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Everything posted by conandrob240

  1. Don’t feel like you saw much more than you do cruising into this port? I read on another thread that cruising into this fjord was better than what you saw on rhe 3 hr bus tour.
  2. Thanks so much for this! Not exactly reassuring with the parking but at least I know what I’m dealing with. This also convinces me to go with the AirBnb outside of Reykjavik with parking!
  3. Specifically we are on same exact itinerary so asking about Prima in Southhampton. We want to be there waiting for the ship to baord(we like that excitement). We are Haven and are leaving central London at 8am- think that will be a good time to leave? Thank you!
  4. If you use a private cab (which I have heard is 120e total), do you recall if those were a long or short walk from ship?
  5. I am so excited to see someone actually rented a car and parked it overnight at the lot! There hasn’t been any info on this. Can you advise where the lot it and why do you act surprised it wasn’t towed? Lol I guess no clear signage on parking? Finally, is the lot a long walk or short walk from the ship? My dad uses a cane and can’t walk too far. Or maybe we can walk to get it and swing closer to pick him up?
  6. Beautiful! Which fjord does the ship sail down/into? I’m second guessing going on a fjord cruise in Alesund now. Seems like it might be redundant.
  7. Looking forward to reading the rest of this but do you know how late they were? What time do they typically board?
  8. We have booked Heathrow Marriott for 2 nts. We figure we’ll taxi to Windsor for a few hours our 1 full day there. We hired a orivate car/driver who has advised an 8:15am pick up to get us to the port around 10am.
  9. Oh my goodness, correct. I didn’t have any notifications so I thought no one replied. Thank you!
  10. Thank you! We are doing a private taxi not the cruise transfers. We are going to plan to arrive at 10am. Getting excited!!!
  11. Well if you hear anything, I’d appreciate knowing how it goes.
  12. Please come back and let us know. I don’t want the 3rd or 4th slot, I want to be waiting for them to call boarding!
  13. No boarding. I’m surprised they board that early. 10:30 am is great! And this helps a lot. We’re going to order the car to get us there around 10am. If we’re leaving the Heathrow airport area on a weekday around rush hour, how long can we expect the drive to take in a private taxi?
  14. I wasn’t asking what time the building opened. I was asking what time they start boarding Prima in Southampton for a 5pm sail time. so you walked right on after checking luggage and checking in? They boarded before 11am?
  15. Agreed. I didn’t think any ship boards at 10am. We want to be there waiting for the ship to open to boarding. So I’m just trying to figure out the best arrival time. I’m thinking 10am or 10:30am arrival time. We are perfectly content to sit and wait for an hour or two.
  16. Departure time is 5pm. What is the earliest they will start boarding passengers? We are Haven so we’ll be in the first group and we like to be there waiting for the earliest possible boarding call. (Very exciting for us) curious to know rough idea of boarding time. And earliest we can arrive to port?
  17. That seems really early. What time did they start actual boarding? 11-ish? Tips for this cruise? Did you love it? I am a little worried about rough seas.
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