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Posts posted by jollyjones

  1. I think suites get unlimited free but as a solo cruiser a suite has not been in my experience. I expect it's the slow speed; the free 60 mins are definitely at the slow speed.


    Checking regularly with speedtest because I wondered why I was struggling, I found the slow speed to be between 100 and 600 Kbps; I was told the premium was more like 2 Mbps. It also drops out frequently.

  2. The OP was asking for lunch - tricky to do a special dinner when you are in port for one day 8am - 4pm.


    The short port time is why I included travel time considerations in my suggestions.


    I'm not sure you can always make lunch reservations but if you can, I'd suggest the OP does.


    There's nothing wrong with the F&O, the Hog Penny or the Swizzle but there's nothing very special either - no views and the food is not very 'local' and is mostly deep fried.


    If it was me, I'd choose Coconuts; for a cheaper option Henry VIII does have some nice views.


  3. It's actually not a completely new system. At the end of last year SS tried out a couple of new providers so for a while internet was free and unlimited on the Wind and the Spirit, but then they settled on the current provider and the internet packages have been as you describe for some months now. They were definitely like that on the Spirit for the TA in April.


    The 60 mins a day free not being rolled over after each 24 hours is really irritating, and indeed unless you time it yourself you have no way of knowing how much you've used till after you log off which is just ridiculous.


    I bought the unlimited standard package for the voyage which worked out at about $17 a day I think, but I regretted not buying the premium ($29?) because the speed was so useless - I seem to recall that I mostly got about 600 Kps, the premium was maybe 2 Mps download. You can buy the unlimited in 24 hour packages but it is much, much cheaper to buy it for the full voyage on the first day. Also, I think the longer the voyage, the cheaper the per diem.


    You can only have one device connected at a time but the handoff between them is really smooth; it can be difficult to find the log on / log off pages sometimes.


    One trick I learned is that the free minutes and the paid minutes are considered as separate packages so I usually had my iPad on the unlimited package - no need to log off - and I could use my 60 mins at the same time if I needed to do a bit of work on my laptop.


    This being said, I strongly agree that since connectivity is such a part of normal life now, on a luxury line it should just be freely available all the while without playing around with packages - SS, ARE YOU LISTENING??

  4. Frog and Onion is fun and the beer is good but there's no view - the proximity to the ship does compensate for that.


    For something much more special you could try Breezes at Cambridge Beaches


    Or Coconuts at The Reefs



    Both of these are by beautiful beaches and the lunch will definitely be memorable but they may be more expensive that you'd want. And you'd need a taxi, you can't rent a car here.


    Or you could take the ferry into Hamilton and go to 1609 at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess, a short walk from the ferry terminal, and with amazing views down the harbour but you'd have to be very, very careful to get the 3pm ferry back or you'll miss your ship - I guess if you have an early lunch you could get the 2pm ferry.


    Ferry schedules:


  5. It is funny what you do when you are inquisitive.


    I have just calculated that just 41 voters decided the outcome of the election. :(


    In our system for a party to win they need to have 326 MPs out of a total of 650. However because the speaker cannot vote and Sinn Fein never attend a working majority of just one MP would give a requirement for 322 MPs. The conservatives achieved 318 therefore a shortful of 4 MPs or more accurately 2 consituencies that went to Labour instead of Conservative.


    If you take the two smallest margins where Labour won and Conservatives were second, these were Newcastle Under Lyme which Labour gained by a 30 vote win for Paul Farrelly (L) over Owen Meredith ©. In Crewe and Nantwich Laura Smith (L) triumphed over Edward Timpson © by 48 votes.


    So all other things being equal, if 16 people had voted Conservative instead of Labour in Newcastle Under Lyme and 25 in Crewe and Nantwich did the same then the Conservatives would have had a working majority.


    41 people appeared to have decided the outcome in two constiuencies. Someone please tell me I'm wrong in my calculations.


    "Wrong" ? Who cares - it's a calculation without any use or meaning.


    Hubris got what hubris deserved.

  6. While reading this thread, it came up to my mind, that there appears not to be many subjects to talk to people one just met. This independently if it is on a cruise or not.

    For example, politics and religion are tabu. Many people do not want to be asked where they come from and other subjects seem to be also not desirable for some people. Not easy, if the environment is small like on a ship and if we are getting to know new people.


    I just take it easy. I do not have any problems on being asked, what I do for a living. I do enjoy interesting conversations and I do enjoy getting to know people from different backgrounds. I do not mind being asked about subjects from my professional background. But this is just me :cool:


    It's easier for Brits, we just always moan, er, talk about the weather - it's too hot ... too cold ... too wet ... too dry ... or even too nice, expecting it to be worse ...

  7. I'm so glad to read that people have enjoyed their TA cruises. The descriptions are exactly what my DH and I are hoping to experience come August.



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    Hi MLeh,


    I've done lots of TAs and I'm on the same cruise in August but I'm afraid I don't really consider it a 'proper' TA - four sea days and one 'scenic cruising' out of 17 is not enough to develop the vibe you get with 5, 6 or even 8 sea days stretching uninterruptedly in front of you. I'm doing the cruise for the interesting ports itinerary otherwise I wouldn't be on it - I'm sure I shall be exhausted after disembarkation - 'proper' TAs are so much more relaxing!


    But I always feel that if one cruise isn't everything you desire, that's a perfect excuse to take the next cruise ...

  8. A bacon buttie is a sandwich on a white bread roll - this distinguishes it from a sandwich on sliced white bread which is a bacon sarnie. Both with plenty of butter and bacon fat from the frying pan - British health food at it's best, but they don't half taste good.


    P.S. I think 'buttie' may derive from 'butter' (implying a buttered bread sandwich) and a love of alliteration, but I don't really know.

  9. TAs are wonderful, I'd do them twice a year if I didn't have so many other things to do.


    All those sea days to do nothing/drink/eat/trivia/talk to any passing person. Admittedly they do stop here and there but the ports are useful to go ashore and stretch your legs in a usually vain attempt to walk off the calories.


    I sail solo and never have a problem with cliques, not sure I've ever really been aware of any. And don't forget - if one did form that excluded you, you wouldn't want to be part of it anyway!

  10. What a difference a day makes ...


    Yesterday the British team was knocked out of the America's Cup, Theresa May caused the UK to be knocked into chaos, Comey gave his unsettling testimony, and our own Premier called an election to avoid a vote of no confidence. I know Bermuda's a bit unimportant but the result does matter to me, and could impact our cruise visitors.


    Almost too nervous to read the news these days! Need another cruise.

  11. No point going to the east side, back to the west side, then back to the east side again. The PCC is about as far away from the dock as you can get on Oahu, a good hours drive each way, or more depending on traffic.

    Google maps will help you here - it's on the coast up in the north east. Have a look for yourself.



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  12. If your cruise departs from a US port, as your does I think, you are subject to the same rules as US folk - that's US of A rules, your nationality is irrelevant. As a Brit, I've just booked an Azamara Cuban cruise sailing from Miami and I have downloaded the affidavit from their website, no problem, and they do the visa for $75 - I get it when I board. I expect NCL will be similar - try searching their website.



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  13. When you walk away from Horseshoe Bay there is a really nice restaurant on the main road called Windrush, I think. We had a really tasty pizza there.


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    It's the Gulfstream restaurant - it's on the other side of the road and to your left as you stand at the top of the road up from Horseshoe beach. Very well worth a visit - the pizzas are indeed excellent - and you can sit out on the verandah and enjoy the mild weather.



  14. I love those that like to say "security theatre" and demean TSA workers....but then ignore the total lack of hijackings, or bombs on US domestic or departing US international flights, since the TSA started, as opposed to flights in other countries that don't have our "security theatre".


    Jumping a little fast to conclusions there.


    I didn't mention TSA because I know perfectly well that it's Homeland Security, not TSA - in fact, I think the front line TSA staff do a fair job in tough circumstances. It's the policy makers who worry me.

    Why is everyone ignoring the illogicality of currently requiring lithium batteries to be in the cabin (where fire can be found and dealt with), but they may soon be required to be in the hold out of sight - with this hugely increased number in the hold, there is a concomitant risk that one will be faulty. It's not an easy problem to deal with but it seems to me that just putting them all in the hold doesn't remove the explosive possibilities (timer? altitude switch?) but does increase the fire danger. Lithium fires do happen.

    A recent article discussing the difficulties surrounding lithium batteries:


  15. There is a better way. Simply leave all your electronics at home :). When we started cruising (more then forty years ago) we had no electronics....and did quite fine :). If you simply "must have" your electronics you will simply have to roll with the waves and follow the procedures that exist at the time.




    Oh, puleeze ...


    You're free to be a Luddite if you wish, but some of us prefer to live in the present. I'd be more willing to 'follow the procedures that exist at the time' if they were anything more than just security theatre. According to plenty of groups that know about these things (e.g. pilots among others) putting hundreds of lithium batteries out of sight in the hold may superficially increase 'security' but will definitely not increase safety.

  16. Another senseless tragedy. So very sad.


    Senseless to us but, presumably, not to the perpetrator.


    It's that gulf of complete mutual incomprehension that is the true tragedy; we'll never stop these attacks while we don't bridge that gap.


    But don't ask me how, I haven't a clue. Sadly, nor do most of our so-called leaders.

  17. Most of the beaches are exactly the same colour - a whitish sand with a pink tinge - that is what is meant by a pink sand beach. It looks entirely different from a yellow sand beach which, being used to Bermuda beaches, always looks dirty to me.


    All the beaches along the south shore - Church, Horseshoe, Chaplin, Warwick Long Bay, Elbow, Grape Bay, John Smiths etc etc are the same colour. Look on google maps or similar to see where they are and what they look like.

  18. Heidi's mother just died - I'm sure she'll carry on business as usual but she's hurting a bit.


    And this is a PS, not to take away from Heidi's pain, but I take a bit of an issue with

    "To her credit, Heidi makes the most out of a place that is not a real standout when compared to the likes of Hawaii, Fiji or most of Polynesia."

    I've been to Hawaii, Fiji and most of Polynesia a number of times and I think you overstate their attractions.

  19. Yes, I've just had this 'clarification' and oh, you just can tell this was written by a man!


    All my evening shoes are strappy sandals. They even sell ridiculously expensive and very strappy evening sandals on board.


    (Doesn't say you actually have to wear shoes, maybe barefoot would suffice!)


    What is the difference between a summer dress and a sun dress?


    OK, I wouldn't like to see denim shorts in the evening but it doesn't say smart shorts in regular fabric are forbidden.


    T-shirts ... mmm ... define a t-shirt? Many of my evening tops are smart and pretty but could technically fall within the definition of a t-shirt; they're knit fabric with a round neckline and short sleeves.


    This is all totally silly knit picking of course - I know perfectly well how to dress suitably during a cruise, 180 days on SS and never been turned away from a restaurant yet - but my point is that I totally agree with emtbsam that this email is unhelpful nonsense.

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