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Everything posted by LambKnuckles

  1. Good Morning Dailyites!! I woke to a cool morning. After the daytime temps and HUMIDITY, this feels GREAT!!! Even the still humid air feels refreshing with the cooler temps!! We're at 67F/19C and will get up to 77F/25C... Ahhhh a nice SPRING day!!! (But, Texans know this is only a brief respite! VERY BRIEF!!!) The Day of Mothers seems to almost be timely with the US's celebration! Hostess Cupcake Day -- well....... I don't think I'll partake to celebrate, but... I know them well from childhood. As an adult, I too love Twinkies more!! (And I don't but them very often, since in Texas we eat Little Debbie and that means Nutty Buddy!!) But yes, River had a hamster growing up. His name was Twoey! We bought Rainbow and three days later we had 13 hamsters... THANK HEAVENS the pet store bought the babies back, a few weeks later, and we made a little profit! The meal sounds tasty and the drink and recipe sound good! I've never had Butter Chardonnay... but I think I'd like to try some!!! Have a delightful day in your part of this world!!!
  2. Good Morning and Thank you for the Dailies!! I love the Days that are marked to celebrate today!! I'll add a glass of Moscato to the menu at tonight's dinner, here at home! And even Euripides has a great saying!!! And the meal and cocktail are perfect!!! Central Texas will get some rain -- but not constant or all day... We'll be hitting around 88F/31C and already it's 75F/24C even before sunrise!! With this high humidity... it will seem much warmer!! Have a wonderful day!!!
  3. What a colorful drink the Grape Pucker Frappe... Thank you to each who provide the Fleet Reports and details!!! National Cruelty Free day sounds very promising... Yet, will cruelty ever cease?? Some people just enjoy it too much. For animals, the globe, and other humans... I'm so sorry for these kinds of people and keep them in my prayers... I pray God's mercy and change over them... but their Free Will is always in play... CHOCOLATE... never enough!!! And the meal sound very YUMMY!!! God bless each of you with peace, strength, and an infinite imagination of goodness!!!
  4. Good morning!!! I think the meal would be tasty... But I love my chicken fried and with cream gravy! So, I'll pass for today -- but file that recipe away! The Cocktail of the day sound yummy!!! Have wonderful day!!!
  5. Thank you for the Reports, today!! And all the information and photos and recipes that follow!!! God bless each of you with many mercies and joy!!!
  6. Thank you -- EVERYBODY!!! Great photos of Marseilles!!! Ooooo... Carrot Cake... If it can't be chocolate, this is my second choice!!! So yummy!!! I'm also a fan of Zucchini bread!!! And Rum Rinner Cocktails... I think I've had my share of these... Happy Friday to everyone!!!
  7. Good morning!! Thank you for all the Reports!! I have been the Parliamentarian for many groups and Roberts Rule of Order is precise and difficult at times!! I'm looking forward to hearing what Sorrel Pesto is... ???? I hope and pray everyone is having a good day in their life!! Bless each and every one of you!!!
  8. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit... I've learned this from @grapau27 and @puppycanducruise!! I'd never heard of it before!!! But now, I say it! Even from Texas!!! Thank you for the reports!! I love that it's Loyalty Day and for the explanation of that!! I always have known May Day and as a child we would hang little paper baskets of flowers on some of our neighbor's door knobs! Also, growing up we would have a May Day celebration and do May Pole dancing on the front lawn of the school! Thank you for the recipe for Pesto baked chicken -- sounds very yummy!!! I've been to Juneau twice and LOVE Alaska!! I think Ketchikan was my favorite port... My child is a groomer and they do MANY, MANY Doodles... I'll have to pass that information on!!! We have a Welsh Pembroke Corgi.
  9. Good morning!! Happy TODAY!!! Thank you for all the reports!! I'm headed to the Austin Zoo today -- which is like a Wildlife Rescue more than a Zoo... but it's all we have in town! I'll pack a picnic lunch and visit with the animals!! I've never heard of Beltane! TY @grapau27 I learn something every day!!! Cauliflower Chicken Fried... As a fried rice I can picture this and think it would be yummy!! As dipped and batter buds or florets or slices -- I wonder???? Thank you @summer slope. Knowing this has grapefruit is helpful -- I'm not supposed to have grapefruit! And... @StLouisCruisers -- Mr. Potato Head was the first toy advertised... WOW!! Never knew that!! I truly do learn lots of weird info... I mean helpful and truly meaningful information here!!! 🤭🙃
  10. Good morning! Thank you for the reports!! EXCELLENT!! BRAVO!! Love today's days!!! Peace, World Wish... great thoughts and blessings!! IF ONLY we could! And where would we be without the zipper?? Our fingers would be tired of buttons and buttonhooks! Street Corn is very popular here in Texas! Many food trucks and restaurants serve it. I love the recipes!!! The White Tea recipe does sound YUMMY!! I remember watching the Wall start to come down on TV!! THAT was an event!! I have a small stone crumble of the wall. I was in Berlin before it came down and travelled through to East Berlin and was a tourist there! I worried the whole time I was over there, but made it back safely and still have the crowned teddy bear I bought as a souvenir! I have no Internet -- our router fried in all the storms here yesterday! I'm waiting for my child to get it replaced. the lightning locally has been powerful. Even with surge-protectors... We've lost a tv and now a router in the last two weeks!! Hugs to each of you!!!
  11. THANK YOU!!! I love these reports and photos and silly memes!!! THANK YOU!!! What a wonderful to begin my day!!! Hugs to each of you and warm thoughts and prayers from my heart to yours!! As for the meal... I love spinach, I love pasta, I love creamy, I love beans.... HOWEVER, I'm waiting to see the recipes before I decide about putting them all together!!! And pairing it with a nice Riesling would be perfect!!! I'm not a Martini lover -- but with vodka and Midori, I'd try this!!! Thank you for the recipe!!! You know... I didn't know they'd made a SuperHeros Day for Covid... BUT... I understand!! I had these from during that time... But, I'd add Police, too! However, during that time... the Police were rather maligned and disregarded and omitted from this... Times have changed and I'd think they'd be in there, now!!!
  12. Good morning and Thank you!!! Wonderful reports and information!!! National Audoban Day... Does this count for Chickens and Quail, too??? Since we are a home for them -- as well as all the native Texas birds -- Mockingbirds, doves, bluejays, grackle, robin, woodpeckers, owls, hawks, and so many more -- but those I see in the backyard! And OH MY... Chernobyl... That was an event!! WOW!!! @grapau27 Thank you for all that information!! Salmon Power Bowls... I can't say I've ever had one. I love salmon... maybe it's time for a try! I can't wait to hear about the DOD: Summer Love... Happy Birthday to you!! Hugs and special wishes!!!
  13. Yes, Happy Birthday all who celebrate today!! And to Maurice!! Thank you for the Reports!! Like @puppycanducruise, I can't wait for the recipes!! I think this would be a delightful meal!! I'll get some shrimp!!! I haven't been to Santorini -- but Greece is on my list!! I love the photos and tip about the Cable Car queue!! Thank you @grapau27!!! DNA day... I got that kit for Christmas and the results were fun to see. Not really any surprises, but still fun to see my ancestry!! As we learn more and more about this universe, I'm surprised to hear what we can glean from it all!! The discoveries and the miracles... And it amazes me at the progress we make each day in finding out more about our histories and world!! Have a wonderful day -- EACH OF YOU -- my friends!!!
  14. It's great to know other Texas cruisers! And Garey Park is a great park!
  15. Mmmm... Salmon Cakes... a comfort food for me!! Thank you!!! And for the Reports and information and all the photos!! it's like a travelogue on this thread... I go around the world from my computer through your eyes and photos!!! yesterday, I honored National Picnic Day with our Active Adults at the park... We hiked, ate, chatted and had a wonderful time!! There was a small river and pond... but no boats or ships!!! It's Garey Park in Georgetown Texas. And, I became a Great grandmother to Quail, yesterday, too!! The incubator was active with 12 eggs and now three have hatched... We should have quail eggs beginning this summer! And chicken eggs by fall!!! My child LOVES animals... any and all animals... and would love to live in the country on a farm... but this neighborhood home has limits that they are stretching to their desires!!! Two chickens are plenty!! And 5-10 quail should hold that desire!! Along with the Corgi! And all the wildlife of squirrels and birds and possum and critters that go bump in the night! Hugs to each of you!!!
  16. @grapau27 Happy heavenly birthday to your Mother!!! God bless you and I pray all your memories and smiles are filling your day!!! Happy Cruising to all who are leaving or who are on the water!! I'm dreaming of upcoming cruises... but am landlocked for the moment!!
  17. Good morning Dailyites!!! It's a new Monday to unwrap and have fun!!! Thank you for all the reports!! Someday I'll go to Greece and see all the things I've only seen in movies and photos!!! Happy Earth Day to everyone!!
  18. Thank you for the reports! I LOVE Chocolate and cashews!! What a great day to celebrate!!! Have a delightful Sunday!!!
  19. THANK YOU for reports and recipes and photos and everything!! I'm late getting on and posting... I over did it yesterday on an outing with the Active Adults group. We went to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Lots of walking and stairs to climb and I did many breaks and sitting, too! Between Salon Pas patches and Lidocaine roll-on... My muscles feel better -- but I'm still achy!!! Hus to each of you!!!
  20. Happy Birthday Martha!! I pray it's a wonderful day for you and Jim and that your wishes come true!!! And Happy Birthday to others who are celebrating, too!!! Thank you for the reports and recipes and days and information!! Animal Crackers... Spinach & Artichoke Dip... Somehow these two blurred together in my reading... And a weird look appeared on my face!!! I wonder??? NO, I don't!!! I will not dip animal crackers in my Spinach & Artichoke... But the recipes straightened all that out when I realized they were sandwhiches and NOT DIP!! And Graham told us that Animal Crackers come from England -- Were they Animal Biscuits there??? I have always enjoyed Animal Crackers and Shirley Temple!!! But I've never had them in my soup!!! What an interesting angle of the Opera House!! It puts it all in a different perspective than most tourist photos!! THANK YOU!!! OH MY... The Taj Mahal and the caves and everything you got to see... I remember climbing stairs and climbing more and more stairs in visits to temples around India and Nepal!! And the Monkeys Eyes painted on the shikhara of many temples... Have a wonderful day!!
  21. Mmmm... Pie for my meal!! Mmmm... And thank you for the recipe choices!!! Good Morning!! I am on the mend!! I am feeling better!! My cough remains and I'm sure will be here for a long time, but my body is feeling better!! I went to a Campfire Chat with our Active Adults yesterday evening and had a S'more!! YUM!!! After dinner being drive thru Long John Silver's -- it was a no cook day for me!! Today on my agenda, is Art (Oil Pastels) after BINGO and a potluck lunch at the Catholic church. I call these my excursions of the day!! Love the Daily reports and THANK YOU!!! Each of you for being so friendly and wonderful here!!! I'm glad Christopher Columbus decided to find the "Indies"!! I always remember the poem Fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue... Hmmmm... Brandy and Maple Syrup... I might want that flambéed on crepes.... But the recipe looks fun!!! Graham -- Thank you for the info on Blah Blah day... I've never heard of this one!! But I guess I'll listen to River and try to hear everything they say!! Nah -- I always listen and love them!!! After almost 36 years, what can I say to my child, but "Yes, Dear, of course!!" They moved home from New Hampshire to help me with Nana when I needed and now they help ME and keep my company!!! HUGS!!! I can only imagine some of what you feel... AND you're in my prayers!!! Prayers for healing, for less pain, for cruising, and for your spirit and outlook!! You are loved!!!!
  22. Good morning and THANK YOU for the reports!! The doctor said I am better than before and will continue to improve. I shouldn't expect to be 100% and this cough will linger, maybe up to five weeks! And, in Texas, who knows, that could be forever... There's always an allergen in the air, here!!! And, I also have allergies!! But being given the go-ahead, I will tough it out and get moving again. Slow and steady wins the race! And, I'll sit when I must and cough while doing it all!!! (He did send me for an Xray and we'll hear back from that today... but he's just confirming what he knows to be good, he said! The Vodka Cocktail, May I have three or more cherries, please?? Sometimes the garnish is the fun part!!! Enjoy today and your life!! It's YOUR'S... make it what you need!!!
  23. Good Morning!! Thank you for the Daily report! I don't think I'm a Beet Greens person... But those recipes look interesting!! I'm heading to the doctor's later this afternoon... Gotta see why this Bronchitis isn't clearing and why I'm feeling so fatigued! I did the Covid test, as it seems we do when we're sick, nowadays! It was negative... But, something's grabbed me and won't let go!! Hugs and prayers for all those on the Care List. Bruno, I'm so sorry for your loss!! To all Dailyites... Have a wonderful day!!!
  24. Greetings to The Dailiyites!! Thank you for all the information and photos and funnies!!! Such a JOY to come and read through this thread!!! My child was in Japan last year and the photos are too familiar to me. River had a wonderful time there!! They went solo -- no tour guides or plans. Their first night in Tokyo was a 1:30am run to the 7-11 for sushi, walking, by themselves for three blocks there and three blocks back, middle of the night, strange town... BUT felt totally safe!! I was a nervous and anxious Mom -- but they just had fun and toured and enjoyed!!! Yes, please, I'll take some soup!! I haven't been able to shake this bronchitis!! I'll head back to the doctors tomorrow. I think one of these recipes would be better than my can of Campbells!!! Happy Sunday to each of us!!!
  25. @Vict0riann. Thank you for noticing me! Good to see you, too! And thank you for your thoughts for my sister! Hugs to your friend's loss of hubby! It's not an easy thing, at all! Mine will have been gone for 20 years, this December! All you food looks yummy! 😋 And, I can't find a photo... but my first car was NOT a muscle car... it was compact, French, and hard to find a shop who would work on it with its metric parts back in the early 70s. A Simca... Another branch of the car company made racing cars, but my little Simca would get me to and from Idaho from northern California, for college! I'd head north thru Sacramento, to Reno, then turn left at Winnemucca. Lots of lonely... deserted roads, back then! Only AM radio. And a CB!
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