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Photo Andy

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Everything posted by Photo Andy

  1. Please could someone clarify if the Lido Buffet is open for dinner self-service or has it changed to table service, bookable with a charge?
  2. Chris, I was on a boat (not a RIB) in a rainstorm sailing Akrafjorden to view Lang Fossen waterfall (610m), May 2022. Camera was a Nikon D5 and 24-70 F2.8 Nikon pro zoom. I was totally wet (Gortex jacket and boots) camera was fine, has to keep drying the front B+W neutral filter with a microfibre cloth. I do have a camera nylon shower cover but did not place on camera lens combo. I did not think photography would have been possible of the waterfall as the light was awful and looking at the RAW images (later on the cruise ship) looked like they were shot in Black and white, postproduction looked much better with dehazing and increasing saturation. I did have sea spray photographing dolphins in Gibraltar harbour on a fast boat and used my nylon shower cover and it worked ok. My camera is a pro camera with good weather sealing, and I have insurance. I tend to photograph in awful conditions - hot sunshine (motorsport) to snowing (rallying).
  3. Agree with comments re Pulpit Rock please see 2 images attached the 1st is a crop of the 2nd as when looking up from the boat and fjord it does not look much. Ticked my bucket list.
  4. We went to Haugesund Thursday 12 My 2022. We visited Aakrafjord to see the Lang Fossen waterfall (610m high). Sailing on P and O Iona with a bow cabin (photo attached), and photo of Lang Fossen waterfall on an open boat with a rain storm (yes I know good clothes negate bad weather - Gore-Tex head to toes). Of interest the image looked black and white in the camera but post production brought out the colours. Would recommend this visit if you are a photographer or just interested in seeing raw nature.
  5. This was in the Sunday Times (UK) yesterday and eventually the person cancelled the holiday and Cunard returned the deposit.
  6. Thank you for this topic. Made me laugh, even the slouch wear? Strange considering Cunard sell Hoodies on board, have all three Queens Hoodies they keep me warm in the house in winter, pleased people on this site have a sense of humour. We have just come through a Global pandemic, UK has soaring inflation of food and energy costs so anything for a chuckle is good. We embark on QV sailing to Rotterdam and Zeebrugge and are choosing our shore excursions, looking forward to cruising since last cruise in Dec 2019. Happy safe cruising to everyone.
  7. Sailing on Queen Victoria short break to these places (Rotterdam and Zeebrugge). Taking my camera gear DSLR and 24-70 and 70 -200. Will take my tripod for the battlefields but not sure about Amsterdam. Questions. Amsterdam - carry a tripod or a table top tripod or even a Platypod plate? Any views? Amsterdam - notable things to photograph or rather your recommendation if previously been. Amsterdam - planning on visiting the Van Gogh museum and or Rijksmuseum appreciate cannot use a tripod but may it be stored as you walk around and wear a photo backpacks - ok ? If this is the wrong forum to ask please do not attack but I will move my questions to another forum.
  8. People have discussed Covid so will not enter that discussion but NY and UK in winter may have snow / ice and bad travelling weather. The UK is lousy in dealing with snow so be aware, personally I have a 4x4 car with snow tyres so I am ok, (I had to get to work regardless of the weather). I have been in NYC, Cardiff and London in January with snow (no 4x4 car) and not fun as I was working and conferencing. January in UK is quiet post Christmas and New Year celebrations, most people just hunkering down waiting for spring. Good time of year to be out walking and getting fit for the spring and summer. Personally I would go for May - warmer, lighter nights, spring has sprung and just a better feeling.
  9. Will you be able to obtain travel medical insurance post your surgery. 2016 I have closed heart surgery (an ablation for an cardiac arrhythmia) cardiologist was happy for me to travel but travel insurer stated NO NO. I recuperated at home in UK and had days away and a few days in a hotel. The travel insurer accepted me for insurance after 6 month and we flew to Florida. My wife and I sailed on QM2 in 2009 and the ship lurched throwing her out of the bathroom falling onto her nose. Medical centre were happy to see her outside of surgery hours but the cost 13 years ago was £70 approx. (Quick check of nose, and blood pressure). UK people with the NHS do not realise how costly private health care is so be careful.
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