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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Those look really good. I really like the pro mode. Besides the adjustments I also like the line that appears that helps me balance the horizon correctly.
  2. Hey Crystal, thanks for posting the pics and videos. Looks like the group had a great time celebrating your birthday! I wish I had that meat, cheese and crackers plank to munch on right now! Happy Birthday.
  3. I don't know if you remember me posting different signs in Seattle that kept using the word Kraken . I didn't realize it at the time that it was the name of their hockey team 😳.
  4. @dani negreanu So sorry that you had a disappointing cruise. I hate to see such a good hearted person like yourself have such a bad experience. Thanks for sharing. Please don't let this one discourage you from cruising again.
  5. Her uncle was probably saying something she wasn't believing. A few years ago I started a thing with elephants. I would tell the Grandkids not to let an elephant in Gpa's house. Last evening the girls came in and said something was wrong with the lamp in their room. I asked if there was an elephant in there. I said if either smiled while telling me I will know they are kidding. They started saying yes with these reactions..... They couldn't say yes without eventually smiling! Fun times.
  6. When the kids tell you they got a good deal on tickets expect to do some climbing! Get view of the Ohio River. .... and Lottie likes it up here....
  7. I love it when we are here but probably a good think it's not available daily back home. We do sometimes buy Skyline chili mix and occasionally make it ourselves.
  8. The first Skyline stop I remembered to just get a small 5 Way if I am getting a couple coney dogs. This time I got a regular 5 Way and 1 Coney Dog. Way to much. So much for losing 10 lbs the last few weeks.
  9. We just left and headed to Cincinnati to watch a ballgame. We have been at Lakeside on the 4th and it is fun. They have a parade and kids decorate bikes to ride in it. They later have a great fireworks display at the end of the pier. The downside is it's very crowded. We could see a big difference yesterday and this morning. I have always enjoyed the waves crashing. After a big storm the wave flow over the pier. It gets bad enough they close the pier. When I was young a friend and I went out on the pier after a storm. They were not allowing swimming. We each had a plastic gallon milk jug with us to help us float. We jumped in on the wavy side. A big wave carried me half way back on the pier. When the wave went back out I was hanging onto the side with one arm and leg. There was now a large drop to the water. It seemed like it took forever for the next wave to push me the rest of the way onto the pier! Great memories.
  10. Today was our hottest day here and it was muggy but about an hour a storm rolled in, the temperature dropped and no longer muggy. We even put long sleeve shirts on. The wind is up and the lake is getting choppy. I tied to post this a couple hours ago then then rain rolled in and we took off. Get a block or two from the lake and poor cell internet. Almost like cruising internet.
  11. Allergies and asthma has kept us from pets. My youngest daughter now has a standard poodle 🐩 and it has not caused any problems.
  12. I remember as a kid our cat ran in the house and dropped a chipmunk off in the house. That night mom let out a scream as the chipmunk ran across the bed.
  13. Thanks, I use a Samsung S21 Ultra. I am still learning more about it. My brother just tried it on a Samsung Note 9 and it didn't work.
  14. Sharon's bother and wife was there for awhile. When they came back to the states each year they enjoyed going to the mountains because they spent a lot of time at the beach in Fiji.
  15. We have really been enjoying the Ohio weather this week. Actually felt cold down by the lake a couple evenings. Today is much hotter and much more humid. Also the 4th of July weekend crowd is rolling in. We really enjoyed our time here.
  16. TSOTD FIJI ISLAND NISABULI - WHERE HAPPINESS FINES YOU. While Sharon's family was living in Fiji, they took in a Fiji brother. Some of his relatives came to the states a couple years ago a brought us t-shirts. We really want to visit Fiji.
  17. @Ocean Boy Have you taken shots in portrait mode? While using it this week I noticed when I looked at them in the gallery it popped up a note that said I could change the background. That is how I got B&W backgrounds on some of the pics I just posted.
  18. Lottie was enjoying time alone..... Kenzie thought she better check on her....... Lottie tried to explain she was OK alone..... But Kenzie was not buying it and looked for help..... Lottie, I am fine... Sorry Kenzie.......
  19. I was close to getting one before Alaska but the learning curve of the camera and editing software stopped me. This one is tempting. I need to find more pic samples taken with this new one. The stabilization for video on this one is great.
  20. @Sea Dog Have you checked out the new Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch 360 Edition. It has duel 1 inch sensors, shots 6k video and was co-engineered with Leica. Some were wanting 8k video but say the 1 inch sensors make a big difference. I know we talked about 360 cameras before but I can’t remember if you got one yet.
  21. With the new D, D+ and P free drinks, they might be able to sell 5 drinks per day packages.
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