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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Kay, my condolences to you and your friend's family on the loss of her husband. I agree about Covid and also hope each new strain will weaker with less lingering side effects. Unfortunately, the newer strains also seem to be more highly transmittable. DH and I are both expecting to get an annual or even semiannual booster along with the flu shot. I imagine that like the flu shot, it will be a guessing game as to what variant to target in the boosters of the future. Bruce, I'm glad the three of you are having a good time touring, and thank you for the lovely pictures. Safe travels tomorrow to cooler weather. Enjoy your time with DS and DDIL. Oh, and please try to bring back some of that cool weather and share it with Texas. πŸ˜‰ Vanessa, I'm sorry you missed Haines and Skagway. You'll just have to plan another trip that includes both ports. It was good that the roofer repaired the leak while he was there. I hope the estimate of the new roof is not too steep. Sharon, it's good to hear your DM is out of quarantine and had a mild case. It's bad enough when drivers leave their big trucks running in a truck stop, but in a quiet neighborhood is just inexcusable. BTW, my vent, the same goes for big diesel pickups left running in store parking lots, especially when no one is inside the truck. For the Dailyites who have enjoyed Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy series, I highly recommend her Sister Jane series. That series also includes the animals and is centered around fox hunting in Virginia. If you have not discovered this author, her books are easy reading and great on a BHB or any cruise. Lenda
  2. Good morning again. Most of our clouds have disappeared until later this afternoon. Our three granddogs were mixed breeds. We like avocados and watermelon. So we'll celebrate all the days. The quote is interesting. I enjoy Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy series and her Sister Jane series. The meal is one I enjoy on BHBs, but I won't be making it. @0106 Tina, thanks for your hard work to give us the recipes and the background information. I like mojitos and usually the variations don't appeal to me, but I would like to try the strawberry lemonade mojito. We'll pass on the wine. The schools in our small town will begin classes on August 17, a Wednesday, but the athletes and band will begin practice tomorrow. The last day of school will be May 26, 2023. When we were in school, we started the Tuesday after labor day and ended sometime the week after Memorial Day. When schools wanted to add more days off during the school year and still needed to keep the required 180 class days, the beginning of school was moved to early to mid-August. @Crazy For Cats Wow, a $2,000 repair bill! I hope it was for more than adding coolant to the system. @cat shepard Loved today's meme. @1ANGELCAT Enjoyed the pictures even if they are not from Haines. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana and your DH are having a more complicated battle with Covid. I hope the antiviral helps them feel better soon and there is no rebound infection. @ottahand7 Never fear about missing either Patagonia or Might Cruise Ships since both episodes will be repeated either later tonight or during the week at different times. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry you had a set back with Shadow, but I'm not surprised after her international travels. Hopefully, over time, she will come to realize being in the crate will only be for a short time and that you will return. Time, patience and bottles of wine will be needed while gaining Shadow's trust. @ger_77 Gerry, good news that you have cooler weather and needed rain. @durangoscots Susan, I'm glad that Colorado is getting much needed rain even if it keeps you and the dogs up later. Lenda
  3. Good morning frm a cloudy and breezy central Texas. This will be q quick post to share the pictures of Haines I posted on May 17, 2021. @rafinmd Roy, 20 years after you arrived in Haines on the Matanuska, we took that ferry from Haines to Prince Rupert, Canada. I included some of my pictures from the ferry. There was a article on one of the newsfeeds yesterday by someone who took the Matanuska from Juneau to Ketchikan. I finally had a few minutes to go through my pictures of Haines. The only digital ones were from our stay in 2011 while we waited for the ferry to take us to Prince Rupert in BC. The first couple of days we were there, it was cool and rainy. As per our usual luck, the day we left, the sun came out. Most of the pictures with the sun were taken from the ferry dock or from the ferry. Driving to Haines from Haines Junction, the road follows the Chillkat River and goes through the Bald Eagle Preserve. You also pass the road to Porcupine Creek and the original claims featured in the early seasons of Gold Rush. Since we were in our motorhome, we did not venture down that road. Maybe someday. As of 2010, the town or Haines between 1700 and 1800 population, and it is not geared to tourists like Skagway. These are just scenes of town. What a difference the sun makes! I thought I'd add some pictures of the Matanuska, which is nice, but no BHB. We managed to get a cabin that had three bunks. The cabin also had two windows that overlooked the crew deck. Had to be careful when the curtains were open. You are not allowed to stay in your rv or car, but can go down to the car deck when the ferry is in port. Most people either sleep in the lounge, or in sleeping bags on deck. There is a covered area on the top deck that is heated. There is a buffet/snack bar that is ala carte and decent enough. Lenda
  4. Good afternoon. I spent the afternoon going through photos, weeding duplicates and bad pictures, and finally finished the pictures from a 2018 cruise. I still have a lot more to do. I have enjoyed all the pictures of Porto. Thank you @StLouisCruisers Sandi, @richwmn Rich, @Mtn2Sea Robert, and @bennybear Brenda. Spain also has preserved many old palaces, monasteries, etc. as hotels, and they are called Paradores. When we toured Spain right after 9/11, the Paradores were the only hotels that were still fully booked. We did stop and walk around the public areas in Toledo. Thank you, Graham. Graham, thanks for giving us "the rest of the story", as one of our well know, late news persons would say. Vanessa, I'm glad you knee is feeling better today. I hope the roofer can fix the leak easily. Bruce, I'm enjoying tagging along on your tour to an area of Scotland we have not seen yet. Thank for the pictures. Denise, try to stay cool at camp this week. Ann, I've read some of the same stories. We are being careful, but so far, 🀞 there are not many cases of the new variant in our area. We'll be doubly careful if and when we go to Dallas for DH's appointment. Sandi, we could use some of the rain in Texas. There are quite a few wildfires all around the state. Also, I hope Ren starts feeling better soon. Lenda
  5. In 2011, we took a tour to Guimaraes about 55km outside of Porto. It is known for it's well preserved medieval buildings, including Guimaraes Castle. A few of pictures of the castle. The bright lights inside play havoc with pictures, and the camera cannot do the stained glass windows in the chapel justice. Pictures of the town. A beautiful tile mosaic. Lenda
  6. We've been to Leixos and Porto three times, and for once all on HAL. In 2004 on the Noordam and 2008 on the Prinsendam, we stayed in Oporto. The first time, we took the shuttle into town and walked around. The second visit, we took the HO-HO and also did a tour of the Sandeman cellars. In 2011, we did a tour to Guimaraes to see an old castle and the town. I'll post the pictures of Guimaraes in another post. Here are some of my pictures of Porto and Leixos, and I'll try not to duplicate previous pictures, which I enjoyed. I agree the train station is amazing. We often find ourselves checking out local stations, but none beat the one in Porto. I'll start with Sandeman After the tour and tasting, we took a boat tour on the Douro River. The street that houses the port cellars. I don't remember if this was in the train station or some place else. Scenes from our Ho-Ho tour. IIRC this was on the walk from the Ho-Ho to the ship. Saying goodbye to Leixos and Porto Lenda
  7. Good morning from breezy, sunny, etc. central Texas. My father-in-law was a very nice man, and a very good father-in-law. Sadly, he died in 1997. I think my father, who died in 1993, was a good father-in-law to DH who he welcomed into the family. Friendship is important, and we celebrate it everyday on the Fleet/Daily. I love cheesecake, but have not made it yet. I usually get in in the Lido on BHBs at lunchtime, and my waistline is glad they are now serving small pieces. In some ways, I'd like to freeze time to before Covid, but in others I want to see what is ahead for us. We'll pass on the meal (tofu), drink and wine. I'll also switch my tofu with cheesecake. @0106 Tina, thanks for sharing methods to prepare tofu. Younger DD, a vegetarian, likes it if it is really crispy. We have been to Porto at least three times on BHBs. And I'll share the pictures I posted last year in a few minutes. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for putting DH on the care list, but he is waiting for an appointment with a neurosurgeon in Dallas. We saw the dermatologist Wednesday since we called for an appointment just as they had a cancelation. @MISTER 67 Good to see you are out of your slump on the golf course and shot under your age by three strokes. @kazu Shadow, looks very relaxed in the picture of her lying down. I like the nickname Bundle of Trouble as I can sense the love and caring behind the name. Shelters should send a copy of the meme home with every adopted dog or cat. @smitty34877 😱 I'm sorry everyone has tested positive, and hope the Paxlovid helps making the cases mild and that everyone recovers quickly, especially those with other health issues. I feel so sorry for Tana's son as he must be feeling very guilty about unknowingly brining Covid into the house. @marshhawk Ann, I'm glad you found a way to enjoy dinner and still keep your blood sugar from spiking. @Mtn2Sea An early wish for safe travels and enjoy your curise. Lenda
  8. This doctor probably has forms on line which we will fill in if DH ever gets an appointment. Right now, we don't even know the name of the doctor we'll see at UT Southwestern in Dallas. Frankly, I'm beginning to question the missed call Wednesday, since DH's phone did not even show a missed call. They could have dialed a wrong number. All known contact with them has been DH calling them for an update on the status of the referral and scheduling an appointment. When he discovered yesterday that his phone wasn't rolling over to voicemail, we called his phone from mine several times until it was fixed. I'm pretty sure the calls showed up in the call log since the phone rang every time. We'e been seeing a doctor in Quartzsite the last several years for our annual visits. When DH first made an appointment with our PCP, he had to fill out all the forms again, and they were online as were the forms with the spine surgeon. Only at the dermatologist's office did we have to do it in the office, since he doesn't have a website. At least, they weren't very detailed. Lenda
  9. That's interesting. We've seen forms giving permission to share our information with each other, but not authorizing them to leave a message or text. However, we need to get into to see this doctor before we can fill out any forms. Lenda
  10. Terri, I hope you can get some relief for your hands and knee, and I hope you get the referral for the hand surgeon and get into see him soon. Lenda
  11. Thank you, Graham, Hong Kong is a fascinating place to visit, with much tomsee and do. After reading your post, I'm beginning to wonder if some doctors and/or hospitals don't leave messages is because of patient privacy. Even so, other doctors staff have left messages. It took the doctor's office two weeks to send the referral, and the hospital a week to call and then not leave a message or call again. NPH is a condition that should be addressed soon rather than later. Ray, first the Chateau St Michelle Riesling is my go-to whitenwine too. We understand anout the mixed emotions about returning to Hong Kong. We also have always felt safe there and in other Chinese cities, even off the beaten path. We have found the people to be very nice, friendly and helpful. Although the crackdown in Hong Kong had begun before our visit in 2018, we didn't notice any difference. Since then, with the protests, we're to have mixed emotions about returning. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon. Right now, we are both a little beyond frustrated. It turns out the hospital in Dallas called Wednesday afternoon while we were in the dermatologist's office, when DH had the volume turned down on his phone. On the way home, when I turned the volume back up, I checked and there were no messages or any indication that there was a missed call. We only learned about the call this morning, when DH called the hospital to check on the progress of getting an appointment. So we are now waiting for another call to set up the appointment with the neurology department. What we're wondering is why when they did not get an answer and could not leave a message, they did not try to call again or call yesterday. It's a good thing DH called this morning, otherwise, be probably would have really fallen through the cracks. He did find a problem with the phone that it would not roll to voicemail. Hopefully, that is now fixed permanently. 🀞 @ktbraun That's good news that your DH is now testing negative and is over his Covid. @grapau27 Graham, it looks like you gave Pauline a nice day for her remembrance day. @superoma I'm glad you had a nice birthday, and that you and your sister took your father for a nice birthday dinner yesterday. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad you can have more steroid shots in your right knee, but I'm sorry the doctor thinks you need the left one replace. Would the gel and shaving the bone spurs off be a possible next step before a total replacement? @Seasick Sailor Joy, that a nice picture of the two of you. Safe travels back to Texas tomorrow night. Lenda
  13. Our last visit in 2018 was on the Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific 60-day cruise. We were in Hong Kong on October 23 that year. We missed the chance to have the ship get us a visa to visit Macaw, so we visited the other play land in Hong Kong, Disneyland. Between our 2002 visit and our 2018 visit, the new cruise terminal at the old air port was opened, and we docked there. It is not as convenient a location as the old dock, and we had to take a shuttle to a shopping mall and back. We were greeted by another version of the dragon dance upon arrival. Unfortunately, in clearing immigration in Japan and China was a very long an involved process which took up much of the morning. To prevent people from crowding the terminals, we were issued "tender" tickets. The train station where we transferred to the special train to Disneyland. Inside the Disneyland train, and take a look at the windows. Various pictures from Disneyland, parts of which were still under construction, including Cinderella's Castle. They were ready for Halloween, which we discovered in 2002 was a big deal in Hong Kong. The daily parade Cinderella's Castle Mickey and Minnie The Disneyland train station We took a train back to Hong Kong and walked to the Star Ferry terminal. The inside of the Star Ferry, a Hong Kong fixture. We also went to the Temple Street night market where we go fried vegetables and cokes. We enjoyed our day at Disneyland and riding all the rides, well all but one. The Star Wars ride was Space Mountain on steroids, and not the type of ride I like. I made it through the ride without screaming, but I had my eyes closed from the beginning of the first drop until the end and was leaning on DH. After we got off the ride, we needed to find a bench to sit until our legs stopped shaking. Lenda
  14. Our next visit to Hong Kong was October 18-18. 2002 on the Volendam 64-day APEC cruise. That time, we were there for two days, and the first day we took the bus to Aberdeen to see the floating restaurant and the area. Later we walked down Nathan Street and that night we visited the Temple Street night market. The view from the upper deck of the bus on the way to Aberdeen. The weather that day was not the best. The area near the Aberdeen harbor The last floating restaurant in Aberdeen. Sadly, it closed in 2020, and last month while being towed to a new location it sank. We took one of the small boats in the harbor for a tour, and this is the "captain". The fish market with its bins of live fish. It doesn't get much fresher than this. The Temple Street night market The lights that night from our balcony The next morning, we decided to take a train out to the New Frontier and the border station. The ship had our passports, and we almost got in trouble because of the checkpoint to get out of the station. Evidently, we were not the first in this situation, as the guards pointed us in the right direction to reboard the train back to Kowloon. The train station The New Frontier area from the train station Later we took a bus ride around Hong Kong Looking across the harbor to the Volendam A dragon dance performance before we sailed. The dock and shopping center as we sailed. Lenda
  15. I finally made it through all our pictures from our three visits to Hong Kong. We enjoyed each visit, and tried to see something different each time. There are so many pictures, I'm going to break them into three posts, one for each visit. In 2000 while we were on the P&O Oriana world cruise, we were in Hong Kong on February 28. It was a cool and cloudy day, but we still enjoyed the day. We docked in Kowloon near the Star Ferry Terminal. That day, we took the ferry across to Hong Kong and a city bus to Victoria Peak, with the intention of taking the tram back down, but it was closed for repairs. In 2000, DH had the digital camera, and these are a few of his pictures. The view from the ship as we sailed to our dock. Two Star Ferries Once across the harbor, we walked around for a while before boarding a bus to Victoria Peak. Not knowing which coins were which, I just held out a handful of coins and the driver picked out the ones for the fare. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, the scaffolding in your picture is made of bamboo which is common in Hong Kong. It is stronger than it looks. The area behind the tall buildings near the waterfront. Victoria Peak and the view from the peak. The Oriana is the ship with the yellow funnel. Nathan Street in Kowloon There was no laser light show in 2000, but the buildings were well lighted, and this is the view as we sailed about midnight, just before the lights were turned off. Lenda
  16. Good morning from sunny, windy and hot central Texas. I wish our high temperatures would break, and they will -- in September or October. 😱 🌑️ To me, tigers are the most majestic of the big cats, and I'm sorry many are endangered. We can celebrate chicken wings and lasagna. I prefer less spicy wings while the rest of the meat eating members of the family prefer spicy. It's been several years since I've made lasagna, but I might make some when it is cooler, and I can freeze the leftovers. I have a good meat recipe and a good vegetarian recipe. @lcand1923 I would also like your recipe if you are willing to share it. Todays quote is interesting, and I like it. I would like to taste today's meal, but probably won't make it. We'll pass on the drink, but would love to try the wine. Pinot Noir is my go to red. We have been to Hong Kong three times, and all since the handover from Great Britain. Since the riots and crackdown the past few years, I'm not sure we'll be going back. I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes. @kazu Jacqui, Shadow looked happy in the last video even if she wasn't sure what that long thing was that was following her. Love your flowers. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for the meme. That could be the reason I've never liked raisins either.πŸ˜‰ @marshhawk Ann, I'm glad Chuck got a good report from the doctor, and hope weaning him off the meds goes smoothly. @lindaler Linda, that is one serious tricycle, and not at all like the ones we see in Quartzsite. I know you'll get the hang of it and have fun riding around town. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm happy that your DH did not have a serious problem. @smitty34877 Terry, that's good news the rest of the family is testing negative. I hope that Tana's son is improving and well soon. @dfish Debbie, we toured Vigeland Park, and were lucky to go from top to bottom. Our guide stopped at about every sculpture and droned on and on about them. There should be a happy medium between our two tours. Loved the flower pictures. @0106 Thank you for all your efforts in getting us the recipes while Debbie @dfish is on her cruise. Lenda
  17. The last I saw earlier today was Quartzsite received 0.63 inch of rain, and pictures showed standing water in a yard. I just wish we'd get some rain here in Texas too. We don't spend summers in Quartzsite. I'm glad your sister could do her bandages herself yesterday. I hope she gets good news from the doctor tomorrow. Also, glad you mafe it home safely. Lenda
  18. Thanks, Graham. Thankfully, we only had the one ten paper note and a few 20s. Since DSIL will be there on business, I don’t want to bother him to try to get the 10 note changed or even worry about the 20s. He can use them for meals or for whatever. Lenda
  19. Thanks for sharing the information about the money exchange. I saw it when I was double checking the dates. I was trying to keep it short and just give others a heads up. We're not even going to ask DSIL to try to exchange it, just to use it while it's still legal tender. The Buffalo Soldiers were the black soldiers in black regiments in the US Army after the Civil War. They were sent to the western US to fight the Native Americans. One theory is the soldiers were given the name Buffalo Soldiers by the Native Americans who thought their hair resembled the rough fur of the buffalo. Another is that the name was given by the Native Americans because the soldiers' bravery and ferocity in batlle reminded the Native Americans of the way the buffalo fought. The soldiers considered the name high praise because they knew how highly the Native Americans regarded the buffalo. When we toured the Brittania, we were told that Prince Charles insisted the twin bed in the guest room be replaced with a double bed for his and Diana's honeymoon. @Vict0riann Ann, thanks for the beautiful pictures, and I'm glad you had great weather there. Sorry your cousins DH fell and cut his head, and that he has Covid. I hope the cut was the only damage he suffered. Lenda
  20. On August 18, 2017, we visited Portland and Weymouth on the Prinsendam. These pictures were taken when we got off the shuttle in Weymouth and after we returned the rental car when we walked around before taking the shuttle back to Portland and the Prinsendam. Our early morning stroll while we checked with the rental companies. We finally found one vehicle for rent, and we spent most of the day visiting Bath. Our walk around the harbor area after coming back from the car rental company. Our chariot for the day. It got us where we wanted to go and back. What more could you ask for? Lenda
  21. Good morning from sunny, breezy central Texas. Nothing big on the agenda today except a haircut for me. I used to like milk chocolate until I discovered dark chocolate. However, in a pinch, I'll take milk chocolate just because it's chocolate. πŸ˜‰ We used to go to a water park near our home when we lived in The Woodlands. It was a nice way to spend a hot, humid summer day. I'll gladly celebrate Buffalo Soldiers, who played a big part in taming the western part of Texas. There are several old forts in Texas where the Buffalo Soldiers were stationed, but the best preserved is Fort Davis in Fort Davis, Texas. We've been there many times, but I can't find any pictures of the fort. The Stephen King quote is interesting. We'll pass on the meal, drink and the wine today. We have been to Portland, England, once on Prinsendam. I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. Speaking of England, if any of you are like us and have some leftover pounds, the Bank of England is withdrawing the paper 20 and 50 pound notes, and the 10 pound paper note have already been withdrawn. The paper 20 and 50 pound notes will be withdrawn on September 30, and they are being replaced with polymer notes. We have several 20 pound paper notes which we'll give to our SDIL before he goes to England next month. I guess our paper 10 pound note will become a souvenir. @marshhawk I'm glad you are feeling better today and hope the soreness goes away soon. Also, I hope your DH gets a good report from the oncologist today. @MISTER 67 Wow, on seven holes-in-one, and two on the same hole so close together. Have you thought about buying a lottery ticket? 🀣 @kazu Jacqui, thanks for the pictures of Shadow. She looks sweet in the pictures, and I hope she settles into her new home soon. I don't blame her for being reluctant to go into the crate after being in one and put on a long flight. I know with patience, she will become a more trusting dog and a great companion for you as you will be for her. @smitty34877 Terry, while I'm not surprised, I am very sorry Tana's son has Covid for the second time. I am sure he will do his best to keep her and the rest of you from getting it. Sending positive thoughts for both of them and that he has a mild case and recovers quickly. @Heartgrove Thanks for the pictures from the wedding. Your niece looks lovely and very happy. @1ANGELCAT I'm sorry Fluff has a possible cancerous tumor, and sending good thoughts that surgery will take care of it. She's a pretty kitty. @dfish Debbie, thank you for the report and the pictures. We enjoyed our day in Eidfjord in 2017. I know you will enjoy Kristiansand too. Lenda
  22. Good evening. Our appointment with the dermatologist was scheduled for 3pm, but it was later than that when we were called back. We each had a very thorough exam, and we both agreed we've never had a doctor with such a gentle touch. It turns out, I had three places on my forehead, one on my nose and one on my back frozen. DH needed to have some places removed from his arm, head and back that the doctors thought could possibly be precancerous. There were about four samples to be sent off for testing. They were small enough that he did not need stitches. Neither of us is concerned about it. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad Shadow made it to her new home, and is in good hands. I know with patience and love from you, she will lose her fears and settle down. @cruzn single I'm sorry your sister had such a horrific fall, but glad she didn't break anything. I'm happy the memorial service is what your sister's DH would have wanted. @marshhawk Ann, I'm sorry you had such a bad fall, and all because those boys did not have their dog on a leash. Please take care and see a doctor if you don't improve soon. Lenda
  23. Finally, our pictures from our last day in St. Petersburg in 2016. That cruise, the Prinsendam docked at the new cruise terminal away from the main part of town, which meant longer bus rides. That week was their equivalent of NYC's Fleet Week. The river was crowded with all types of naval vessels, and the traffic, especially around the river was worse than normal. That day, our tour was a ride on the Metro, with a visit to a market and a vodka tasting aboard a small boat that did not leave the dock. Somehow, I don't have any pictures of the vodka tasting, which was just okay to me. What I do remember was one unfortunate lady got locked in the restroom and it took quite a while to get her freed. Originally, we were supposed to board the metro at one station and get off at another. With the traffic detours that week, instead, we rode the metro to the station and then took another train back to the original station. The stations are decorated, but not as much as the older metro stations in Moscow, and the stations are very clean. The entrance and the escalators, which are very, very, very long escalators. At about the midway point you cannot see the top or bottom of the escalators. Since I'm not fond of down escalators, that bothered me, but there was nothing I could do but stay put. 😁 The route map, not that it helped us. At least, our guide knew what she was doing. Some of the murals in the various stations. The murals were mosaics. One of the stations and our group waiting for the train. The inside of the train Once back up the very, very, very long escalator, we visited a local market. It too was very clean, but the best thing was DH discovered someone selling 1L bottles of Coke Zero, which we shared. It hit the spot as it was very cold, and we were very hot. This was not your normal farmers market. Lenda
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