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Everything posted by richs52

  1. Just booked my 4th sailing on the Epic! Great ship!
  2. I can also confirm, I am sailing the Jade this Thursday and am booked through the Casino. I had no problem getting my shareholder benefit applied. Actually, they replied to the request in less than 24 hours.
  3. I'm always amazed by people that don't do their research before booking, and then complain about widely available policies after.
  4. I will be booking a January eastbound crossing on QM2 in 2025 for my 50th Birthday. This will be my first crossing. I realize that weather in January will be cold. I'm wondering if a balcony stateroom is useable at this time of year, or if I should just book an inside. Looking for opinions from folks who have done both. Thank you.
  5. Sorry that you didn't get any cookies.
  6. I’m my experience they barely glance at the e-ticket. They literally just scan the barcode on your e-ticket and hand it back to you. They take a pic of your passport, a pic of you for security, collect the health form, and then hand you your card. I really think you will be ok.
  7. I expect the entertainment on a cruise to be on par with what I paid for the cruise. I don't pay anywhere near the price of an NCL cruise when I sail on MSC, so I don't expect the entertainment to be nearly as good.
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