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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Today’s Care list: The passing of Luvteaching’s DH Phil on 6/27 Smitty34877’s DH recovering from surgery Vict0riann’s Pat with urinary and kidney infections Marshhawk’s DH Chuck (catmando) with a cancer recurrence Seasick Sailor’s DH with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Loss of crew and passengers in the Titan submersible Canadian wildfires, unhealthy air quality for many Tornado victims and those with dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: Vict0riann’s headache due to trapezius muscle Tana’s pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis and a fall RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma and medication sensitivity Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Oceansaway17! Welcome home Aliaschief and DWAliaschief! Tupper10 back surgery a success Kochleffel’s new fur babies Dfish enjoying having River with her for a week All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: 6 days for Loveandpeas (Volendam July 5 to July 12), celebrating 16th honeymoon anniversary Oceansaway17 (Liberty of the Seas to July 8), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Insurance is vital - house, auto, medical, travel. I always had gotten the regular kind, but for my recent TA got enhanced medical and evacuation insurance in addition. I have double holes in each ear, that's enough. I'll remember the Columnists killed. Interesting quote. I've been to Fallingwater a few times as it's not that far away, and Taliesin West in Scottsdale. I like the meal and drink; pass on the wine. I haven't been to Cozumel. Whew, I'm beat. I didn't sleep well last night due to some stomach upset. And I was up at 5:45 to pick up BFF at 7. His appointment was 7:30 and we were there for 5 hours. Fortunately he only required the first removal for the mohs surgery. I tried to nap a bit in the waiting room, but the chairs were uncomfortable. We went out to eat afterwards and I'm just getting home. The AQI was 244 this morning, putting us in the purple range, the highest in 20 years. Winds have swept some smoke out and we're down to 188, but more smoke is coming in this evening. I may have to wear a mask to cut the grass tomorrow. @grapau27 @GTVCRUISER Nice photos. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for your photos. @kochleffel I'm glad the kitties ate food that you put out last night. @ottahand7 Sorry you had to use your rescue inhaler. Stay safe! Beautiful irises. @smitty34877 I'm glad DH finally got to a room, but that took a long time. I'm glad the family is able to get back to some meal normalcy. @Crazy For Cats Lovely rose! @Seasick Sailor Oh my eyes after looking at those piercing photos. @rafinmd Thanks for the explanation of Columnists Day. @Nickelpenny Good thing you don't have a fatty liver. @aliaschief Safe travels home tomorrow. Great photos. @RMLincoln I hope the hip is all better soon. Good to hear that extra Benadryl is helping DH's eyes. @Quartzsite Cruiser Yikes on that neighbor not looking both ways when backing out of her driveway. @Vict0riann I'm glad the doctor found a cause for your headache and I hope the PT helps. You always hear body builders talking about their "traps". Sorry you have to cancel your fall cruise, but best to be well first, as you said. @luvteaching We continue to think of and pray for you and your family at this time. I'm glad you have family and friends to surround you. Many decisions to be made and I'm sure you'll do what's fitting to memorialize Phil. @XBGuy That Wayfarers in Palos Verde is beautiful; I'd never heard of it before. @Sharon in AZ Cool photo in the caves. @Cruzin Terri Thanks for sharing your cruise and the great photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  3. Quick check-in from the Dermatologist office with BFF for his MOHS procedure. We have a code red, briefly purple air quality alert today! I guess I won’t mow the lawn today. You can smell the smoke in the air. I’ll post in full later.
  4. Today’s Care list: The passing of Luvteaching’s DH Phil on 6/27 Smitty34877’s DH recovering from surgery Vict0riann’s Pat with urinary and kidney infections Vict0riann’s chronic headache Marshhawk’s DH Chuck (catmando) with a cancer recurrence StLouisCruiser’s DB with a fall Seasick Sailor’s DH with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Loss of crew and passengers in the Titan submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma and medication sensitivity Marshhawk with elbow inflammation Celebrations and Shoutouts: Lindaler feeling better Tupper10 back surgery a success Kochleffel’s new fur babies Dfish enjoying having River with her for a week All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: 1 day for Oceansaway17 (Liberty of the Seas June 29 to July 8) 7 days for Loveandpeas (Volendam July 5 to July 12), celebrating 16th honeymoon anniversary aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. It's a sad day for us Dailyites. I like onions, I wear transition lenses (extra dark) and sunglasses if without regular glasses, as my eyes are very sun sensitive. Helen Keller was a remarkable individual. Love the sassy Mae West quote. The meal and drink look good; pass on the wine. I have been to Nawiliwili. Thanks to those who posted pictures. Rain, rain, rain here since yesterday, and it's chilly. I'm just back from PT. The therapist did some stretches of my legs that made me look like Gumby. Earlier I was at the Rheumatologist; no change in regimen. I declined steroids for the worsened hand joint pain, as now that I'm back on a regular schedule of the injections I hope that works. I have to leave at o'dark thirty tomorrow to take BFF to his Derm appointment, so I'll try to post the Cares List from my phone. @smitty34877 I'm glad DH had a good night, although wow on no beds and him having to stay in Recovery overnight. Hoping he's in a regular room now. Aww, on the dogs missing him. @ottahand7 It sounds like your foot wants you to rest more. @Crazy For Cats Sorry to hear about the layoffs at work, but I'm glad you weren't one of them. I'm sure the office isn't a cheerful place today. @aliaschief Enjoy your last full day aboard. @kochleffel Oh my on the cuts to your hands. It sounds like we need to wrap you in bubble wrap! @kazu I'm sure your friends at home appreciate you helping them. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad Allen is doing ok. @marshhawk I hope the PT goes well. @Heartgrove I'm sure it's tough getting the house painted with the rainy weather. I hope Sam has more good days than bad. @RMLincoln I'm sorry to hear DH has itchy eyes again. The grass pollen counts have been high, so that could definitely be a factor. @lindaler Good to hear that you're feeling better. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those with something to Celebrate. From my Aug 11, 2021 post: Sunrise in Nawiliwili Blowhole (Spouting Horn) Chickens in Kauai Waimea Canyon (it was foggy) Leaving Nawiliwili
  6. @luvteaching Karen, I am so sorry to hear of your DH's passing. You were such a wonderful support and caregiver to him through this time of illness, and I know he felt your love every day. I'm glad your son is there to support you. Be kind to yourself during this difficult time.
  7. Today’s Care list: Smitty34877’s DH recovering from surgery Luvteaching’s DH Phil in hospital with UTI, sepsis, kidney issues Vict0riann’s Pat with urinary and kidney infections Vict0riann’s chronic headache Marshhawk’s DH Chuck (catmando) with a cancer recurrence StLouisCruiser’s DB with a fall Seasick Sailor’s DH with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Marshhawk with elbow inflammation Loss of crew and passengers in the Titan submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues Aliaschief and Kochleffel with falls Ottahand7 toe injury Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kochleffel’s new fur babies Dfish enjoying having River with her for a week Catmando’s (marshhawk’s DH) DM Norma released from the hospital All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: 2 days for Oceansaway17 (Liberty of the Seas June 29 to July 8) aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  8. @smitty34877 Thanks for the update and I'm glad to hear that things went well. That's a long surgery, so you both will need to get lots of rest to recover from today. Continued prayers.
  9. I'm finally cooling down. I picked up all the sticks and branch parts from the yard. Then did all the edging, including at the sidewalk grass strip. By that time, I was sweating a lot and my back was killing me. I sat down a couple of times just to ease the muscles. I came inside when I finished, thinking maybe if I revived I could start mowing. But Mother Nature had other ideas, as it started raining while I was inside, and now it's thundering. So I'm done for the day. I already feel the muscles and joints protesting, so I may need some ibuprofen before bed. @aliaschief Very moving photos from Flanders Field. @smitty34877 and @luvteaching Thinking of and praying for you both.
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I have a male hair stylist. Forgiveness is important, I think more for the one doing the forgiving. I've never been in a canoe or a kayak. I don't agree with the quote. I'd take the meal is someone makes it for me, yes to the drink and wine. I'll salute those who received the Victoria Cross. I haven't been to the Phillipines. Weird weather here. They say morning and evening showers, but right now the sun is out. I may go out and collect all the sticks that have come down in the yard due to wind. If it stays dry, maybe I can get at least half the lawn mowed. Tomorrow is Rheumatology appt and PT, then Wednesday I take BFF for a MOHS procedure. @smitty34877 Prayers for DH and his surgical team today. We're all behind you and your family. @luvteaching Prayers for DH and you during this difficult time. @mamaofami Happy Birthday Carol! @Cruzin Terri Rest up for the busy days to come. @dfish Enjoy Frankenmuth. I'd like to visit there sometime. I get Bronner's catalogs in the mail. @cruising sister Ouch on the toe! Did you run into something during the night? Sorry your sister did that. @Nickelpenny Welcome home. @cunnorl That is great that DD has a wheelchair that allows her to go on the beach. @kochleffel I'm sure the cats will hide less once they've been there a while. I'm glad you don't have any significant injuries from you fall. @Cruising-along Feel better! I hate when that kind of thing happens from doing stuff. Prayers for the big Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate. Be careful out there, Dailyites!
  11. Today’s Care list: Smitty34877’s DH’s surgery today Luvteaching’s DH in hospital with UTI, sepsis, kidney issues Vict0riann’s Pat with urinary and kidney infections Vict0riann’s chronic headache Marshhawk’s DH Chuck (catmando) with a cancer recurrence StLouisCruiser’s DB with a fall Aliaschief and Kochleffel with a fall Seasick Sailor’s DH with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Marshhawk with elbow inflammation Two PA State Troopers shot - 1 deceased, 1 in serious condition Loss of crew and passengers in the Titan submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims, Ventana Fire Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues Ottahand7 toe injury Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday mamaofami (Carol)! Kochleffel’s new fur babies Nickelpenny on a driving tour with a friend Dfish enjoying having River with her for a week Catmando’s (marshhawk’s DH) DM Norma released from the hospital All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: 3 days for Oceansaway17 (Liberty of the Seas June 29 to July 8) aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I like log cabins and there are some very elaborate ones. I'll salute seafarers of course. No to catfish as food, although they keep fish tanks clean. Funny Groucho quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), maybe on the drink and no to the wine. I've been to Greece, but not Mykonos Island. Well, after posting the Cares list this AM, I went back to sleep and it was 9AM when I woke up! I had stayed up late to watch the Maulers (USFL) who are advancing to the finals; the only winning team around here right now. It's warm and humid here. We had rain overnight and more due this evening. I should mow the lawn, but I think it's too wet out still. And I'm lacking in ambition. I saw on my outdoor Blink cameras that I had a visitor around 2AM; a deer. I wonder if I should be concerned about ticks, as PA has the highest incidence of lyme disease? Is there a treatment for the yard? Although it's infrequent that I've seen a deer in my suburban yard. @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon. I saw it last night as I was on YouTube to see something else and it popped up. And he looks much younger without the beard! @StLouisCruisers Lovely photos from Mykonos. And thanks for posting Terri's too. @Crazy For Cats Happy Birthday to Juan! It appears the 3 ships are still waiting to dock at Miami! @kochleffel Congrats on surviving your retirement celebration. @smitty34877 Prayers for DH and his medical team tomorrow, that everything goes smoothly. And for you and the family as you go through this journey. I'm glad the power outage was short, that you had your oxygen tanks, and that ConEd checked on you. But sorry about the lack of sleep for you and Tana. @ottahand7 Beautiful log cabin in an idyllic setting. I hope the toe is better today. @dfish Enjoy having River with you for the week. @aliaschief Oh no on your fall, Bruce! I hope you're ok. Great photos. Enjoy Brugge. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for your photos. @Cruzin Terri Good to hear that you had an enjoyable day. I agree that those long tours are not for the faint of heart! Nice photos and you got the spacing to work on the ipad! @0106 Thanks for the video. Great song! @Cruising-along Nice photos from Mykonos. @marshhawk I do hope the meds start to help. I am so sorry to hear that DH's cancer is back. Prayers that his oncologist can come up with a plan that doesn't make him too ill. @luvteaching Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time. Prayers for all Dailyites and spouses with health issues; way too many! As well as others on the Care List. And a toast to those with something to Celebrate.
  13. Today’s Care list: Smitty34877’s DH’s surgery on Monday 6/26 Luvteaching’s DH in hospital with UTI, sepsis, kidney issues Vict0riann’s Pat with urinary and kidney infections StLouisCruiser’s DB with a fall Seasick Sailor’s DH with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Marshhawk with elbow inflammation Two PA State Troopers shot - 1 deceased, 1 in serious condition Loss of crew and passengers in the Titan submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims, Ventana Fire Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s friend’s brother Mark with bile duct cancer 57redbird’s cousin with glioblastoma Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday Crazy for Cats’ DH Juan! Nickelpenny on a driving tour with a friend Catmando’s (marshhawk’s DH) DM Norma released from the hospital Erewon with good specialist report All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: 4 days for Oceansaway17 (Liberty of the Seas June 29 to July 8) aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  14. Prayers for your DH. Prayers for his medical team and both of you. Hoping maybe antibiotics will help, although they may have to adjust those for his kidney issue.
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like the idea of fairies. I've never eaten from a food truck; none around the places I go, plus sanitary considerations give me pause. No dog here and now retired, so no work. Not sure I agree with the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine ($$$). I've seen Picasso paintings and ceramics in galleries. I haven't been to Kagoshima City. It's cloudy and humid here. The house is warm, but I'm trying to use the ceiling fans and leave the AC off for now. I was going to mow the lawn this morning, but it's too wet. And showers are predicted for this afternoon and all the way until next weekend. It may be dry tomorrow morning for me to try it then. So, I'll do inside stuff, mainly more sorting through things to get rid of, either by donating or ebay. @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DD! @aliaschief Thanks for the photos, and enjoy your day onboard relaxing. @rafinmd Good to hear that your dental pain is minimal. @kochleffel Enjoy the retirement celebration today, if you can. @St Pete Cruiser Nice photos. @kazu I know you have many happy memories to comfort you on this difficult Anniversary date. @ottahand7 Good to hear that your toe is feeling better. @Cruzin Terri Thanks for checking in and have a relaxing day. Nice photo of you two, and your tour. @marshhawk Prayers that the meds help your pain. @Nickelpenny It sounds like you two are having a great time in the Denver area. @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  16. Today’s Care list: Smitty34877’s DH needing further surgery and chemotherapy Ottahand7’s toe injury StLouisCruiser’s DB with a fall Seasick Sailor with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Marshhawk with elbow inflammation Victims of bus crash in Manitoba Two PA State Troopers shot - 1 deceased, 1 in serious condition Loss of crew and passengers in the Titan submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims, Ventana Fire Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues Roy recovering from pneumonia and slowly getting stronger JazzyV’s friend with end-stage ovarian cancer Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday Sharon in AZ! P&PNH, Welcome to the FR/Daily! Catmando’s (marshhawk’s DH) DM Norma released from the hospital Erewon with good specialist report Sharon in AZ at Mt Lemmon for a week Luvteaching’s DH showing continued improvement All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: 5 days for Oceansaway17 (Liberty of the Seas June 29 to July 8) aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  17. @marshhawk I hope the meds and PT give you relief. I can empathize, as my problem with stairs and getting in the car is thought not to primarily be my knees, but very weak quads and hip flexors. So I'm a marshmallow too! How is DH's DM Norma doing?
  18. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Becoming a widow is certainly tragic, so I send support to all widows (and widowers). I try to let things go (feelings and possessions), but sometimes it's hard. I like pink shirts and have several. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Grundarfjordur. It's cloudy and cool here today with rain this afternoon, and the weekend. I had a good time at the anniversary celebration yesterday, seeing many old friends. A bit later I'm headed to PT. My quads are sore just from the seemingly small exercises I've done since Tuesday. @rafinmd Happy 80th Birthday! @ottahand7 Oh no on the toe injury. You were brave to tackle treating that yourself! Watch out for any sign of infection. Gorgeous irises. @kazu (((Hugs))) during this difficult time. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos, thanks. @superoma I hope you get to the Bavarian village; sounds like fun! @aliaschief It looks like you had great weather at Mon Saint-Michel. I remember those steps and I was a lot younger then. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  19. Today’s Care list: Smitty34877’s DH needing further surgery and chemotherapy Catmando’s (marshhawk’s DH) DM Norma with a possible stroke Seasick Sailor with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Marshhawk with back pain Victims of bus crash in Manitoba Two PA State Troopers shot - 1 deceased, 1 in serious condition Loss of crew and passengers in the submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims, Ventana Fire Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis 57redbird’s cousin with glioblastoma Status of St. Louis Sal, JAM37, IrishJim Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday Roy (rafinmd)! Belated Happy Birthday to ottahand7’s DF John! Erewon with good specialist report Quartzsite Cruiser’s DH with a good report from the surgeon Sharon in AZ at Mt Lemmon for a week Luvteaching’s DH showing continued improvement All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  20. Good evening. The dinner was very nice and it was great to see so many folks I haven't seen for several years. As it turns out the "groom" wanted to mainly celebrate his "bride" of 69 years, for putting up with him. Their 4 kids were there, as well as grand- and great-grandkids, and a group of friends. The bad part was that someone hit BFF's car in the parking lot of the country club. The guy waited in the parking lot until we came out to the car, and then said his daughter had backed into it. At least he didn't take off! It looks like the bumper will need to be replaced. BFF is already juggling so many things, now this. But at least no injuries to anyone.
  21. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'm not an eclair fan. I like onion rings, but haven't had any in years. We need to protect the rainforests. Funny Dangerfield quote. I'll pass on the meal (tofu), drink and wine. Somehow I missed the Royal Greenwich Observatory on my several trips to the UK. I have been to Montevideo. It's on the cloudy side today, with rain later, but not too hot. Just puttering around this AM. Later, I will be going with BFF to my mentor's 69th Anniversary dinner. I haven't seen any of these folks since before Covid. I know lots of their friends, as many years ago the couple acted as bonus parents and I spent most holidays at their house with their family and friends. @ottahand7 Thanks for the photos. Happy Birthday to DF John! @StLouisCruisers I had an issue with my water pressure being too high; my water filter at the kitchen sink sprang a leak. After some reading, I purchased a gauge to measure the pressure at my laundry tub. It was 90 instead of 50. So the plumber came and replaced the pressure regulator where the water comes into the house. I guess they go bad after a while. It sounds like you found great plumbers. I tried to find the soccer game on Apple TV, but couldn't find it, only MLS. @Seasick Sailor Good to see you here, and prayers for all medical issues. @rafinmd Congrats on attaining age 80 today! I hope the dental procedure is relatively painless. @Nickelpenny Enjoy your travels. It reminds me of the 2 driving trips I did with BFF on the way to National Parks; I was doing lots of oohing and aahing at all the sights. @cruising sister It does sound like it was emotional selling the Mustang, but you did what you needed to do. I have an Acura RDX and I love it; I had an MDX before, but it was just too big for me as it's usually just me in it. It's a 2015, and I don't even have 30,000 miles on it. They keep eyeing it at the dealer, but I don't want a new car payment. I'd like a hybrid for my next car. @aliaschief Lovely photos. Enjoy Mont St Michel tomorrow. I was there many years ago. @ger_77 Oh my on that fire. I live in the "City of Bridges" and whenever one is closed it's a headache for someone. @marshhawk Sorry you're still in pain and I hope you can get into your doctor's office. It doesn't sound right that they won't see you because of your cough; maybe if you wore a mask? @Quartzsite Cruiser @sailingdutchy Great photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate. From my 2018/19 SA and Antarctica cruise Approaching Montevideo Zaandam and NCL Norwegian Sun in port Plaza Independencia Palacio Salvo Plaza de Toros, abandoned bull fighting ring, Colonia del Sacromento Street of sighs, with very old houses, Colonia Del Sacromento Buenos Aires in the distance Man drinking maté - the traditional SA drink
  22. Today’s Care list: Smitty34877’s DH needing further surgery and chemotherapy Catmando’s (marshhawk’s DH) DM Norma with a possible stroke Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Marshhawk not feeling well Victims of bus crash in Manitoba Two PA State Troopers shot - 1 deceased, 1 in serious condition Crew and passengers in the submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims, Ventana Fire Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: JazzyV’s friend with ovarian cancer, not doing well StLouisCruiser’s friend’s brother Mark with bile duct cancer Tana’s pulmonary issues and family caregivers Celebrations and Shoutouts: Erewon with good specialist report Quartzsite Cruiser’s DH with a good report from the surgeon Good luck to StLouisCruiser’s Ren and team today Sharon in AZ at Mt Lemmon for a week Luvteaching’s DH showing continued improvement All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  23. Good Morning. Happy first day of summer.Summer Soltice! Also Canadian Indigenous People's Day. No skateboarding or yoga here. Good quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and maybe on the wine ($$$). The Constitution is the foundation of our democracy. I haven't been to Ibiza. It's another nice day today, mostly sunny, but a little more humid. It's injection day for me, and I can feel the Benadryl for pre-medication kicking in. I may get in the recliner in a bit. Hopefully not having to skip any more shots for a while will allow it to kick in, and help the pain in my hand joints. Otherwise no big plans today. @aliaschief Thanks for sharing your cruise photos. @StLouisCruisers Congrats to Ren and his team on yesterday's win. @kazu I hope Ivan is back to his normal self very soon. Beautiful flowers. @cat shepard Thanks for the extensive wine information. @Heartgrove Hugs on this heavenly birthday of your DS. Very nice picture of her with her family. @marshhawk Sorry you're still in pain; please see your doctor is it persists. Prayers for Chuck's DM and I'll add her to the Cares List. Congrats on the sales and fundraising positives. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate.
  24. Today’s Care list: Smitty34877’s DH needing further surgery and chemotherapy Summer slope with a health issue Srdancer with C. Diff infection Marshhawk not feeling well Victims of bus crash in Manitoba Two PA State Troopers shot - 1 deceased, 1 in serious condition Crew and passengers in the submersible Canadian wildfires, tornado victims, Ventana Fire Shooting victims again Citizens of Ukraine, dam explosion with flooding From the rotation: JazzyV’s friend with ovarian cancer, not doing well Tana’s pulmonary issues Roy recovering from pneumonia and slowly getting stronger Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Cruzin Terri and Jim! Ger_77 booking a new cruise Good luck to StLouisCruiser’s Ren and team Thursday Sharon in AZ at Mt Lemmon for a week Luvteaching’s DH showing continued improvement All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises Cruising/At Sea: aliaschief (Azamara Journey to June 28), Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  25. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like ice cream floats, although I haven't had one in a while. I'll salute our Hays Bald Eagles here, who've been a delight to watch raise 20 young eaglets over the years. It's sad to see refugees who leave their homes with nothing and need help. Ok, who else had Jackie Gleason's voice in their head as you read the quote? I would eat shrimp fried rice, but prefer pork. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to the Conflict Islands. It's cloudy here, with some rain sprinkles. And more humid. This morning I had my first PT evaluation at the new place. It's very convenient, only 5 minutes away. She thinks my trouble with steps, getting in the car, etc is mainly deconditioning, so I have exercises to start and will go there twice a week. Just home and having my coffee. On a sadder note, I heard from the DM of the mother/daughter British friends of BFF and mine. We met at Heathrow about 20 years ago on the way home from a trip. They were dressed in Penguins hockey gear and we spoke to them, thinking they were American. They came yearly to see the Pens play, and we became friends. The daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years ago, and has been a warrior going through multiple surgeries and chemo. Nothing's working now, and any more surgery is too dangerous. The DM said her prognosis is now 6 months. So heartbreaking. @kazu I hope Ivan will be ok. @StLouisCruisers Hoping for a good outcome for Ren and his team! @Nickelpenny Welcome back, and safe travels back to AZ as you visit places along the way. @aliaschief Great photos from your excursion. @Quartzsite Cruiser Stay safe in that heat. @ger_77 Congrats on booking a cruise! @smitty34877 Prayers for DH to endure what he has to go through. @durangoscots Wow on a mountain lion in the neighborhood! @marshhawk Feel better soon. @dobiemom I hope there's an easy fix for your car. @Vict0riann I hope things are going well for Pat with all his medical appointments. @Cruising-along Lovely clematis. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling more rested. Sorry your plans for London had to change, but the big day is tomorrow! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. The Hays Bald Eagles
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