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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Asthma is a problem in our family. Our daughter, Finnley's mom, has ended up in the hospital just being in a room that a cat was in awhile but not when she was. Dogs bother her too. Her family now has a standard poodle 🐩 that doesn't trigger her asthma.
  2. Thanks, I have never noticed this. I just tried it. It says it is new. I have used "the eye" above pics in the photo gallery. I will be using this more now!
  3. I bet they would have fun! They loved Disney. They like Lakeside Ohio too. Maybe someday they all go to Cedar Point together! Here's a pic of them from Father's day. Finnley is about Kenzie's size! Finnley is 22 months, Kenzie 23 months older! Crazy
  4. @George C Happy Birthday George! Hope you have a great day. Happy to see you are still enjoying retirement too!
  5. Are you going to Silver Dollar City? The Marvel Cave at SDC is nice! We have been to SDC several times. We would walk pass the cave entrance without really noticing it. The last time there we went on the Cave tour. Nice! You will be amazed.
  6. Not sure you can see it, we diced up garlic and browned it in the frying pan before sprinkling over the egg. Not sure if I ever mentioned 🤔 it, I really like garlic!
  7. Garden doing good. Thursday harvest... Yesterday morning Sharon brought in this Orange Kentucky Beefsteak. Yesterday afternoon... We have been enjoying We also pulled the last garlic Yesterday. We got 215 bulbs this year. So far we have harvested 45 regular tomatoes 🍅 and over 100 cherry tomatoes! The neighbors are loving it!
  8. Thanks for sharing the cruise. We enjoyed the pics and videos so much I may just go through them again! I hope you have safe travels home.
  9. That's a great family picture. I would print it and hang it! I agree that our Alaska cruise we took 2 years ago was probably our favorite. It is a blessing to experience the beauty. Thankful that y'all made it home safe and are getting better. Thanks again for sharing 😊
  10. Thanks for sharing your adventure! I hope all get well soon and have safe travels home.
  11. I have been mirroring these pics and videos to my TV! Beautiful! While mirroring Alesund my GD Kenzie looked and said, wow, do people live near water? They must get on those boats. Then she saw a pic of Jewel.... Wow! Look how big that boat is! I said, that's a cruise ship. She replied, is that what you and Shashey get on? 😆 I bet she will love it when she can cruise.
  12. Just caught up. Thankful I found this! Your photos are bringing so many great memories of the ship and the ports. We loved the Halibut fish and chips at the Skagway Brewing Co. Did you try a Doughboy in Skagway? While in Seattle did you go to the glass museum? We had this booked for June 21st but had to cancel 😞. Enjoy the rest of the adventure and keep the pics coming! Glad to hear the young one is getting better.
  13. The tomatoes are ripening. The ones that were on the deck were eaten by a squirrel so Sharon moved the grow bags to the garden. Here are some from the other plants.
  14. I remember it on CC too . We may of talked about it some here. I didn't know about flamingos either. This all reminds me of what happened a few months ago. To make it easier for me, Sharon attached an old tie to the door where the ramp is so I could easily close it. We invited friends over and as they started through that door they slowly opened it and yelled in, is it OK for us to enter or should we come back later? We found out it was an old college dorm room warning!
  15. It's great. Hope you don't mind, I converted it to mp4 so all can see. IMG_6252_1.mp4
  16. After everyone left Sharon and I headed down to the garden. It is doing good. The cucumbers are taking off. As the sun was setting we harvested 28 bulbs of garlic. Speaking of mulch, Sharon added 3 beds to the garden and added mulch around each one. The tomatoes on the back deck are starting to ripen already!
  17. I use 00 America Pizza Flour. It is made to cook at 550⁰ in the oven. https://www.amazon.com/Antimo-Caputo-Americana-Pizza-Molino/dp/B014OC80QA/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=2NFJC4TBDHSX8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7G6NpIypnwbjP9nnybBRMw0wVRr3x43BK2h6D9MmXK6Ff5GU9ukSdToTJmrHZ2m_jsfCLFMwPnHzrSLNxWHE49Cm4CjLQ6S6KJc9tWDs8rhDit_slMcLS29y547UYvsRb6pu27qj9_dg801z2rG4z4laiIUxFg--OiJWznvUw2f3Rc2W6LpuRAxTzcIFpyTFxCYLKrF5-pBP8-uqtMtwew.1sxcl4RQmQE2Eis_eiykaMEgbnV0q2LfHkBZgMQNthY&dib_tag=se&keywords=caputo+00+americana+pizza+flour&qid=1716753528&sprefix=americana+00%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
  18. Sharon and I made enough dough yesterday for 9 pizzas. We made 8. Here are 6 of the dough balls 😋 2 cheese pizzas went quick to the kids. Next was a pesto pizza. I started eating it then realized I didn't take a picture 🙃 The green pieces on top is garlic scapes! It was so good we made another pesto pizza! This pizza had roasted tomatoes, pepperoni, and orange bell peppers.
  19. Dani, I never thought this war would go this long! We will continue praying for you, your DH and family. The strength you show is so encouraging! Hang in there.
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