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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Interesting that you mentioned Block Island.I just found out earlier today that a guy I knew in HS has been living there for a while.
  2. Having lived all my life in NY and the majority of my life in NYC I have been to all on your list.John’s I agree has great pizza.Patsy’s also has very good pizza. The others in my opinion are not equal to John’s and Patsy’s . However,it is all one’s opinion .
  3. Thanks,Debbie .She had a nice day.Instead of the traditional birthday cake Toby made Coffee Cake muffins.We put candles in my granddaughters muffin and sang to her.
  4. My late friend who lived in Cortlandt Manor was friends with the owner of Buon Amici.The first time my wife and I went there with my friend and his wife my friend introduced me to the owner and said that Lenny came all the way from Long Island just for dinner,which was true.I got a big hug from the owner .Every time I was there afterward if the owner was there he would come over and hug me .If we were there before the traditional dinner time we were seated at the table he reserves for his friends and family. A friend of mine who lives in Hartsdale is also a regular there. I have only been to Park Side twice and both times as part of a group. Another one of my favorite Italian restaurants is Steve’s Piccola Bussola in Westbury,LI.The food and service are always very good.
  5. I have a book to recommend to you ,Dani.By The Grace of the Game by Dan Grunfeld.It is about his 96 year old grandmother who is a Holocaust survivor from Romania.My children bought the book for me because of my fathers close friend who was a survivor from Romania as I previously mentioned to you. I just began reading it this morning but it is very good so far.
  6. Joe and Pats which I previously posted about previously is a place that I have eaten in many times and never had anything bad there. Back to Brooklyn,other favorites of mine were Lenny and John’s and Spumoni Gardens.
  7. I have had a lot of SI pizza.I worked there in the summer of 1959 and when my kids were young we would often go to the SI zoo,Richmond Restoration and Clove Lake Park.Having pizza on those days was always included in our day. My late brother in law used to drive often from Canarsie to an Italian restaurant in SI for dinner and frequently took me with him .I cannot recall the name. Toby and I were members of a Senior Travel club from 2015 to 2019. Many of the tours were conducted by a guy who had a radio show in NYC who discussed among other things the great NYC restaurants.Whenever we were on a tour led by him that was in NJ or SI he always took us to an Italian restaurant on Forest Ave.The food was always great there. My 2 favorite Italian restaurants of all time are Rao’s in Manhattan and Buon Amici in White Plains.
  8. I am not Italian but my Godfather was and he took me for pizza many times when I was young. For 25 years I worked for a company where between 95 to 99 percent of the employees were Italian and over the years I went out with them on work days as well as weekends and very often for pizza.I have never been In Italy or Dallas but I have been to about 10 cities in Texas and the only city where I found great pizza was in Houston and the owners were from the Bronx.
  9. Pizza sold in BJ’s in LI prior to the pandemic tasted like cardboard with ketchup.I cannot recall the last time I boarded a train at Grand Center or ate pizza in that area.The majority of the years I worked in Manhattan were in the Union Square area where there were many bad pizza places.
  10. In the 60’s my wife and I rescued cats.We gave everyone of them human names.Our three favorite that we almost kept were Priscilla ,Elizabeth and Wivenhoe.Priscilla looked just like Leonard.We hopefully found good homes for all the cats we rescued.
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