you. How about if 15 or 20 or more others feel the same way. That's 15 or 20 minutes out of a very short day and week and possibly 5 or 10 passengers that they weren't able to take care of and make the tips. Just, as I always say, is "fruit for thought".
  4. Like I said, I'm not knowledgeable about the finer requirements/specifications of how to get to UWB on Android. All I know is that the article I read only mentioned the API had to me modified or changed in some way that I don't remember exactly how, I don't know if that requires a new, modifying an existing chip, or different chip and I don't know how technical they wanted to make the article, all I know is that they are working on it. If you say it requires a chip (different or not) so be it, I'm in no position to debate that with you. I did edit my post, before you last post, to say "Mobile Devices", the 71% is of "Mobile Devices" world wide. If you limit it to just phones, Apple may have the larger share, even world wide, maybe, I don't know. I do acknowledge they are very popular (I don't understand why). I understand what you are saying about Samsung/Pixel users using Samsung/Pixel trackers, in theory, I totally agree. However, If you/I have a Samsung phone today but purchase a Moto next week, can you/I still use the Samsung/Pixel tracker? I honestly don't know! This isn't the article I read but it is about what I remember reading: https://www.xda-developers.com/google-adding-ultra-wideband-uwb-api-android/ Since the early days of smartphones, we have relied on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless technology for our short-range connectivity needs. Ultra-wideband (UWB) is widely regarded as the next big thing in the world of wireless technology, promising to offer highly precise indoor positioning of smart home devices and high-speed peer-to-peer data transmission. Apple’s iPhone 11 was the first modern smartphone to support UWB tech. Samsung followed suit with the Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra, becoming the first Android OEM to incorporate the new technology. Xiaomi has also announced plans to get onboard with UWB technology, demonstrating how it aims to utilize the technology to control its smart home ecosystem. As more smartphones are expected to embrace this new wireless protocol in the coming days, Google is adding a new API in AOSP to better support UWB technology on future Android smartphones.
  5. And that is the root of the problem. AND, don't think that the industry won't/doesn't use that to their advantage. To us old timers, we know it and we know it has been going on for along time. As a former corporate director and general manager of a customer service/hospitality entity, I've witnessed it happen, in fact, to be honest, I may have contributed to the problem. You'd be surprised what you'd do when you are in a "sink or swim" situation (I'm sure many of you in here know exactly what I'm talking about). Edited In: With all the cuts in services, I wonder if any of the Corporate CEOs, CFO's, CCO's, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors have had their salaries cut/reduced?
  6. I hear what you are saying and I don't disagree. Unfortunately, it is only minimum service for the stateroom if "they" say it is minimum service for the stateroom. Some real old timers may remember the days when you could leave your shoes outside the cabin door and in the morning, they'd be all nice and shinny. I remember the good old days when the Cruise Compass was printed and put in your cabin, regardless of status, EVERY EVENING. Oh, how about when your cabin, regardless of status, was cleaned/refreshed twice a day. And, I'll never forget when the bedding was changed daily. I remember the days that cruising on cruise lines like Royal and Rustbucket was considered a great value. Now we have to dig deep and hard to make that determination. Our only option is to decide to partake in the reduced services and pay more or not.
  7. LOL I think that is the popular perception! I can only say that, excluding the experience I mentioned above, I've had good luck with my many moves while in the Army for over 20 years and moved on average every 3 years. However, I would say that there are far too many issues with moving though. It could be a lot better, for sure.
  8. Good info, for sure. I did read an article that Google/Android is developing the API to incorporate the UWB in time for Android 12, if not, maybe by Android 13 (I hope they skip to 14, LOL). I don't know if they made it or not, I believe Android 12 is out now and have no idea if the API was developed/modified/adjusted to work with UWB. I think, my opinion, as Tile becomes more and more of a household name, if ever, they will far exceed Apple's. It only makes since as Android makes up 71% of all cell phones sold worldwide. But, the way I feel about it, and my knowledge about such things is very limited, if an aircraft is flying over the desert and my luggage falls out, chances are that Android or iPhone won't be able to track it. Maybe, I'll try to attach a satellite dish/antenna to my Tile. I said, Cell Phones. I meant Mobile Devices
  9. But, do they do the extra charge for Room Service for just a bucket of ice? We don't do Room Service so I don't know the answer to that and I understand that there is an upcharge for a lot of Room Service now. It would be good info for those that do because they could order their regular room service and include the ice with it and only pay once. If there is no additional charge, great! And yes, tip generously.
  10. From what I gather, that's true for most bands of tracking devices, an Android or iPhone has to be nearby and <their location option must be turned on> <not totally sure about that part of it though.
  11. I can't wait to get to Diamond Plus, I look good in purple. I think that is the color, I'm kinda color blind.
  12. I just have a suggestions, it's only a suggestion: Any tracking device you use, if there is an option, turn off/down the Ring Tone that sounds when you are tracking your item. I'm talking about what is put on your kids (especially kids), pets (if you believe they have been stolen, not runaway), and so on. If the items are lost by what you believe are nefarious actions, you don't want to alert the thieves that they are being tracked by you or the police, they'll just remove the device and throw them away or leave them behind. If you are trying to track an item and you are sure they are just lost in the house or hotel room, et al, you can turn the ring tone on/up, especially if the app says you are close.
  13. Like @HappyTexan44, I haven't had an Apple product. However, I just did a little test of my Tile (Android) on my key ring. When I was within ~10 feet of the Tile, it showed "Very Strong" then it went to "Strong" up to about 30 feet away. After that, it went to "Moderate". This was all within my home. I didn't get far enough away to see what it says after "Moderate", I'm assume it will go to "Weak". I really like the tile so far. I just wish it had the Arrow feature like the Apple one does. But, I'll never own (knowingly) an Apple product.
  14. Or buy luggage that the color of it/them corresponds with you C&A status. I personally try to wear clothing that corresponds! Just harmless sarcastic humor.
  15. Wish I had them way back in the day. One move from Germany to White Sands Missile Range, I had a box full of vinyl records (33 and 45), several still with the original wrapper still on, several first editions, one was a first edition Elvis (I don't and never did care for him, it was just an investment) and several others like Fleetwood Mac, KISS and so on. Probably 50 or 60 of them. They never made it to my new address and the Army's reimbursement for such things are just the Original Value, not the Market Value for such things. You know, the things you don't think about asking when you are young and no experience. Today, I'd have things like that appraised and insured for their appraised value.
  16. LOL, I was going to say, that's dedication to one's bottle(s).
  17. Well, I won't argue or debate that with you as my memory is like a sieve these days. But, that's not how I remember my mid-20teens first RCCL cruise on Oasis of the Seas. But, like I said, my memory isn't too good.
  18. Am I wrong or were the fridges actually mini-refrigerators not too long ago. These "coolers" seem to have made a quick appearance in cabins.
  19. I totally agree. But, they do have ice machines in hotels that dump ice into the bucket, no hands on at all. Having said that, I really would rather get the service that I pay for, I'd like for the cabin steward to empty and refill the ice bucket at least twice a day. Especially with those "coolers" that are in the cabins and don't really get things COLD. Cool? Maybe! We like our soft drinks, beer and such ice cold and those "coolers" just don't cut the mustard, not the ones we've had recently. I like to put a couple of beers into the ice bucket to get them really cold.
  20. You must cruise out of Galveston. Yes, that's a joke. Galveston is one of my favorite ports.
  21. The problem isn't "Bluetooth" devices. The problem is "People".
  22. I think I read in this forum that there was a new system that was going to have, on the receipt/slip, what the number of drinks you have left for the day OR how many you have had for the day so far, I don't remember which. I can't speak from experience of what is actually happening, yet. But, I do remember a post saying that! Don't know if it has always been that way or if it doesn't exist at all or if it is still being implemented.
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