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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. We all have some awkward moments, but hopefully not many. I'll pass on the goddess of fertility and supreme sacrifice brings to mind all the military and law enforcement officers who gave all. I like the quote. The meal looks interesting. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Corinto. It's sunny today after lots of rain yesterday, but staying in the 30's with some possible snow showers this afternoon. I got 8 hours of sleep! I have no plans other than doing things around the house. But everything is hurting these days; knees and back mainly. Not sure what that's all about or if it's weather related. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today and the Corinto photos. Good luck to Ren and his team on their games. @rafinmd I hope your improved sleep helps your energy level too. @smitty34877 I do hope Tana and the aide develop a comfortable relationship. @kazu I hope all your seedlings survive. Since I'll be going away soon, I can't start or plant anything. @dfish Growing up my DM made lamb at Easter, but with lots of garlic and not mint jelly. It was good. Many people cook lamb until it's too done and then don't like it. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Corinto and Leon. @grapau27 Wow, lots of cruises in your future. @AncientWanderer Good job on getting the cholesterol down! I just stopped my statin (with permission from the Cardiologist) to see if some of my muscle aches would go away. @marshhawk Congrats on the sales. @NextOne Prayers for the surgery and that you get to go on your July VOV cruise. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  2. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Lady Hudson’s DH with a fall, but ok RedneckBob having to cancel his cruise Volendam entertainer Devon Campbell who passed away Cruzin Terri’s stress load Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shout outs: Bon Voyage DWAliaschief! Bon Voyage Seagarsmoker! Welcome home ottahand7 Welcome home Lindaler Welcome home Suslor RMLincoln and DH feeling better Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Many Dailyites planning cruises 3 Days for Kplady (Grand Princess 3/21 to 4/28) Lady Hudson (Anthem of the Seas 3/19), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  3. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I will be making corned beef and cabbage later, in my Instant Pot. I'm not Catholic, but the Catholic Bishop here is allowing corned beef today, even though it's Lent. I like submarines, although after touring one it seemed so cramped (I'm not claustrophobic). I'll salute Camp Fire girls. No to the quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the wine (if someone buys it for me). I haven't been to Kobe-Osaka. It's been raining here since late last night. It's in the 40's now, but will be in the 30's over the weekend. I was at BFF's DD DF's house yesterday. We tossed a lot of stuff. I brought home one of 4 computers there, to try to get it up and running; I like the challenge. Then I'll likely donate it. @StLouisCruisers Thanks to you and @richwmn for our Daily today. Good news on DB receiving his medication. DD's tree is wonderful, as usual. @Crazy For Cats Sorry about the itinerary change on your cruise. @grapau27 Thanks for the info on Submarine Day. @aliaschief Happy Birthday to DGD! @kazu Congrats on booking that cruise. Great memes. @dfish I'm glad you got the assessment adjusted and the insurance coverage of your test straightened out. Hopefully the scan shows what needs to be seen today. A bear visiting? @cruising sister Thanks for the cute pic of the grands. @marshhawk That system being used for the telemarketing sounds awful and frustrating that the managers aren't getting it fixed. @cunnorl Hugs as you toast your DB tonight. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear DH seems ok after his fall. @Lady Hudson Oh no on DH's fall, but I'm glad he's ok. @kochleffel A big no to muskrat or beaver! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  4. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Volendam entertainer Devon Campbell who passed away Durangoscots recovering from the crud Cruzin Terri’s stress load and her DH with a fall Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Cruising sister recovering from hand surgery Tana’s pulmonary issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shout outs: Bon Voyage RedneckBob! RMLincoln and DH feeling better Luvteaching’s DH discharged to home Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Many Dailyites planning cruises 1 Day for DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam 3/18 to3/29) 1 Day for Seagarsmoker (N Statendam 3/18 to 3/25) 4 Days for Kplady (Grand Princess 3/21 to 4/28) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Suslor (Zaandam to 3/18), Lady Hudson (Anthem of the Seas 3/19), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), RedneckBob (Celebrity Constellation to 3/27), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and @StLouisCruisers. I hope everything I do today is right. Freedom of Information is important and I think giant pandas are cute. Typical Wilde quote. I've not done a whole chicken in the slow cooker. I'll pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Coquimbo. It's going to be a very nice day, sunny and up into the 50's later, although it's an air action day here. Of course rain and cold again for the weekend. I'm going to go to BFF's DD DF's house to help more with the sorting and cleanout. Despite a couple of doses of Benadryl, I've got an itchy bump on my leg from my injection; I'll try a Claritin so I won't be so sleepy today. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today and the photos from Coquimbo. @seagarsmoker Safe travels and have a great cruise! Are you on NA or NS? @rafinmd Chicken parmesan sounds good. Thanks for the photos of the Tololo Observatory. @GTVCRUISER That's a great sentiment. @kazu I'm glad you got to physio and to the accountants. I hope your days of not being allowed to drive are over soon. @kplady Safe travels and have a great cruise! When I flew from LA to Auckland it was really long; I can't imagine NY to Auckland! @smitty34877 I hope there's no complication like infection from the lancing of DH's cyst. @dfish Good luck with the assessment fight; when I bought this house there was a big increase in the value, ouch! And fighting the insurance, ugh. @1ANGELCAT Happy CC anniversary! @cruising sister That's a sharp Mustang! I'm glad the ride went well. @ger_77 I hope the changes help DH use the CPAP; since I turned on my air cleaner in the bedroom, I'm not finding I'm stuffed up. @HAL4NOW Thanks for the Coquimbo photos. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the nice photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone. From my 2005 trip to China
  6. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia RMLincoln and DH testing positive for Covid Durangoscots recovering from the crud Ktbraun upcoming Cardiologist appointment Difficult days for Jacqui (kazu) Citizens of Ukraine/CA deluged by snow and rain From the rotation: Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds and upcoming surgery Tana’s pulmonary issues Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shout outs: StLouisCruiser’s DGS Ren accepting a place on the Dallas Soccer League Team Good podiatrist visit for Roy Luvteaching’s DH doing well and being discharged today! Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Cruzin Terri’s bathroom nearing completion Many Dailyites planning cruises 1 Day for RedneckBob (Celebrity Constellation 3/17 to 3/27) 2 Days for DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam 3/18 to3/29) 2 Days for Seagarsmoker (N Statendam 3/18 to 3/25) 5 Days for Kplady (Grand Princess 3/21 to 4/28) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Suslor (Zaandam to 3/18), Lady Hudson (Anthem of the Seas 3/19), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  7. Good morning on this Ides of March. Odd days. Hmmm to buzzards. I've only been dumbstruck by the beauty of nature on some of my travels, like Antarctica. I hope everything I think isn't wrong. I'll pass on the salmon (fish and coconut), drink and wine. I have been to Australia, but not Adelaide. After a frigid day yesterday, it's sunny and going into the 40's today. That should melt the inch of snow that's on the grass. I got a good night's sleep, even though I didn't go to bed until almost 1AM. It's injection day for me and I've just taken Benadryl to premedicate, so I'll just be around the house and somewhat drowsy today (maybe my large cup of coffee will help). I got my prepared taxes back and will get a refund for the first time in ages. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our startup today. Ouch on walking into the door. I have nightlights around to help with those middle of the night BR trips. I think the blue bubbles are darker and more vivid to stick out more in the text. Congrats to Ren on his choice and older DGS on starting college in the fall! Thanks for the Adelaide photos. @aliaschief I hope all goes well with the annual checkup. @rafinmd Good to hear you slept well. I hope everything checks out good at the podiatrist. @ottahand7 So sad about the crew member; that's the 2nd death I've heard of recently of a member of the entertainment team. @ger_77 That reminds me I need to schedule with my pulmonary doctor regarding my CPAP. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I hope your appetite improves. @marshhawk Sorry about all the work issues yesterday and last night's poor sleep. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  8. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Cruising sister’s ride in the Mustang (Ruby) in memory of her DH RMLincoln and DH testing positive for Covid Superoma’s DD and her family testing positive for Covid Durangoscots with the crud for a week Cruzin Terri not feeling well Ktbraun upcoming Cardiologist appointment Difficult days for Jacqui (kazu) Citizens of Ukraine/CA deluged by snow and rain From the rotation: Cruising sister recovering from hand surgery RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds and upcoming surgery Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shout outs: Dfish getting adrenal issue addressed Luvteaching’s DH doing well in the hospital and being discharged soon StLouisCruiser’s DB’s medication for pulmonary fibrosis being paid for 100% Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Cruzin Terri’s bathroom nearer to completion Many Dailyites planning cruises 2 days for RedneckBob (Celebrity Constellation 3/17 to 3/27) 3 Days for DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam 3/18 to3/29) 3 Days for Seagarsmoker (N Statendam 3/18 to 3/25) 6 days for Kplady (Grand Princess 3/21 to 4/28) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Suslor (Zaandam to 3/18), Lady Hudson (Anthem of the Seas 3/19), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  9. A silent exit due to no sound. That's it for me. Thanks all.
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Butterflies are beautiful and interesting. I can take or leave potato chips. I forgot it was Pi day! I have a Pi day T-shirt I could have put on. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine ($$$). I haven't been to Kangaroo Island. It's in the 20's this AM, with wind chills in the teens. We got about an inch of snow overnight. At the viewing I went to yesterday afternoon, I knew there would be lots of people. So I wore a mask (I was the only one doing so). Not only to try to stay well, but I have to do a Covid self-test for my upcoming TA. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up. I woke up at 5 and looked, but you hadn't posted yet. So I fell back asleep, posted at 6, then fell back asleep again until 7:30. Happy Birthday to your DB! @grapau27 It looks like you and Pauline had a great birthday trip. @TAW1963 Welcome home! @Mr. Boston Happy Birthday to your Mom! @rafinmd Good to hear you slept well, Roy. @cruising sister Good news about the car. My BFF just had some rigamarole with getting his late Dad's car put into his name. Hugs to you as you ride in Ruby in memory of your DH. @smitty34877 I'm glad DSIL is helping out. Like you, being in healthcare I had to drive regardless of weather, sometimes white-knuckling it; that's one perk of retirement, I can stay in unless I have an appointment that can't be rescheduled. I hope the new aide stays, as it sounds like she's a good fit. @kazu I hope your weather doesn't get too terrible today. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  11. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia RMLincoln and DH testing positive for Covid Superoma’s DD and her family testing positive for Covid Durangoscots with the crud for a week Cruzin Terri not feeling well Ktbraun upcoming Cardiologist appointment Luvteaching’s DH in the hospital Cruzin Terri with pain from myofascial strain Difficult days for Jacqui (kazu) Citizens of Ukraine/CA deluged by snow and rain From the rotation: RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds and upcoming surgery Marshhawk’s DH (Chuck)’s vision issues Tana’s pulmonary issues Former President Jimmy Carter in home hospice care Celebrations and Shout outs: Happy Birthday Brenda (bennybear)! Dfish getting adrenal issue addressed Luvteaching’s DH doing well StLouisCruiser’s DB’s medication for pulmonary fibrosis being paid for 100% Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Cruzin Terri’s bathroom nearer to completion Many Dailyites planning cruises 3 days for RedneckBob (Celebrity Constellation 3/17 to 3/27) 4 Days for DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam 3/18 to3/29) 4 Days for Seagarsmoker (N Statendam 3/18 to 3/25) 7 days for Kplady (Grand Princess 3/21 to 4/28) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Suslor (Zaandam to 3/18), Lady Hudson (Anthem of the Seas 3/19), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  12. Part 2 Speight Brewery, Dunedin Taste testing Pipers coming to give us a sendoff Wood chips on the dock Port Chalmers Flagstaff Point Scenery as we leave Flowers in bloom Otago Peninsula, Dunedin Head Gun fortifications Royal Albatross Centre
  13. Some photos from Dunedin in 2006 Aproaching Dunedin Port of Otago and docking St. Paul's Cathedral in the Octagon The Municipal Chambers Robert Burns Statue Dunedin Railway Station Courthouse Dunedin First Church Cadbury World
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I've never worn ear muffs. I'm not a hat person either; I always have a hood on winter coats. I like jewels and wear my birthstone ring often; but I've sold a lot of jewelry since there's no one to pass it on to and I wasn't wearing it. Let's all be smart and sexy! I like the quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Dunedin on my first HAL cruise. I was on a road trip when this was the port last October, so I'll have to dig up pictures. It's chilly here and lightly snowing, but the roads are ok. I woke up a bit early, posted the Care List, then went back to sleep for 2 more hours. Tonight we're supposed to get about 1" of snow. I should be fine to go to the viewing this afternoon. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting up the FR/Daily today. Great photos from Dunedin. @richwmn We all appreciate you preparing the FR/Daily so we could continue while you cruise. @grapau27 Happy Birthday to Pauline! And that's a lovely photo of her. @ottahand7 Sorry to hear that you couldn't go on your tour, and that the Chefs Table dinner didn't live up to expectations. @rafinmd I think we all feel a bit lazy with the time change. Thanks for the photos from Dunedin and with @erewhon. @0106 My Antarctic cruise was from Santiago to Buenos Aires. My favorite cruise of all time! And thanks for the rest of the quote. @RMLincoln So sorry to hear about testing positive for Covid and the impact on DH's upcoming surgery. Prayers that you have mild cases and will be able to reschedule soon. It worries me for my upcoming cruise that you guys wore masks and still got it. @RedneckBob Love the rhyme! @kazu Nice to see you posting. I thought of you when I heard about the Nor' Easter. I pray the challenges gets easier soon. @ktbraun I hope the Cardiology appointment is able to help your issues. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. I hope you get some satisfaction when you visit the Endocrinologist. @smitty34877 Prayers that this aide works out for Tana and the family. And I hope the weather doesn't affect you going to your appointment tomorrow. @cunnorl Nice pictures. @superoma Sorry to hear DD and family are down with Covid; prayers for mild cases and quick recovery. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List. Everyone take care of yourselves.
  15. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia Vict0riann and Pat’s loss of 3 acquaintances Luvteaching’s DH back in the hospital Cruzin Terri with pain from myofascial strain Difficult days for Jacqui (kazu) Citizens of Ukraine/CA deluged by snow and rain From the rotation: Cruising sister recovering from hand surgery Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy Marshhawk’s DH (Chuck)’s vision issues Tana’s pulmonary issues Status of St. Louis Sal (6/29/22) and JAM37 (6/20/22) Celebrations and Shout outs: Happy Birthday grapau27’s Pauline! StLouisCruiser’s DB’s medication for pulmonary fibrosis being paid for 100% Smitty34877’s new aide for Tana Cruzin Terri’s bathroom nearer to completion Many Dailyites planning cruises 4 days for RedneckBob (Celebrity Constellation 3/17 to 3/27) 5 Days for DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam 3/18 to3/29) 5 Days for Seagarsmoker (N Statendam 3/18 to 3/25) ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Suslor (Zaandam to 3/18), Lady Hudson (Anthem of the Seas 3/19), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  16. @marshhawk Can you call the eye doctor instead of waiting the two weeks until your appointment? At least let them know there's a new issue and maybe they can prescribe something or get your DH in earlier.
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