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Everything posted by marbleski

  1. Thanks for the detailed information. Very much appreciated. You mentioned there is one taxi company at the pier in Maui … Will they bring you to the airport car rental Center or do they only do Taxi hires for the Day? If they do bring you to the Airport Car Rental Park do you know if the rate is much higher than the $9 Uber ride from outside the dock? Thanks
  2. How was the cruise, staff, ports, food, service? Were you on the Emerald Harmony? Did they fill all 42 staterooms? Thanks
  3. Yep that’s us lol. One never knows what the weather will be like, especially May and June. Some days there is a10 degree temperature difference from the east and west ends of town. My son and his CFA (come from away) girlfriend visited us for 10 days near end of June last year and they lucked out with mid 20”s all but the day they arrived. It made for great east coast trail hiking, whale watching, puffin watching and so on.
  4. We live way out on the very eastern edge of Canada on the Atlantic Ocean … we think we hit the jackpot on few days summer days we hit 80 degrees lol
  5. Our oldest son spent a winter term at UT Austin in 2016. We put our name in the NCAA lottery draw and scored four tickets to the Final Four the last time it was held in Houston 2016. Wonderful friendly people in Austin. I was hoping our son was going to stay for good so we could move in and spend winters with him lol. Seven years later I still suggests he should move to Austin because the winters are too cold in Ottawa where he lives now.
  6. I noticed you are from Texas. Big day for basketball fans as the NCAA finals are on tonight live from Houston. Our family was hoping the Longhorns would be in the final. I still can't believe they gave up the nice second half lead they has last weekend.
  7. Yep much more complicated than hopping on a motor coach on the dock. Plus the insurance and damage issues ... they seem to be mentioned often. I might dig a bit more and see if I can find a post from someone who rented a car last season. Thanks once again
  8. Thanks for the homework assignment lol. I looked briefly at rental cars for the two larger ports in Iceland but its a bit complicated and probably time consuming in Reykjavik. Did you look into a car rental?
  9. OMG you are so good. Thanks so much for the quick reply. The Iceland tours seem to be the hardest to figure out during my first few days of research. Are your Grundarfjordur, Akurreyri and Reykjavik tours on the larger tour buses or small group tours? Thanks so much
  10. It looks like we are the same cruise. We booked quite a while ago but I have just started looking at the ports, flights, hotels and so on. We are travelling with our two adult children too. Did you make arrangements for tours yet and who did you use? The Iceland Ports are the first ones I am looking at as we visited the other three ports on our last cruise in the good old pre-covid days. On our previous cruises across the pond (we live on the other side of the Atlantic directly across from Ireland) I arranged small group tours and found others to join on our roll call. I am way behind on this trip. I looked over the the FB posts during the last few days and I have now moved on to the CC ports of call. I seen your post and figured I would ask what you have booked in Iceland so far. I plan to check out the roll call once I read up the ports of call threads. Thanks
  11. We are considering renting a car too. We arrive end of August. We just started the trip planning and came across Alamo but the car rental company closes at 7:00 pm. Have you come across anything with a later return time.
  12. Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated. We are getting closer to the mystery answer lol. Hopefully the next reply can share the exact nights for each show. We have four dinners booked and if one happens on show night we should have time to dine and make it to the second show.
  13. Thanks again for trying taking the time to help me find out the answer to my question. I have looked elsewhere. No go. My last resort was posting here on the general NCL thread. There is much more activity on this thread so I rolled the dice and took a chance someone on the general NCL thread might have recently cruised on the Jewel to Alaska. My past experience is that most every possible question one could throw out there regarding a specific cruise was answered on a roll call … even thought the cruise had yet to sail someone somewhere seemed to have an answer. Maybe activity on CC roll calls dropped off since our last pre Covid cruise. Plus, I assume short cruises result in less roll call activity.
  14. Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately our roll call is non-existent. Ditto for the one on other social media sources. Hopefully someone cruising now or in the very near future will respond.
  15. Bumping this up I am hoping to find somebody who who can help answer my question.
  16. I have been searching but I cannot find which nights and times the Velvet and Rock You Tonight Shows are scheduled for on the current Jewel Alaska schedule. Thanks
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