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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. Same thing happened with me. We took the family to Shakespeare’s Castle for Easter meal. All I took was pictures of the desert tables. The first thing my grandson did was grab a couple pieces of cheesecake, and bring back to the table for himself, before he went for food. Granddaughter probably won the desert competition. She had blueberry pie, cherry pie, Oreo cookie pudding, brownie, chocolate chip cookies, and cheesecake. That was in addition to a couple plates of food. Don’t know where that little girl puts it all.
  2. So, with our taking the grandkids on a cruise this summer, Susan wants to encourage duck hiding. She thinks the kids will have fun with that. Not saying I approve, but after getting this email today, I volunteered to pick up some ducks. I wonder how many she needs? My work may be cut out for me.
  3. Yesterday was a beautiful day for a hike. It has been a while since we have been on a nature trail. Somehow, when I change up the type of terrain, I find muscles that haven’t been getting a workout. The turtles were out sunning. After the heavy, all day rain we had the other day, I expected the trail to be muddy. The trail was pretty dry This is the easy walking part Stream was a little muddy. The falls were flowing full. So, I guess I may need to do a few more of these if I want to do a 20km hike with @aussielozzie18 We did 10km on an afternoon walk, only stopping briefly for a couple photos, and it took us 2 hours and 40 minutes. Pace is low when you need to watch for roots and rocks on the trail. IMG_0850.mp4 Meanwhile, my daughter and her family went hiking about 25 miles from where we were. I think I know where our next hike will be. It looks beautiful there.
  4. Sorry to hear you are battling the flu, Dani. Susan had something on and off for almost a month. Thankfully, I didn’t get whatever she had. Hope you get rid of it soon.
  5. @FromSea2ShiningSea Beautiful photos. We have done a few of those types of hikes here. I am enjoying your photos.
  6. We have been watching The Blacklist, on Netflix. I can’t believe they had 10 seasons, and we never watched one episode till now. We are now up to the middle of season five.
  7. Got an email from United, saying they had $99 fares from Pittsburgh to EWR. I started looking at cruises from Cape Liberty, but none around the cheap dates. I did find a couple nice cruises I am trying to talk Susan in to.
  8. We are in the path, and our schools are not cancelled. They do get out early to watch it. According to one of the forecasts, we have a 68% chance of cloud cover, so we may not see it. Will have to watch the forecast as we get closer.
  9. That is pretty ambitious for a day hike, especially over uneven terrain. I would spend a couple days, enjoying the scenery along the way, rather than rushing to finish in a day.
  10. I don’t recall what your engineering background is, but you may find this interesting. I know I mentioned earlier that the collapse reminded me of the ship impact related collapse of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapse in 1980. I remember several papers being presented at the International Bridge Conference in the early, mid 80’s about that incident. This link is to the NTSB investigation and report on that collapse. https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/MAR8103.pdf NTSB will be doing the same thing for this investigation. It took them about 10 months to complete that report. Unfortunately, the construction of the Key Bridge predates some of the recommendations to address ship impact possibilities.
  11. +1 We have been watching coverage all morning. Reminds me of the collapse of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in 1980. The Key Bridge was built about 3 years prior to the Sunshine collapse. Several recommendations came out after that ship impact collapse, related to pier protection and warning systems. No doubt that they will be working to clear the main channel as soon as rescue and recovery operations are complete.
  12. The one in my son’s Tesla X is huge. Think of a computer monitor in a vertical orientation. I like how his can have rear traffic view in one section, plus navigation and other functions in split screens below.
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