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Everything posted by herbanrenewal

  1. This is a great thread - lots of people have spoken about some of my favorites - loved Holy land cruise, also New Zealand and Australia, Baltic when it still went to St Petersburg - Many great Med cruise experiences, but i got to admit. usually my favorite cruise is the next one coming up
  2. if your antigen test is positive you could still be shedding - and spreading virus. Antigen tests show presence of spreadable virus. PCR tests for a part of the virus that may not indicate spreadable virus but present viral particles. PCR is the one that may be present for 30 days or more, but the patient is not transmitting virus. Antigen, since it indicates spreadable virus is the most important while travelling - or even going about your business at home. The one you want for travel is the antigen test, and if you are post-infectious it will be negative. If its positive you can still be spreading virus even if you are no longer symptomatic.
  3. My experiences have found i'm frequently better off with booking myself (also solo traveler) Sometimes not only will i get my choice of flights but I'm in control of my reservation. As a solo with seating assigned just a few weeks before cruise you are likely to get a middle seat, and 3 connections causing extremely long travel time
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