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  1. I hope things get better. We just got off our 3rd VV cruise and they have all been great. Very different from other cruises. I'm sure it helps that our son and daughter in law both work for VV so they can eliminate any stress or concerns before we board. Our son leaves for New Zealand in January to help with Resilient coming into port.
  2. That's a good reason to discourage it. My daughter just told me that they tailgated 2 nights ago in LA, just bought a parking pass online.
  3. I'm sorry Lisa didn't get tickets. When Taylor was in San Fransisco my daughter and a few friends looked for tickets on Stubhub and the prices were ridiculous but the day of the show the prices starting dropping fast. Their plan was to tailgate in the parking lot so they could still hear her perform and still hope that the prices would drop to what they were willing to pay. They gave up looking because they were having so much fun with all of the other Swifties. After the first few songs the prices had dropped to the original selling price.
  4. I read that 31 million people registered for verifications codes for the Toronto concerts. Everyone that I know got waitlisted. My daughter was at TS last show in LA last night. She had already seen her in Tampa and Ohio but of course needed to see her one more time. I didn't ask any questions pertaining to the concert but found out she had the first row of floor seats behind the special guests, including Emma Stone and Adam Sandler. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Lisa!
  5. Thanks. I told my daughter about the restaurant. She just finished her contract at Stanford and signed another one at UCSF so she will be living in North Beach area so maybe it's close enough for her to try.
  6. The best is yet to come with her towel creations! Tell her that Lori and Steve said hi. We made a t shirt for her grandson Bozi.
  7. We had Marijana on Harmony and she was amazing!
  8. Thanks. Everyone is getting back to their new normal. My brother had a yacht that was just removed from inside his home and now they are applying for permits to start rebuilding.
  9. Baileys General Store? I grew up in Ft Myers and my family had condos on Captiva. I have family and friends that still live there, including my daughter.
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