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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. That stinks. Right now we have thin scattered clouds. It should not effect things. I am thankful how warm it will be and that the path of it goes over our town.
  2. I woke up at 5am and it looked like the eclipse had already started. 😆 The hourly forecast shows it to be 80⁰ an hour before the eclipse gets here and then dropping to 75⁰ then back up to 80⁰.
  3. That's probably what the ref thought in that split second. The ref ..... I better call a foul so we get the highest rating possible! 😆 OH, and Clark will make the finals! Good thing a foul happened so the ref could call it and get their way!
  4. Not only 21 points, she had 9 rebounds. That's pretty good for a 6 footer. I agree that it was definitely a foul. If the foul was called half way through the game noone would be complaining or even remembering the foul. If the foul wasn't called and UConn scored Iowa State fans would have had a legitimate complaint. Why should a foul be ignored with 4 seconds left?
  5. Two weeks ago I was home alone and about 1pm I heard a load bang and the house shook. It sounded like lightning hit the house but it was sunny out. Later we read many other people heard it. Noone knew for sure what it was. Some guessed a military training plane breaking the sound barrier. The plane they described sound like a refuel plane that would not break the sound barrier. I remember in the 1960's we would hear the booms from planes in Columbus Ohio. They later stopped the planes from flying low over resident areas.
  6. When we lived in NE Arkansas we felt a couple earthquakes in 4 years from the New Madrid Fault. Since we moved to NC Arkansas maybe 2 or 3 in the last 38 years. I don't remember one in the last 25 years.
  7. I didn't tell my pizza joke because I thought it was too cheesy! And my paper jokes are terrible. I do have a great boxing joke.........but I can't remember the punchline!
  8. Thanks 😊 for the Happy Birthday wishes! Although many of the family was here yesterday, they all plan to be here next weekend to celebrate my birthday! Sharon's DB and wife came to spend a few days with us. Friday Sharon spent hours leveling dirt between the garden beds. Yesterday many spent time finishing the leveling and then laying down pea gravel. Today they are spreading sand over the gravel, leveling the sand and then adding stepping stones/pavers. It's all in an effort to make it easy for me to ride my electric chair into the garden! What a loving family. Lots of work!
  9. If you do get out when it's raining cats and dogs make sure to take pics, people here love pics of cats and dogs!
  10. These were taken October 2021 from the tall slide. Good memory!
  11. Thankful it went well for you! I hope you have a quick recovery! The hydrocodone works great for my kidney stones pain.
  12. I got tired of all the whining. Hunter should be good. All the games he practiced beforehand looks like it's paying off. So far too much attention has been towards the purple team. With them down to 3 I hope they regroup the teams soon.
  13. I didn't realize today was the 1st day of spring! When I read this I got so excited I wet my plants 🪴
  14. The sort that you have selected will sort based on when you made changes to or modified your pics. Here is what I do.... Make folders for each day and then group those folders into one, the ship folder. The easy way to sort is to go to Gallery and click pictures. Go to the day that you want and you can select the whole day after selecting one pic. After creating the day folders you can group them together by going to albums, click the + at the top then select group. If you forget a day you can create a new folder in the group folder. Once done you can move pics from one folder to the the other such as the A Glance Of The Day pics. I hope this helps.
  15. The path of the eclipse goes directly over our town. The church we attend sits on top of one of the highest areas around. We are inviting anyone to join us and making it a fun event. Sharon's DB and mom are coming from Alabama to join us.
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