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Posts posted by kc320

  1. The credit card paying for the cruise does not need to be the same as the person in the cabin....we just did this with my sister's cabin...she did not have a credit card so we called to make her payment, no problem. Now for onboard charges the person who's name is on the card has to link & authorize the charges.

  2. I was planning on buying cheap clear luggage tags at Walmar and folding so my information shows on both sides.


    For those of you who have done it, will this work?


    Haven't done that, but you can also buy those little travel kits of toothpaste & tooth brush at Walmart...they are about $1 and then use the plastic holder they come in for your luggage tag, punch a hole in the top & attach with zip tie...I've done that & it works fine...


    I bought these for my last cruise...since I usually travel solo they should last me for a while..


  3. T2B2, I bet when you boarded BOS a few days ago you never imagined you'd be doing a "live" from the Brilliance series did you?

    Thanks for the posts & awesome pictures, hope you make it in safely today!


    I may be wrong, but has this ever happened here in Tampa before? I mean a ship being closed over this long? I know there have been delays before, I just don't remember one this long...

  4. Totally missed this post and I'm on CC all the time now ...doh.


    But I'm confused. Was the 'book now' deal just for cruises until May 15, 2015? And the 'book later' deal is the current BOGO where you get 50% off or drink package? It's not clear on the difference.


    I'm not sure anyone is clear on the difference...including ROYAL...they just seem to keep recycling the same sale "term" with no real difference in price..unless it is an increase...

  5. So let me get this straight. They are going to give us $100 obc if we choose one of those dates? What happens if we already had a $200 obc? Will that make it $300? And what happens if I can't pick one of those dates and decide to go on a different boat at the same time frame?


    They will give you the $100 regardless of what date you eventually book...so yes...your OBC total should be $300 check your paper work closely when you make the change to be sure everything carries over properly...if the dates given do not work for you you will pay the current rate of the new cruise you book...you MAY be able to call & get them to work a deal on date that better suits you...but no garauntee...

  6. Ah. I haven't been on the Brilliance, or any Radiance class ship in a while. I guess that they turned the previous VCL space into the lounge, and left the regular bar in place? That would account for their being a soda gun setup.




    Did they have ANY soda in cans on the Brilliance? One advantage of the cans is that they will sometimes have types of soda that they don't have on the gun.


    The CL on the Brilliance is off to the side where Hollywood Odessey used to be...the DL is across the hall in an area converted from the VCL...the revolving bar in VCL is still there..


    I "thought" I saw people with can's of soda in the CL...but the night I asked for soda I was sitting at the bar & it came out of the gun...

  7. IME, it has been quite a while since anyone cares if you take your drink out of the lounge.


    I often ask for a can of soda and a glass of ice. Never a problem.


    No lounge (I am not talking about overflow areas or using your vouchers) is actually a bar. No "soda gun" in any of them. They all wheel in the supply. The soda source is cans.


    Brilliance CL has the soda gun...I was hoping for a can in Dec. & instead my sprite was from the gun...

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