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Everything posted by Essiesmom

  1. As you can tell, I was up very early to get those arrival shots. Got to the buffet before it got crowded. Always impressed with the different things they come up with for breakfast. I left my cabin shortly after 8am and headed for the Sports Bar where the diamonds were to meet, group #5. They called us just about on time of 0830. I felt sorry for the people who did not check their large suitcases as they led us off…because we were on deck 8 and had to walk down to deck 7. My small case bump bumped down the stairs behind me. Then it was wind around a bit to get dinged out…but not nearly as bad as on the late arrival back in Dec. What I like about debarking is that it is all downhill. I found my larger bag, and decided to treat myself. I got a porter. I’m sure he was looking for a family of 5 with 15 bags, but it was just me, with two. We bypassed the lines for facial recognition and went quickly through the passport line (the couple ahead were using BC and ID) and out to the parking area. I know I could have dragged those bags to the garage, but the hardest is getting the larger one into the trunk. That’s where the porter is worth his tip. I was on the road by 0900, traffic was not too bad, it being Sunday. At about 3 hours I stopped at the welcome center across the GA line, needed some exercise and to fill my cup with water. Two hours later I was home. With one stop in GA at exit 49 at McDonalds for a small fry. Exit 49, Darien is where I enter and leave the interstate, for the enjoyment of the back roads. About 20 minutes from home, on the country roads, I had a small deer run across the road in front of me. The next one? Well, it’s in two weeks, and is a mixed bag. There is a 3 day cruise on Magnifica but I wouldn’t fly to Miami for on,y a three day cruise. So in front of it is a five day cruise in the cheapest cabin on Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady. At 80, I am definitely not the demographic they want, but I’m giving it a try. And I think Essie wants to go on this one. I might have to double report on this one, on both boards. EM
  2. We are in the process of docking. Partly cloudy. Here are the debarkation instructions and some pics of the approach. For once it helped to be on the port side.
  3. There will be restrooms near the restaurants and also near the bars. They are shown on thick plans…except I could not see them marked on cruise deck plans. They are also clearly marked on the deck plans on the app. EM
  4. It’s the order of the printed info. Cabin number, symbol for extra berths, then connecting symbol. EM
  5. Welcome to cruise Critic…but you have posted on the wrong forum. You need to erase arch on the Ports of Call board for Hawaii, and join the Roll Call for your cruise. If you don’t uNderstand what a roll call is, go back to the HELP forum and read the pinned topics. EM
  6. Go over to the Carnival board here and ask about Firenze. She just came over to Carnival from Costa and I don’t know if she has all the kids facilities…slides…that are on Carnival ships. EM
  7. I think the seas calmed around 1am when we rounded the western end of Cuba. I still had interrupted sleep, getting up to the bathroom. My kidneys getting rid of the fluid in my ankles. Only happens when I cruise, unless I drive all day. I did brunch in the buffet which was amazingly uncrowned. Guess a lot of folks are doing brunch. I changed my setting on iPhone and it automatically changed time…but the iPad that did when we turned back an hour…hasn’t changed yet.
  8. We are definitely rocking’ and rollin’. Much more noticeable on deck 13 than on deck 7, where the show went on as usual. There is a lot of creaking in my cabin that wasn’t there before. It was even worse up on deck 16 where I went for my soft serve cone. I got the suitcase, emptied the closet and drawers, and realized that was not a good idea, needed to sit down and find my sea bands. After awhile I finished the packing, so not much of that left for tomorrow. Bedtime will be early tonight, and we lose an hour as we set our clocks ahead.
  9. We had pier runners but left on time, even a few minutes early. We are liken a**, trying to outrun the low pressure system that’s heading for the Yucatán. Wehave the most motion I have felt. I had the stuffed mushrooms and chicken coq au vin . Sometimes I wish I could just let the auto corrupts stay… Ipassed on dessert and will have a soft serve later.
  10. No idea. Might depend on which network has the contract to broadcast them. Went ashore about 100 after breakfast in the buffet. Rickshaw bikes aplenty but I chose to walk. Gotta keep this 80 yo body in working order. Thought I might take one coming back. Walked through the mall, both levels and on downtown as far as Milano and Effy jewelers. Didn’t buy anything. Walked back to the mall and stopped at Senor Frogs for Coke light, on the rocks with lime. My, that can be a noisy place! I walked all the way back to the ship, no rickshaw for me. Just went up to buffet to fill bottle with iced tea Time for a nap. There have been complaints in the past about waits to get back on the ship..,only one gangway. I think it was a problem on Seaside, can’t remember on Seashore in Dec. I suppose I could go back and read my own live thread…. But it has not been a problem this cruise. Today there were three open gangways and at least two yesterday and at Ocean Cay.
  11. I find OMRON most ships these days there is no comfortable seating. If it’s the right size, the seats are too hard. it’s another sunny day and we have just pulled into Cozumel. The bridge cam is stuck on yesterday in Costa Maya so I can’t see the ships at the other piers. Should be one at each pier.
  12. It can depend on when you want to get on or off. On embarkation at home port there may be long lines to check in. Some lines assign times in the hopes of keeping the lines in order. And then don’t enforce them. To avoid those lines, arrive after noon. And you might want to request wheelchair assistance for boarding. Debarkation at the end of the cruise will be more of a mess as it seems everyone wants off first. I would request w/c assistance here too. Getting off in ports of call will have lines early. Have a leisurely breakfast and think about leaving around 1000. But be aware the pier may be a long walk into town. We just pulled into Cozumel and this is the downtown pier (MSC).
  13. Enjoyed the show, watched the officers do their line dances in the atrium with audience participation. Had a long conversation in Effy but resisted buying. Just walked through the Sports Bar, paused to peer at a sleeping toddler in a stroller, looked up to see a woman nursing a baby. Nothing on but cricket. EM
  14. I was musing last night about the food. Remembering our first cruise on Divina in 2013 I think the buffet food has improved greatly. Burgers are not wrapped but grilled fresh. But the biggest improvement is ingredients on the salad bar, and prepared salads. EM
  15. Supper was the beetroot salad, main the chicken Alfredo, ice cream for dessert. The Alfredo was just okay, it a lot of chicken but enough for me. Now waiting until I can claim a seat in the theater. People watching, admiring the white outfits. And those not white. There were a lot of ladies and kids dressed up last night, even though it was not elegant night EM
  16. Today was balcony wash day. I guess they did it while I was at breakfast as when I came back the furniture was stacked and the drain covers scattered. They have just come around and reset the stuff. I had two salads and a roll for breakfast. I was thinking last night that one of the differences I see from my first cruise on Divina in 2013 is many more salads and salad fixings available. And I would bet they don’t offer as many Latin themed items in Europe. That said, I just went up to the buffet and had a piece of cheese focaccia and a swirl cone. They had full crew drills this morning. Generator, emergencies, and I think full abandon ship. Don’t think they launched the boats, though. But one announcement was that ships in the area are aware of our condition and will be here shortly. I was unfortunate to be heading down to go ashore during the generator test and had to go from 18 to five by the stairs. At least I was going down and in no hurry. I then sat in the lobby to rest, and a lot of crew were there. There was an announcement to go to lifeboat stations, and then staff captain, chief engineer and a couple others to remain onboard. That dispersed everyone. Rested enough, I went down the last flight to debark. Quite warm it is. Still lots of folk from the other ships heading ashore. The port mall was a madhouse, wall to wall people. I stopped into Diamonds International to rest and enjoy the a/c. I saw something I wanted, but made the full circle before coming back for it. No, not a piece of jewelry or the free charm. It is a replacement strap for my Philip Stein sleep bracelet. Back on board, there is not much of a wait for elevators. They are all out becoming lobster rolls. Time for a nap.
  17. I suspect security could figure out who he was…easier if he was YC…and bill him for the damage. Yes, they can do that. And they could debark at the next port. EM
  18. It must have happened this cruise because the first time I saw it there was not a sign, although it was taped up. EM
  19. There are crew members walking around with laminated brochures, maybe for drink and specialty packages but I was never approached. EM
  20. White night tonight. That usually means the Italian menu, with lots of red sauce to spill on yourself…
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