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Posts posted by sheffield

  1. Several people have posted in an MSC group chat that they were told by MSC agents that their bookings on the Seaside are now on the Meraviglia. The dates ranged from November 2020 through March 2021. I have a booking on the Seaside in January 2021 but when I went to my account to check on it the site said that that function wasn’t available. One person was told by MSC that there would be an announcement about this on Monday. 

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  2. I cannot imagine any cruise ship would want US or UK passengers sailing on it. Nor would I think many people would go to the UK to get on a cruise ship. What if your 14 day quarantine is still around? Will any country let a ship dock if there are people sick with covid 19? Surely there are many questions to be answered before cruising in Europe starts again. Also I would have thought in Asia as well 

  3. 2 hours ago, ALWAYS CRUZIN said:

    Agree, I will continue to cruise as before. 4-6 every year. Even with all our cancellations, we still might be able to complete 4 for this year. People want to vacation on land. I see no difference. You are in a hotel or on a big ship. Where is the difference? I do not see it. Those that love to stay on land, that is great. Those that love cruising is also great. Bon Voyage!!!

    The huge difference is that on land you can be at a hospital quickly whereas on a ship who knows? It depends on which port allows you to dock.

  4. Which country is going to accept a ship if patients develop the virus? Realistically it has to happen, nowhere is free of the virus. I don’t understand why people are desperate to start cruising when the numbers fluctuate in some countries and rise dramatically in others. Who would want someone from the US or the UK on a boat? I’m just bewildered by these threads but nevertheless have to keep reading them!!

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  5. It’s not a case of arguing for the sake of arguing it’s just plain facts. If I’m inclined to stay in I live, if I’m inclined to go out my doctors say I would be extremely vulnerable to catching it and most likely would die. It’s not a case of choosing to be crippled by it, it’s a case of choosing to live. 

    • Like 4
  6. Va man, thanks for the response. Right from the start this thread has made me emotional in many ways so much so that I stopped looking at it. I came back to see if there had been any news about the people who were so sick. After reading about the death of the cousin of baseballmom2007  it was just too much for me to read Mojogurueds rather insensitive post. I have learned my lesson I will definitely not look at this post again as it makes me say things I would not normally do. 

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  7. 30 minutes ago, CGTNORMANDIE said:

    If we are to get our economy up and running then we will have to accept the possibility of infection.  Elderly and medically vulnerable will have to continue to shelter if they are so inclined.  If we want to cruise we will also have to accept the possibility of infection as long as systems have been put in place that will prevent a recurrence of the past months.  

    So as a medically vulnerable person my options are stay in for ever or die? Wow that’s some choice. It sounds like you don’t care and I’m afraid that is rapidly becoming the feeling in the US as well. I find it rather scary and depressing. 

    • Like 3
  8. Charlie Murphy, I find your post rather insulting. Many people’s chronic conditions are out of their control, I know mine is. Rheumatoid arthritis which requires immunosuppressive drugs which cause many side effects, such as steroid induced diabetes, heart failure, adrenal insufficiency, I could go on and on. You need to be better informed about this before you post inane comments.

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  9. 3 hours ago, fatcat04 said:

    The Fates smiled on me. It was near the top of the heap.

    Fascinating interview with Dr. Michael Busch of UCSF, his bio here https://pathology.ucsf.edu/about/faculty/michael-p-busch-md-phd


    article here:





    Q: What serosurveys are you doing in the United States?

    A: We’re developing three large serosurvey studies. We need to do them at regular intervals to detect ongoing incidence, to determine if antibody responses are waning, and to assess herd immunity.

    The first one, which will be funded by the National Institutes of Health, is already underway in six metropolitan regions in the U.S. It was started in Seattle when that outbreak happened, then New York City, then we quickly kicked in the San Francisco Bay area, and now we’ve added Los Angeles, Boston, and Minneapolis. Colleagues at regional blood centers are each saving 1000 samples from donors each month—often it’s just a few days each month—and they’re demographically defined so we know the age, the gender, and, most important, the zip code of the donor’s residence. Those 6000 samples, collected each month starting in March and for the next 5 months, will be assessed with an antibody testing algorithm, which we’re still finalizing, that will help us monitor how many people develop SARS-CoV-2 antibodies over time. That will show us when we’re going from, say, a half a percent to 2% of the donors having antibodies.

    That will evolve into a national survey. With support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], we’ll conduct three national, fully representative serosurveys of the U.S. population using the blood donors. That will be 50,000 donations in September and December of 2020 and November of 2021. We’re going to be estimating overall antibody prevalence to SARS-CoV-2 within each state, but also map it down within the states to regions and metropolitan urban areas, and look at the differences

    In Governor Cuomo’s daily address today he said that when they get the antibody tests they will be able to see who can go back to work but they don’t know when they will get them. So obviously New York State is not testing yet.

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