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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. Wow--that's awesome, Greg! I'm so glad to hear that you no longer have knee pain while walking! How is Linda doing with her PT?
  2. @firefly333 I sure hope all works out for you, Jane! You need to get away without all of these worries!๐Ÿ›ณ๏ธ
  3. I agree with you 100% about how Hunter must be an awesome teacher. What a great guy he is! He's going to be quite the "hero" in his school, if he hadn't been already. I feel the same way about Soda. Having worked in Special Ed, I can see the kids in her classes totally loving her. I once worked with a teacher who was similar to Soda. Kids need enthusiastic and loving teachers. They've always been needed, but I think even more so these days.
  4. Lenny, I think the only people who were happy with last night's Tribal result were the contestants who made their decision with their votes. Lots of unhappy people who watched from our televisions last night.
  5. That sounds like you all had a great reunion with your cousin while celebrating your Passover holiday, Lenny!โค๏ธ
  6. @Ozark_Kid John, the video of the kids playing made me smile. I love watching kids having such a great time and listening to their laughter. It's the little things!๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿฅฐ
  7. I believe I read that the new Below Deck season with Captain Sandy and Aisha begins in June๐Ÿค” BD season 11 still has 4 charters left, I think, which could possibly be shown in the next two or three weeks๐Ÿค”
  8. I am so disappointed!!! Why the idol wasn't played?? You can't trust anyone, and yet this person did. Graham is also pretty bummed.๐Ÿคจ
  9. Ours was also on the Beyond last month. The walk felt like the Neverending Story....and boy, was it hot!!!
  10. @h20skibum Once again, your parties for your grandchildren's birthdays are pretty darned awesome as well as imaginative, Mark! Keep collecting those ducks....๐Ÿ˜
  11. @aussielozzie18 Wonderful pictures, as always, aussie. The driftwood animals are quite unique, and you definitely have "the eye" for the camera! Thank you for sharing!!๐Ÿฅฐ
  12. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!! I'm sure you are/will be enjoying this visit to the fullest!โค๏ธ The smiles on everyone's faces tell it all!!!๐Ÿฅฐ Speaking of "geilte fish"...as Jim and I were driving home on our last day of our trip from Naples, we were listening to a radio station that was talking about the many dishes that are part of your Culture. I always wondered what "gefilte fish" was but never checked it our. So, as Jim was driving, I googled what it was and how it is made. Sounds like I would enjoy it! I've always loved and enjoyed Matzos...especially with butter and salt. Enjoy your Passover, my friend! Looking forward to meeting you and DH on our Bella Cruise!โค๏ธ
  13. Happy 53rd Anniversary, Marietta and Charlie.๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒบ Beautiful picture!! Enjoy your Special Day!๐ŸŒบ
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