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Posts posted by Peregrina651

  1. Orkney today.   It was cold and I really should not have left my fourth windbreaker layer on the bus. Temps this morning in the 50s.


    My second visit to the islands with Viking. On the first, we did the 2016 version of the included tour which included visits to the Italian Church, the Ring of Brodnar and I don't remember now what else. 


    This visit we chose the 3.5 hour optional tour that covered Scapa Flow and Skara Brae. Let me start by saying that I loved the tour. It was the perfect tour for my attention span and it covered exactly what I wanted to see. Icing on the cake was our guide Lorraine. She was very knowledgeable. She spoke slowly and clearly and it was obvious that she has been herding tourist and other varieties of cats for a while. She was Mrs. Doubtfire -- soft-spoken but no doubt who was in charge.


    The tour is an hour narrated drive along the Scapa Flow to the the Skara Brae/Skaill House property, an hour and a half at the property and a one hour drive back to the ship that passes more Neolithic sites including Ring of Brodnar and the Standing Stones of Stennis.


    • Like 5
  2. On 5/14/2024 at 10:08 PM, Peregrina651 said:


    And the realization that some things cannot be planned for. Gotta roll with the punches some days.  


    Like getting sick and not leaving the cabin for two days.  I missed Liverpool and Belfast, where we had planned to do the included tours and then wander on our own.  


    DH did the tours without me and gave both tours a thumbs up.  



  3. 2 hours ago, ericosmith said:

    I'm not sure this works if you've booked through a travel agent.  You can get a copy through them but not on MVJ in my experience.


    That is true. If you work with a TA, you will not be able to use MVJ to get a copy of your Viking Guest Statement.


    The statement is very important and even if you work with a TA, all guests should read over the entire statement to make sure that all the details are correct and that needed corrections are made before paying the deposit.  Once you make the deposit, you have entered into a contract with Viking and any changed are much more difficult to rectify. 

  4. 2 hours ago, travelingJimmy said:

    Perfect!   Thank you


    Don't waste time starting from the  beginning.  Most of the pre-COVID discussion is out if date and even many of the post-COVID protocols have disappeared.


    I suggest going back to January, 2022 and reading to the end.  If after that you are still curious, go back to Post#1 and read until you have had enough (just remember that at this point the information is pretty much outdated and you are reading for the nostalgia factor). 


    Then start working you way through this forum reading the topics from the last 18 months that appeal.  Anything older than 18 months or so can be outdated (and therefore misleading).  Stick with recent information.  


    Also, don't forget to join the roll call for your saildate and if you don't participate, at least follow it -- because you never know where you will learn something helpful or important. (Click FOLLOW and chose Daily Digest as your notification method).

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, LindaS272 said:

    My understanding from reading CC these last years is that each ship is refurbished every five years and taken out of circulation for a few months for that purpose.


    From what I've read here over the years, it is just a two-week lay up and usually somewhere along the route already planned. 


    It is amazing how much they can get done when there are no guests to get in the way and they can work as many hours a day as necessary.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, CDNPolar said:


    This is what I thought, and this would be done in a season that the ship is either due to reposition, or when they can afford to have a ship out of service.  This is very similar to a hotel schedule of 5 years for complete refurbishment, but hotels will just shut down a floor or portion of a floor at a time.


    I believe that our resident merchant mariners (Heidi13, Jim Avery and chengkp75) have explained that there is a required dry docking every 5 years and that it is definitely built into the ship's itinerary well in advance.  While the required operational checks are carried out there is time for refurbishing the hotel space.


    In the meantime, maintenance and repair is ongoing.  

    • Like 1
  7. If you are working with a TA and they have not sent you a copy of your Viking Guest Statement, contact them and ask them to send you the most up-to-date copy -- not any invoice that the Travel Agent may generate. While you are at it, ask them to send the invoice automatically each time a change is made, such as payments made or items removed.


    There is a lot more helpful information contained in the invoice than just what the trip is costing you and the itinerary. (BTW, if they are unwilling or unable to fulfill your request, it might be time to find a new TA). 


    If you are not working with a TA, you can view and download the most recent version on MVJ.

    • Like 1
  8. Crew happiness has little to with which ship they are serving on and a whole more to do with the tone set by the management team.  There is no way to predict who that team will be at booking.


    Moreover, as a GM explained, the crew is constantly changing with handfuls of crew coming and going at a time as opposed to large blocks of personnel being replaced at one time.  V has found that it is easier to integrate smaller numbers at a time.



    • Like 2
  9. 21 hours ago, Mitina said:

    Of course, it be hilarious if gate agents would ask which of their carry-ons is their personal item and will be going under their seat.


    Works unless the airline has completely blocked the under-seat space with their equipment.  That has happened to us often enough. 

    • Like 2
  10. So! I'm sitting here on the ship thinking about just how badly our packing turned out for trip.  Temps are warmer than anticipated the past few days. But will they continue so as we head north?


    It does not matter how many times I do this. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don't.  

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  11. 5 hours ago, Moby_Spout said:

    Thanks to you, Neptune team, for being intrepid reporters thru colds, cold and challenging environments! Your info makes for good reading and better planning.


    And the realization that some things cannot be planned for. Gotta roll with the punches some days.  

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  12. TUESDAY.


    We are in Holyhead today.  DH and I did the South Stack Lighthouse Reserve this morning.  I did not stick with the group.  I wanted to see more of the lighthouse and the guided portion does not go there (because it is more demanding than the tour already is). 


    Mobility impaired here is what you need to know.  The ground is mostly unpaved.  The steps at start of the tour are uneven and slippery when wet.  The step height is uneven and except for the first 20 ft, there is no handrail.   After 100 ft or so, it is a dirt track leading to the first overlook. At this point, I left the tour and cannot report on the rest of the pathway. 


    The walk to the lighthouse is up then down until you reach the staircase down to the lighthouse.  I did not make it all the way.   It is a paved pathway.  There is a parapet on both sides with railings along one side or another at some points.  The steps are steep in some place and flatter in others -- but at least I wasn't cursing them like the first set of stairs.  However, this route is not for wheeled devices of any sort. I was winded even though I took it slow; having a cold did not help.


    I really enjoyed this outing.  What I heard of the guide, Donna, was good. She was joined by a RSPB volunteer, who was really knowledgeable about the birds in the reserve.  


    • Like 2
  13. 17 hours ago, MSEm said:

    Viking Laundry cost are reasonable, much cheaper that other cruise lines. Viking offers laundry service as a convenient to guest on the ship. It is not a profit center for the company.

    I carry a small travel bottle (I fill at home) of Dove dish detergent. It is an excellent spot treatment and also for doing some items in the sink.


    Shampoo, another type of detergent, also works, and you don't have to bring it from home.  The hotels and ships supply it free 😉.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, ustowas said:

    We will be boarding in Bergen after you disembark.  The world cruise team painted wonderful picture of the ship and crew hope you have a wonderful time,


    Much of the team that served the world cruise has rotated or will be rotating off the ship.  Kaycee Siu is now GM Hotel.  

  15. We were among the 20 independent travelers who made it into Dublin. We knew before the first (and only) shuttle bus left to take us into Dublin that tendering had been cancelled. The shuttle parks right in front of the National Gallery.


    We took off for our first destination, The Little Museum of Dublin, with a stop at Boots along the way. It was a 5 min walk back to the shuttle bus and our next stop, the National Gallery.   We checked in with the bus driver for an update and learned that the last shuttle would be at 2pm. 


    The museum opened at 11 and in spite of timed tickets we went right in to see the "Turning Faces" exhibition. We did not get to see the "Lost Caravaggio" because it is in the Ulster Museum in Belfast until September.  Back to the bus to wait. At 1pm, the first shuttle returned to Dun Loaghaire (pronounced Dun-lerry). About 20 minutes later it was announced that we were being bussed to a nearby hotel to wait.  We were fed (soup, tea, scones); we had nice clean toilet facilities; there was plenty of seating. And all of this put together in just a few hours.  Many thanks to the Royal Marine hotel for their gracious hospitality.


    At 6pm, the return to the ship began. By 7pm the first tender was unloading.


    • Like 8
  16. I'm on board now.  I made sure to pack enough clothing to get us through our  post cruise days when we won't have access to laundry facilities. We can dress for five days without having to do any laundry. 


    For planning purposes, sending laundry out takes 2 day -- in by 9 am back the next day at dinner time.  If your steward gets to your cabin after 9am, it will be yet another day before you get it back.  


  17. 8 hours ago, KBs mum said:

    The ship has a doctor on board who can supply medications. 

    In Europe shops that would be called a pharmacy in the US don't 


    We bring 




    Anti histamines

    Wound dressings

    Antiseptic wipes

    Steri strips

    +prescription stuff



    In addition, I always travel with an antibiotic for bacterial infections -- such as sinusitis and reactions to the local germ pool -- just in case.  Most of the time, they go unused but when needed, it is good not to have to go looking for a pharmacy.  

  18. Internet is not my friend.  Just wasted an hour typing posts that never got posted covering our precruise.  I give up. 


    Yesterday was Dover. We skipped all of the Viking tours and spent the day at Dover Castle.  LOVED IT.  Even though the Viking Shuttle was available we took cabs there and back. 


    I can only say about the Shuttle that it stops in the town center and Dover Castle. However, we were never told how frequently it runs. Also, if the Castle stop is where I think it was, it is a long walk to get to after you have spent the day at the Castle. LOTS OF WALKING.

  19. 57 minutes ago, OneSixtyToOne said:

    I believe Greenwich is used in high season but sailings earlier or later in the year use Tilbury.


    Ever the contrarian, I wonder if there is more to it than just high vs low season --such as seasonal changes in depth of the river,  times of day of the high tides and other cruise lines beat them to the punch.

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