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Engineroom Snipe

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Everything posted by Engineroom Snipe

  1. Everything is fun and games until the lights go out at sea........🀣
  2. Da dump,.........Da dump,.....da dump.. da dump.....Wait for it,....wait for it,....DA DA!!!!! 🦈🦈
  3. While I might jest now, I am absolutely sure that you did not find any humor in it at the time. I am glad it is now a memory past. πŸ˜“
  4. Pinnacles always get first priority to "all" events. Is walking the plank considered an entertainment eventπŸ€”πŸ˜? I guess it depends on who is in the audience and who is performing in the event. 🀣
  5. I think they made a movie about how a band kept playing until a large transatlantic passenger ship sank....... 😁
  6. You understand my intent that this is not about money for many cruisers. I am getting to the point that I would not want to jeopardize my vacation days on any cruise that does not start and return to a port that I can drive to. If I cruise in circles locally, I will enjoy the ship and cruise with no ill memories. If I spend four to five additional days flying and staying in hotels before and after the cruise (I would arrive days before to make sure my flights are not stressful), this will really burn itself into a bad memory. This will severely constrain RCI's growth if more customers will not venture to itineraries outside of the continental Unites States.
  7. This might explain why a cruiser posted earlier that the officers seemed disengaged. They will be rated and evaluated on the performance of the ship. They could provide no defense and their careers have already been judged.
  8. You give a great point about a complex itinerary that requires many coordinated events. Imagine if you wanted to take your adult children and treat them to a cruise you will pay for. You coordinate your schedule with theirs. They have to plan and request time-off from work approvals. Everything falls into place and then the actual cruise falls apart. It is not about the money at that point. It is about time that you will never have again. You had a perfect vacation insurance policy. There was no money loss but that was not the intent of going on vacation.
  9. Well, I guess my bug hunting idea for $25 OBC is definitely off of the director's list. 🀣
  10. Then the designers and companies are planning for them to fail if they do not have complete redundancy on all systems. I cannot design any mechanical, electronic, electrical, or information system to have 24/7 continuous duty without redundancy or scheduled down time and answer the absurd corporate executive question, "How can we ensure that this never happens again?" I say, give me money and resources, lots of it. Failures do occur, how do they damage the business objectives? I understand and respect your point that these ships are continuously being used without interruption. Is that a reasonable business model to base your corporate dividends on? I am not disputing that systems will have failures. Many cruisers pick a cruise on itinerary. When the failures affect the itineraries, this is going to damage the customer confidence in fulfilling customer expectations. As they say, "Shape up or ship out." RCI better get a handle on these problems or some of their cruisers will not trust them to ship out on complex voyages on ships that cannot complete the itineraries.
  11. The sea lawyers will use the "...may not be utilized onboard...." exception. πŸ€”
  12. Whenever you hear a phrase like "With all due respect...", or "Honestly, let me tell you...", or "To tell the truth...", it never quite makes sense. If I was due respect, there is no reason to tell me about that unless their next words might "disrespect my decision or opinion". When someone says "Honestly, let me tell you,.." , does that mean they are normally dishonest but are making an exception this time. Same goes for the last phrase, someone is telling you that they normally do not tell the truth but, in this case,...... I gave due respect to the cruise line as I specifically mentioned that many cruise ships are designed for one propulsion system to be down for maintenance. This does not affect the itinerary. I am one of the few mechanical engineers with electronic, electrical, and information degrees. All at night while I worked full time. I understand all of the technology aboard much more than being a Chief Engineer in the Navy. I am not here to pontificate about my 45 years of full-time working experiences in those fields. I am still working. Yes, in the Navy we had ships being serviced in dockyards on a regular basis, but the ships were designed for that maintenance. The Navy never intentionally designed a ship that was expected to have any system go down that was deemed critical to the mission. The ships performed as planned or they were pulled from service. My opinion is just that, my opinion and you are entitled to have yours. These ships are not performing as intended or designed. The failures are affecting paying customers. Money is not always the primary concern as scheduling vacations days and coordinating them among multiple people for once-in-a-lifetime events are not easily gained back. As a paying passenger, I do not care if it is a design fault, maintenance fault, manufacturing fault, or new technology. RCI touts these ships as technological marvels to paying passengers. When failures start affecting an itinerary, it starts making the cruise line look like "the stuff of third-rate cruise lines." If RCI needs more money to maintain their ships, RCI needs to find that money. Cabin rates should go up if necessary. Reflect the true cost of the cruise, not the "if we break down or severely change your itinerary here is some money" or future cruise credit to take another cruise that might severely change their itinerary. I have already made my mind up about the Ovation. The ship has had problems from the start of its creation, and they continue as we post. I would not trust it for a one-in-a-lifetime cruise. I have three cruises next year on RCI ships. I enjoy cruising. Ovation will not be one of those ships.
  13. "For the last time, it is past 11:30pm and 'No Boy, you can't have your pudding until you eat your meat' (Pink Floyd)". πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  14. My eyes are tired after reading this thread, might need the big font. 😁
  15. As many other posts on CC have described how most of RCI ships are designed to run on 2/3 available power so that one engine can be taken offline for routine maintenance, this is not a good situation. One could infer that they are down to one good propulsion system. The next cruise could suffer another propulsion failure and create the need for a Sea-Tow. At that point, missing a port or two would be the least of RCI or passengers' concerns. In my past, I was a certified Chief Engineer in the USNR. If my main propulsion system or main gear was compromised in any way, shape, or form, I would be relieved of command. I was expected to keep all systems above 99% availability and did so for over 8 years on a ship that was forty-years old. Something is amiss with RCI's ship maintenance. This is not good. While I commend RCI for proactively providing compensation for the failure, let's think about it: they do not jump to provide refunds unless this makes them look very bad and they are avoiding publicity about the root cause of the failure. This is the stuff of third rate cruise lines.
  16. You are preaching to the choir. I work in IT too. Multiple degrees in a 10,000+ person organization. When I say bug, it was a polite way to catch the eye. What I am talking about is correcting data sitting in a SQL database and eliminating duplicate references where the pointer should only have one reference. What I am talking about is taking a standard html editor and correcting the false data. This requires no changing of the current code; it requires someone to maintain webpages, not reinvent them. When your local chain supermarket changes prices or edits specials, they do not need to rewrite the code every week, that would cost a fortune. Most of the errors I find on RCI's site are html editor fixes: fast, cheap and easy to do. The employee would not need a programming background. A customer comes to the owner, says the price of lettuce does not match the webpage. I use an html editor to correct the price on the webpage, done.
  17. Ok, let us add some emojis for dramatic effect.πŸ₯±πŸ₯±πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄
  18. Nicely done! Perfect transition sentence to someone else to build on.πŸ˜‰
  19. Yes, it is. I hope the day where I cannot cruise is far, far, away........"Somewhere, over the rainbow...." (Wizard of OZ). πŸ›³οΈ...πŸ›³οΈ......>>>>>>🌈. 😁
  20. You are most probably correct......😭. A cruiser can dream...."I had a dream of dreams gone by........" (Les MisΓ©rables) 😞. 🀣I was thinking, if they go for it, I should have had a $30 OBC so it could pay for two drinks. I put this out for entertainment because πŸ–πŸ– will ✈️ before they do anything. πŸ˜‰ I still have hope, if they could make "The Flying Brick" F-4 Phantom fly, this idea might get off the ground eventually. Merry Christmas.
  21. Merry Christmas, I hope it is entertaining for your reading pleasure. 😁
  22. An idea was sparked by a conversation with @Ret MP about conflicting information on RCI multiple websites. Which one is the latest and why is the conflicting information even existing in the first place? RCI should give a small token of a $25 OBC to anyone who finds conflicting information on one their websites. Argument for the credit: 1. Experienced CC cruises are a wealth of information and knowledge and RCI could get their website in order for pennies on the dollar. 2. Most RCI employees, contractors, travel advisors, and customers are reading or using the website to answer customer issues. This would eliminate incorrect information that was given in good faith from an outdated website. 3. Incorrect website information could be immediately corrected or removed. 4. Ret MP suggested dating the posting of the answer or website page to know which one is the more recent policy or answer. This could be a "quick-fix", but the end goal is not to even have two or more sites with conflicting information. Incorrect ones should be removed or updated. 5. Overnight, RCI can hire thousands of contractors (experienced cruisers) who only get paid (OBC) upon a successful hunt. They have no overhead costs. Since it is an OBC, there is no cash-out-of-pocket for RCI. 6. Hunters (cruisers loyal to RCI) are literally helping make their next RCI experience better. Everyone who posts on CC in general is trying to share information to help others. These are the type of people I would like on my next cruise. Ret MP stated he, like so many CC posters, tries his best to get the latest and most accurate information. It is difficult sometimes to blend in multiple conflicting answers within RCI's websites and other cruise sites. He tries to share them. He sometimes gets bombarded with "That is not the policy or fact of the matter" when the real problem is that there are two or more "correct" answers found in multiple sites and threads. RCI, if you are reading this, think about it, I just put a letter in the suggestion box for free! 🀣
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