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Everything posted by RD64

  1. Greece? Some ports in Italy like Bari?Ending in Rome - Naples - Messina - Palermo? Albania? Tunisia? Sadly there are not a lot of options
  2. When booking a guarantee there are no guarantees.
  3. Thank you for being a reasonable voice in this continual Woe is Me and My Cruise is Ruined game.
  4. Israel is not going to happen! Sorry to disappoint the people that feel this is just a blip that inconveniences them. Egypt is just a wild card at this point as the situation is fluid.
  5. How do you people seriously expect them to give you a definitive answer to something that has developed literally overnight? Do any of you people actually follow the news? I am sure during this totally unexpected humanitarian crisis - NCL is concerned with you specifically.
  6. This is a fluid situation that seriously changes by the minute. How do you honestly expect them to give you a valid answer that will still be accurate an hour from now. It boggles my mind how many people have no concept as to the severity of the overall situation and the logistics involved for airlines and cruise lines. But please feel free - during this WAR - to never book with NCL again - without a doubt they will come begging you to book with them again due to your inconvenience
  7. You would like to know ahead of time - this is an extremely fluid situation which is changing by the hour, and truly has no resolution in sight. If it is causing you so much stress, best to cancel now.
  8. I don’t believe it is speculation, but fact, that an insurance company will not insure a cruise ship sailing into a war zone. Also, given that many countries - Canada being one of them - are sending emergency flights to evacuate their citizens, feel free to continue speculating as to how soon cruises will resume from Haifa.
  9. Yes this past August I did the 14 day round trip from Vancouver. Northbound it was fogged in - but as you said ethereal beauty. Southbound it was all sunshine and lollipops - and the Inside Passage was incredible.
  10. If everything is standard on other lines, then why did you not just travel with other lines?
  11. Let the troll pay what he has to pay to get off the ship.
  12. Why is that something to be worried about? Just curious.
  13. So 2022 no cruises to St. Petersburg - that Feb. 24/2022 letter was before the start of the Baltic cruise season. No St. Petersburg cruises in 2023. No St. Petersburg cruises scheduled for 2024. So no cruises for three solid years. Shall we take wagers on 2025?
  14. Does anybody who actually watches the news believes that there will be cruises from Israeli ports this November?
  15. Yes- I do need to stay connected for several reasons - but pay what I have to pay instead of resorting to complicated subterfuge.
  16. @cruisingator2 thank you for stating it as it is.
  17. Travel insurance perhaps? Is it Celebrity’s fault that you booked a NRF airfare and a major war just happened to break out? How very entitled of you.
  18. Truly you got 100% back - what more do you want,when technically they were not obligated to give you anything. You chose to book non ship excursions - that one is one you.
  19. A very fluid situation. Israel is a definite no, and I would personally say - do not bet on Alexandria either.
  20. This whole router thing sounds like too much work to actually be going on a cruise to get away from it all, Personally - if the Internet was that essential to my daily life I would just stay home - eliminate the need to “borrow” or whatever it is the OP is doing from purchasing one package.
  21. I would say even longer - six months will take us into the beginning of the 2024 Med season. My opinion is that as soon as RCL deals with the current cruises, they will start working on the 2024 season. I am sure that they dont want to be caught in the same situation where they have to alter itineraries at a short notice, angering passengers
  22. Fresh eggs, sticky buns, and reindeer sausage - the Buffet Breakfast of Champions when going to Alaska.
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