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Everything posted by derorim

  1. We keep bird feeders filled with sunflower seed. Invariably some seed drops to the ground and sprouts, and we get a few sunflower plants. Earlier this summer, some sort of critter apparently tried to climb one of these sunflowers, bending and snapping it such that it laid on the deck. I thought it would die. Instead, that thing grew and grew and grew like the Incredible Hulk. The initial stalk is the diameter of a baseball bat, and there are easily 100 flowers and buds on it. It has taken over the deck. Mother Nature is amazing. Here’s a picture of that one plant.
  2. That’s only because my night blooming cereus is getting ready to bloom, only one bud, but I remember your dad’s wall filled with blooms. So impressive.
  3. I found this picture of me the other day. I think this might be the last time I ironed.
  4. I just did that this morning, as we are headed to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. It will get us free parking and a discount on some shows. It also waives the hotel resort fee but we’re not staying at a MGM property. Call MGM Rewards with your Rewards number and C&A number and they will do the status match. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/mgm-partnership-benefits-page-2024.pdf https://www.mgmresorts.com/en/mgm-rewards/tiers.html It took all of ten minutes to do. You have to renew it every year unless you accumulate enough MGM points for it to carry over to the next year.
  5. I love reading about your walks and seeing the pictures of the trails. I wish I could do as much as you and Susan do!
  6. I did that twice and have no regrets. Two awesome sons were my reward. 🙂
  7. Happy 50th Birthday, Brian! He sounds like a real keeper! George, you took the words right out of my mouth!
  8. I'm loving the cuddly kitty pictures. @helen haywood @StanleyandGus. I had to dig up one of Miss Priss and Marcel. Our house is so different now without them. As far as furniture clawing goes, I invested in double-sided tape and put it where they liked to scratch. Once they learned not to claw, I took it off. But when we bought new furniture, I had to start over again with the tape deterrent.
  9. Bonnie, thanks for sharing the "things I learned in kindergarten." The last line, "hold hands and stick together" reminds me of the people that on this thread that reach out to and support one another. Jane, you haven't held back in sharing the challenges you have been facing over the past years. You have had to deal with so many difficult issues. I am glad that you have found happiness in your new beautiful home with friendly people around you. It wasn't easy, but you made it. I'm happy for you.
  10. So sorry to hear about the sickness in your family. I hope they recover quickly. It's nice that the hospital has a family suite treatment room. I'm not familiar with that. How does that work?
  11. Congratulations on getting rid of the boot! It seems like you were in it for quite a while. That little lizard looks like it would be a tasty snack!
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