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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. I was surprised about 17 generations, and some others branches go back 12 to 14 generations. Most of them were English and Scottish ancestors. The Church of England records were almost always cited in the list of records. The earliest ancestors I've found so far were born in 1543-1544. I noticed the alumnae records of Oxford go back tomthe early 1200s. Other branches of the familly five or six generations. They will take further digging in other sites to find more ancestors. That's for another time in the future. Lenda
  2. Joy, thanks for the information. Knowing the HAL crew, I'm sure the refugees are being treated just like we are treated. If I had the misfortune to be a refugee, I would hope to be housed on a HAL ship. Sandi, from what was said in 2020 about ships being laid up, there will probably need to be some maintenance, but at least, this time with a lot of crew, they are probably better able to keep the Volendam in decent shape. Thank all your relatives for being responsible and quarantining when they were testing positive. I'm sure all the Dailyites and their families have behaved responsibility. I just wish I could say the same about some of our neighbors, and that's why we don't visit with them very often. And now, it seems it is not even safe to gather outdoors. It was interesting delving into our family history. One one line of ancestors, I traced back 17 generations, not including me and the DDs. I hope you can figure out how to get the picture book of your last cruise done to match the others. Sometimes, new and improved just isn't. I feel the same way when buying clothes or anything I like. When I find something I like, I will buy in in several colors, because I know when I want to get more, they will no longer be in stock or even being made. Lenda
  3. Good afternoon from a cloudy central Texas, but I don't think we'll get any rain. At least, there is a breeze and the humidity is 25% with a dew point of 65F but it is 90F right now. I made the mistake of looking at the future forecast and tomorrow and Tuesday, it will be 108F. We're staying in the house as much as possible, but will have to go our tomorrow and Tuesday. I decided that tonight's dinner will be air fried chicken with the leftover mash potatoes and gravy and Watergate salad, plus the lemon blueberry cake. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. Not much happening here. I've been spending some time on Ancestry.com and finding more ancestors. A few I have traced back to the mid to late 1500s in England and Scotland. The Church of England kept a lot better records than those in the colonies. I also found some German and Prussian ancestors. It's an interesting way to spend a hot afternoon. @aliaschief I hope you can get help for your chronic sinusitis before you leave Thursday. Glad the test was negative. @Rowsby DH has a couple of oximeter's, and I'm pretty sure one was with us on the Koningsdam this year, but fortunately not needed. It is good advice for anyone traveling at this time. @bennybear Thank you for the wonderful pictures from Japan. I hope sometime we are there when it is that clear, and we can see Fuji San. @AV8rix I could never join Ice Cream Anonymous, so I guess I'll just have to find another way to get to and keep my target weight. Congratulations on being sober for 7 years. πŸ˜‰ @grapau27 As I said earlier, I'm glad Sarah tested negative today. I wish more people would follow her example, but too many are not taking Covid seriously, even with the new variants. I hope Sarah can control her seizures. @Cruising-along Carolyn, good luck on your A1C test tomorrow. I hope your numbers are within the acceptable range. @rafinmd Those are all good questions about the Volendam. I also wonder how many refugees are on board, and if some are finding permanent places to live and new refugees are coming on board. Hope fully, they will be served in the MDR and the Lido, but I wonder about the Pinnacle. Lenda
  4. I've always wondered the same thing. Even if he left at night, he would eventually have noticed no lights on the ground. Lenda
  5. Good morning from central Texas. Ice cream day is celebrated in this house most days but today before it gets too hot, I'm making a lemon blueberry bundt cake. I have a lot of blueberries 🫐 to use before they go bad. My father told me about Wrong Way Corrigan when I was growing up. I use emojis when I remember them, but I try to use ones who's meanings ate easily understood. I like the Helen Keller quote. I like fried chicken and made some recently, but in the air fryer. We'll pass on the drink, but might try the wine. We have not been to Shimisu, Japan. Thank you @0106 Tina, for your grandmother’s recipe. The air fryer recipe I had did not mention drying the chicken after taking it out of the buttermilk, and that would have made all the difference. The last rime I fried chicken in the air fryer, I followed my mothers method of putting the chicken in a bag with salt and pepper and shaking. I spritzed it with oil and put it on the rack that had been coated with nonstick spray. It turned out like my mother's fried chicken. @cat shepard The girls picked another great meme. @Cruzin Terri Terri, safe travels today and tomorrow, and have a great time in Williamsburg and visiting your friends. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you have a good visit with your friends. Safe travels. @1ANGELCAT The pictures of your DB's car say it all. I hope the driver has to pay for the damage and for driving drunk. @Vict0riann Ann, great news you found Pat’s bag thanks to the air tags. Glad the M&G was good and that officers showed up. Have a great cruise. @Crazy For Cats 🎊 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! πŸ₯‚ @kazu Jacqui, your garden with all the flowers is lovely. Hope the baby birds do well when they hatch. @smitty34877 Terry, I sorry Camilla's grandfather is in the hospital, and hope he is better soon. I'm glad the rest of the family are doing better. Lenda
  6. That is just horrible. Since the police know who the driver is, I hope thhey arrest him soon, and that he or his insurance is able to pay for the damages. Lenda
  7. A late good afternoon from central Texas where it is 99F, but the sun makes it feel hotter. We wanted to get out of the house and do something besides doctor visits and PT appointments. We took the convertible for a long drive even though it was too hot to put the top down. We also wanted to check out the hospital where DH will have his back surgery if and when it happens. Since there are three possible ways to get there, we took one over and another back. The third route basically follows the second route, but goes through Waco. We also stopped for hot fudge sundaes, and took a side trip to look at the coal mine about 30 miles further down the road. Yes, Texas has a big open pit coal mine, but it looks like the working area has moved since the last time we were there about 20 years ago. Some of the land has been reclaimed, and part of the open pit has water in the bottom. They use really, really huge drag lines to move the dirt and coal. Remember everything is supposedly bigger in Texas. It looks the mine, coal fired power plant and steel mill nearby have been closed. We enjoyed the drive and the chance to do something normal. @HAL4NOW This behavior is new to us too. There are advantages of living in a small, country town. @kazu Jacqui, again thaks for sharing @luvteaching Karen's update. I feel sorry for the cruisers who were on their first Alaskan cruise, and had to miss ports. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope your sister made it home safely. Wow about the lines for security. @bennybear I'm enjoying all your flower pictures. @jimgev That tunnel is amazing, especially as it was built during WWII to move supplies to the interior of Alaska. I also agree about the quote and what Einstein is credited with saying, even if he didn't actually say it. Lenda
  8. What is now know as the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, was built by the Army and opened in 1943. This allowed supplies to be moved into the interior year round. The Army abandoned the tunnel in the 1960s and it became part of the Alaska highway system, and eventually underwent an up grade. The tunnel is the only access to Whittier by road, and cars share the tunnel with the Alaska RR. We have been there a few times, but never sailed into the port. We have sailed into Anchorage on the 14 day cruise, doing b2b2bs. At least once every time, we've driven to Whittier. One year, probably before the tunnel opened to car traffic, we took the train into Whittier. That day was cold, wet and windy. We walked around town and reboarded the train. It was also predigital. Even today, since Whittier is a protected port, most supplies come through the port. Rail cars are loaded on barges that have rails. Once in port, the Alaska RR backs a train up to the barge and the cars are added to the train for the run into Anchorage and beyond. We watch some cars being unloaded, but I can't find the pictures. In 2012, we did the 26 Glacier Cruise which we booked on our own. We were lucky to get a rare, mostly sunny day. Since we did not want to miss the boat, we got to Whittier early and drove around, but evidently I did not take many pictures. The approach into town as you leave the tunnel. The building the Army built in the 1940s to house everyone in town. It is now falling into ruin. The new building where the residents live is in the background of this picture taken from our tour boat in and in the distance was we drove into town. In driving around Whittier, we found another oldie. This is exactly like our first RV which we bought used in 1979. A picture from the waterfront area Finally, our tour boat coming in to pick us up Lenda
  9. Good morning from sunny central Texas. A nice collection of days. I like fresh spinach and wilted spinach in casseroles, but not creamed or cooked spinach Snakes are useful, but I don't really like rattlesnakes. We had one in our yard in Quartzsite, and instead of killing it, we called the fire department to relocate the snake. DH had to keep it pinned down with the rock rake until they arrive. Woodies were an interesting car in their time. The Isaac Asimov quote is sadly very true. We'll pass on the drink and the wine, but the meal might be for another day. @0106 Tina, thanks for another great job with today's recipes. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm sorry your leg pain returned. Hope it clears up for good soon. Thinking of Amy and her family as the bury Buddy. @HAL Sailer Melisa, I'm glad you DB is doing better, and sending our hopes for a full recovery. @marshhawk I hope the biopsy turns out negative. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad Sarah is feeling better, but sorry she is still testing positive. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you made it home safely. I'm sorry your niece and her DH are now positive. @rafinmd Roy, you and your family are in my thoughts as your aunt is buried today. I'll post my Whittier pictures next. Lenda
  10. We have a day bed in our guest room with a trundle bed that slides under it. While it's not great for sitting, it provides a place to sleep for two people. It also gives the room more open space. Lenda
  11. The weather front and rain that came through yesterday may have done more good than we expected. Our highs were supposed to return to triple digits, but it's almost 3 pm, and it's 96F. Fingers crossed 🀞 that the tripe digits might hold off for another day or two. @marshhawk I'm sorry the pain doctor didn't have anything offer your DH except what the oncologist had ruled out. That is good news that your DH has a new campaign. @mamaofami Carol, I'm sorry your DS has tested positive. I hope his case is mild and the recovers quickly. @Crazy For Cats It sounds like it was a wise move to cancel the credit card. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm happy your DD is out of quarantine and has tested negative, but I'm sorry your DSIL has now tested positive. Hope he also has a mild case and recovers quickly. I can't believe under the circumstances, the pre-school threatened to fire Amy and Buddy's DD for being with her father during his last days. Good for Amy's DB coming to the rescue. Our thoughts are with the family this weekend as they have the funeral. @0106 Add me to those who like the size of the pictures of the recipe dishes. @NextOne Where was this cat when I was cleaning under our bed last week? 🀣 @TiogaCruiser I think I see why the blue bubble didn't work for @St. Louis Sal, She has a period after St. and spaces between the words. Hope she is doing all right, and I miss her reports. It sounds like you've been busy this week. @cruzn single Mary Kay, I'm glad you made it safely to the Valley of the Sun. Safe travels with your sister to SE Colorado tomorrow. @Vict0riann Ann, I hope Pat's bag makes it there before you leave for the ship. What a mess. There was an article on a news site today that Delta used a canceled flight to fly 1000 bags from Heathrow to Detroit with no passengers on the plane. Talk about thinking outside the box. @bennybear The flowers are lovely. With our heat and almost no rain, they would not stand a chance here. @Dr.Dobro Thanks for the pictures of Kangaroo Island. We may make it there someday. @SusieKIslandGirl I'll second that about the Military obc. DH got it for all eight of our cruises last fall and last spring. It was easy to apply for it, and it was quickly applied to his bookings. @Cat in my lap I'm happy you are having a great cruise. @lindaler Linda, you have really been busy, but productive. It seems you are really settled in to life in Mobile. Good news that the house sale in Oregon is completed. @cunnorl Charlene, it sounds like the "small party" is going to be a hit. I know everyone will appreciate all your hard work to get it set up. Lenda
  12. We were on the Koningsdam out of San Diego last Thanksgiving. They had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a ham dinner with trimmings in the MDR for dinner. I don't remember about Thanksgiving Day in particular, but they had both college and NFL games on the big screen by the Lido pool. We were on for b2b2b2b cruises, and the games were on every weekend and on the week nights the NFL played.
  13. Good morning from central Texas where it's probably back to our "normal" weather, hot. Yesterday's rain of 0.2 inches was nice, and the temperature drop to the upper 70sF was wonderful while it lasted. All three days are worthy of celebrating. Protecting pets from fire and other hazards is important. I respect Canada, and always enjoy our visits there. We've made friends with many Canadian cruisers. Giving unused or no longer needed things to those who can use them is good. I have more to take to the thrift store next week. The Harper Lee quote is interesting and puzzling. She was a good writer, but a complex person. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have not been to Kangaroo Island. @Vict0riann Ann, I hope Pat's bag arrives today. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad the toe is healing and hope it's not giving you too much trouble. Thanks for sharing more of @luvteaching Karen's trip report. Congratulations on the liquor basket. @0106 Thanks for filling in for @dfish Debbie, and for doing a great job. Thanks for the explanation of today's quote. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad the girls liked the idea of finding memes for next week. Enjoy your day trip. @dfish Debbie, glad you are checked in and through security. Have a safe flight, and may your luggage have a safe flight on the same plane. I know you'll have a great time on your cruise. @grapau27 Graham, that's good news that Sarah is feeling better. I better start getting ready. Today DH's PT is at 10am since the therapist has a doctors appointment this afternoon. Lenda
  14. There is a saying that timing is everything, and that was certainly true yesterday. Monday, when I saw the PA about my BP and a few places on my skin, he was concerned about only one place, one that I wasn't that particularly concerned about. He said they would refer me to a dermatologist, but it would take 7 to 10 business days to hear from them. When I got home, DH asked if I'd requested an appointment for him, but I'd forgotten. Yesterday afternoon, I called the dermatologist's office to see if I could add DH to the referral. First off, they had not received the referral but she would check on appointment avaiablility. Here is where the timing paid off. They had just had a cancellation for July 27, and we got that appointment. That is the day DH has a PT session, but we could possibly do both. I mentioned the PT, and she said the next available appointment was in January. Not being an idiot, I took the on in two weeks. We'll work out the PT in between. Lenda
  15. Jim, maybe @kazu Jacqui's post #87 and mine #89 on page 4 will help you separate photos and add captions. Lenda
  16. Right now, I'm doing a happy dance. We have a line of thunderstorms coming through and they are dumping much needed rain. 🌧️🌩️ They are also bring 20 mph winds with strong gusts. Everything in the port is pretty secure. For the past hour or so the winds and front have dropped our temperature to 70F. I'll enjoy that while it lasts. In just the few minutes it's been raining, we've already gotten 1/10th of an inch, and the storms are to last until about 3:30 this afternoon. @kazu Jacqui, thanks for sharing @luvteaching Karen's email. I'm glad they are having a good cruise, but sorry about the azipod problems. Hope the expert gets it fixed. @HAL Sailer I loved the story and picture of our DM at the Acropolis. All I can say is I'm glad we did the climb when we were in our 50s, otherwise, I'd be resting on the way up too. Lenda
  17. Wow, on the sky light. It is good that it is double paned otherwise, you'd have a real mess on your hands, not to mention being open to the elements. I think that is the Ho-Ho we took in 2019 to see Piraeus and Athens. Enjoyed the pictures of Meteora. That is one place we have not visited. Hopefully, some day. Great picture. I hope Shadow has better luck with flights than you and other Dailyites have had recently. Trying to correct a billing mistake at the dentist or doctor's office can be a nightmare. We've been through that, and it took many phone calls and months to get the double billing reversed. Hope you can get a flight that is not too much of a hassle. Lucky you. The gazebo looks nice, and will definitely help with the mosquito problem. Susan, it sounds like you have a great group of neighbors who look after each other. I hope the white stripe helps others from a fall. Glad you are doing better. @ger_77 The shopping tote looks very nice. @Sharon in AZ Nice picture of the M&G. @Seasick Sailor Hope you and your sister have a great day, and wishes for safe travels for her tomorrow. How is her eye today? πŸŽ‚ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLEN! πŸ₯‚ I found this picture of the stadium where the first modern Olympic games were held in Athens. Lenda
  18. I think it is possible that we saw each other, but it would not have been in a Neptune suite. We have never sailed in one. Terri, it took some trial and error to figure out how to separate photos and to have a caption. In reality, it boils down to spacing. Oops, I see that @kazu Jacqui beat me to it. As far as adding a caption above the picture, when I space down between pictures, I write what I want to say, then add the picture just under the caption without an extra line for space. You will notice on pictures I posted early on and are reposting, there is not a space between the pictures. I could probably add a space, but it would take time. Lenda
  19. Good morning again from central Texas where the weather is a repeat. As far as the weather goes, we could be living through a repeating Ground Hog Day, since it never changes. Happy Bastille Day to all the Dailyites of French descent. I was told there were French ancestors on my paternal grandfathers side. So far, using Ancestry, I have not found them. On one trip to Paris, we did see where the Bastille had once stood. The Ho-Ho took us there, and it is now a line in the street to mark the place. Shark awareness is always good, and thank you, Graham @grapau27, for the explanation. On older DDs free dive to get her certification, the dive master took her down to pet a sleeping nurse shark. She returned with all her fingers.🀣 On a snorkeling adventure in Raiatea, we were swimming with black tip reef sharks. We left them alone, and they left us alone. It has been years since I've had mac and cheese. I used to fix it for the DDs. I hope we don't celebrate Pandemonium Day by living in pandemonium. The Marilyn Monroe quote sounds like something she would say. We'll pass on the meal because of the coconut milk, and we'll pass on the drink and the wine, too. @dfish Debbie, enjoy your lunch with your friend and safe travels today. As I told @aliaschief the other day, I hope the airline gods look favorably on you and all your flights are on time and your luggage flies on the same plane. Have a wonderful cruise in Norway. @grapau27 Graham, it sounds like the doctor visit went well. Are they exercises to help rebuild the muscle strength around your right knee? Thank you for your nice comment on my pictures. @rafinmd Roy, I loved the sunrise reflecting in the the lake. @cat shepard Ann, the girls had another hit with the meme. Have you considered getting them to pick some memes you can used after their visit? @kazu Great pictures of Shadow. Her color and markings remind me our our late granddog Molly, only Molly was bigger. She was part lab and maybe Australian Shepard. I hope shadow is as sweet a dog as Molly was once she settled down. She was also a rescue. @marshhawk I hope the pain clinic can help your DH manage the pain without drugs or at least, at a reduced level of drugs. @Cruzin Terri Terri, good luck at the dentist office over the bill. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you are having such a good and relaxing time at the beach. Safe travels home tomorrow. @HAL Sailer Melisa, that is great news that Curt has progressed enough to go home. I'm glad he will be getting help and therapy at home, and that his mother will continue to get help. @Heartgrove I'm sorry that your brother has not improved since he's been home. @St Pete Cruiser Thank you for your comments about my pictures. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, you and all your family, but especially Amy and her children remain in our thoughts during this difficult time. Enjoyed seeing more of Piraeus. We walked around there some in 2017, but still have not seen much of the area. @Overhead Fred Great pictures, and more open space even after the garage is built. @cruzn single Mary Kay, I hope your flight makes it and that your luggage does too. The airline situation is getting ridiculous. @0106 Thanks for the mac and cheese recipe. I think you will do a nice job of filling in for Debbie @dfish. Lenda
  20. I have a few more pictures from our stops in Athens and Piraeus. The first one is a church in Piraeus between the cruise terminal and the train station. In 2016 while on the Prinsendam, we took a tour to the Corinth Canal which included a boat ride through the canal. The first picture is taken from the bridge over the canal. On the tv show the Amazing Race, the contestants had to bungee jump from the bridge. In the second picture, the small ship was stuck for a while and our boat circled the bay until the ship was moving again. On our first visit to Athens in 2002, when we were much younger, and fitter, we climbed to the top of the Acropolis. I know there are similar pictures, but no visit to Athens should leave out pictures of the Acropolis. The ancient theater that has been modernized. The ruins of another ancient theater Those seats do not look very comfortable. I hope the performances didn't drag on too long. πŸ˜€ I know I said I would not repeat pictures that @Cruzin Terri Terri posted, but I had to add our pictures of the Acropolis. If anyone has not seen the movie "My Life in Ruins", you might like the movie. It is set in many places like Delphi, the Acropolis, etc. It’s a cute movie with a good cast and makes for a fun evening. Lenda
  21. Good morning from central Texas. Today, I'm going to post my pictures that I posted on December 24, 2021, and then I'll go back through the Daily. We have been to Athens at least four times, not counting the two times we flew home from there. I'll try to not duplicate many of the pictures @Cruzin Terri Terri posted. BTW Terri, after looking at the picture of you and DH, I think we have been on a cruise with you, but I don't think we ever met. In 2019 while on the Veendam, we took the Ho-Ho from Piraeus into Athens. The first group of pictures were taken from the bus as we drove through Piraeus. The next pictures are from the bus in Athens. It was one of the hottest days of the year, and they closed the Acropolis in the afternoon due to the heat. A pedestrian shopping street A couple more pictures of Athens In 2017 on the Prinsendam, we took a taxi to the Acropolis, but due to the lines just waiting to get a ticket, we decided not to visit the top. We'd been there in 2003 on the old Regal Princess. Instead, we walked down the hill to the ancient agora and then to the modern agora. This was a street between the Acropolis and the agora. A small chapel along the way The ancient agora The modern agora area near the train station. An old church at the train station in Athens. Lenda
  22. I don't have a special affinity for static electricity. However, in Quartzsite in the winter when it's dry, we both have to be careful in the house because of static electricity. BTW, I'm not one who makes watches or eletronics misbehave. Ann, great news you were both negative. My guess is HAL will accept the email results. Hope everything at Heathrow and on the flights goes smoothly. Have a great cruise. Lenda
  23. I'm glad you did not have any damage, but I'm sorry it was bwd in other parts of town and state. Sandi, we're sorry for your loss. Our condolences to your family, especially to Amy and their children. Lenda
  24. Graham, you lost me at cutting out chocolate and sweets, but I do limit them. I have four pieces of dark chocolate in the in the afternoon, and then we have desert, either ice cream or something else. I tell myself I can have the chocolate since it's dark and good for me. Lately, I have be putting the food on the plates and not having serving bowls on the table most nights. That helps limit the amount of food we eat, and I've been trying to cook healthier too. Of course, that can all go out the window on a cruise. Usually, the cruise weight will come off easily when we get home, and now, I'm shedding some non-cruise weight too. Lenda
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