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Everything posted by Parentcruiser

  1. you don't have to have the Internet package to track an AirTag on the ship.... do u?
  2. Have lost luggage a couple times (real pain in the %$#%) and thought putting the airtags in the luggage might be a good idea... as I understand they 'ping' thru any nearby iPhones (which there are many). Have you done it and if so, how did it work, as we are on Oasis tomorrow?
  3. When you reserve SHOWS and/or reserve SPECIALTY DINING, can 1 person from a group make the reservations for a everybody in their Stateroom (4 of us) or does each person have to go in the Royal AP and reserve just THEMSELVES? Hoping one can do all! I know you can go to the DINING LOCATIONS and make reservations for everybody but have never used the Royal AP before for reservations. My understanding also is that the Royal AP is FULLY functional AFTER we board (i.e. list all shows etc.). Let me know on both issues please!
  4. You can leave it blank. I did I 'test' test and left it out and all worked ok!
  5. Mine came same day as zoom link. Didn't go in SPAM but some have reported that.
  6. First, as noted above, check all your SPAM for a misrouted email. Second, Did you CREATE an account with onPoint? (I think you has to). If so, go back into the account and see if the email was sent. Have you done the Health Questionaire with healthtrackrx (the actual group that onPoint uses), as this has to be completed before the Covid Test?
  7. Thks... do they ever post the Shows Schedule flyer anywhere on the net?
  8. Helpful!!!! Are lunches at Giovanni's decent or similar to Dinner?
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