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Everything posted by JHU

  1. Thanks for the attachment. Do you mail you paperwork in via USPS or via UPS or FedEx?
  2. This will my first time doing the shareholders credit and both suggestions about sending brokerage info are appreciated. Here's my next questions: #1- I have October 30 and January 8 sailings. Can I send in a request for both of them at the same time. One Carnival rep said I could. #2 - One rep said it's safer to fax documentation than emailing it; however, there's no 'case number' provided with the fax. #3 - How far prior to the sailing can the brokerage paperwork be dated? Thank you, all.
  3. Previous suggestions are good. I often travel solo and ask for a table of six. The meal flows easily from a timing standpoint. I had one Royal cruise when I chose to eat at a two-top. Just brought a book along and enjoyed the meal
  4. Here's a novice's question: When in the Caribbean and wanting to check email/text, I use Verizon's $10 day plan. However, I'm doing 35 days on the Zaandam shortly. Is wi-fi with an on-board HAL plan safe? I'm not sure that I'm asking the correct questions? Thanks.
  5. My general practitioner advised me that Paxlovid interacts with chloresterol meds. Might want to check that.
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