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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I recall vividly the first James Bond movie I saw,Dr.No.The movie theater was full,not one empty seat.It was so different from any movie that I previously saw.
  2. The area that I live in has a Dunkin Donuts.Every morning ,7 days a week a group of elderly men go there for conversation and probably donuts.One of my neighbors is a member of the group.Several years ago he invited me to come one day.Nobody ate donuts,we all had muffins and coffee.
  3. Toby’s father died from falling down a flight of steps in his house. I fractured a wrist each time that I fell down an escalator.
  4. That is what I usually do.The condo that we live in has three outdoor pools I am probably the only resident who has never been in a pool.They have tables with umbrellas ,lounge chairs and regular chairs.I used to go there for conversation.
  5. I was the Fire Warden on the floor I was working on.It was up to me to make sure everyone was out of offices and bathrooms.We had monthly fire drills.
  6. I never had a problem with elevators but for 20 years I worked on the 17th.floor of an office building.Twice there were fires and I had to walk all the way down to the main floor .That did not bother me but my wife worked on the 87th.floor of the original World Trade Center and I could never imagine walking down 87 floors.
  7. I used to go with friends to Betsy Head Pool in Brooklyn but I just hung out and talked to other kids.It was ten cents to enter .
  8. I fell down an escalator from top to bottom as a child and stayed off one until age 20 when I talked myself in to trying again.I fell down again and have never been on one since.
  9. My favorite cuisine is Italian.There are great restaurants in my part of NY.I have never been to an Olive Garden or any other chain restaurant.
  10. You are entitled to your opinion .For me there is nothing better than a jelly donut from Dunkin Donuts and pizza from Sorrentos.
  11. All of my friends were swimmers.I went to beaches but just walked in the water up to my ankles.When I was on my first cruise in 1973 I was in water in Bermuda. I do not remember it but I have a picture.
  12. When I was 9 years old my parents and I were vacationing in a hotel that had a pool.A group of kids picked me up and threw me in the water not realizing that I did not swim.I had a water phobia afterward and have only been in a pool once since.
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