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Everything posted by kamelia

  1. And how 'bout those of us on a cruise-tour itinerary that starts on land the 31st of August but the cruise portion isn't until after September 6th... will a test still be required prior to arriving at the Princess Lodge?
  2. You can put the "something" on the home screen yourself next time, if you'd like. Here's a screenshot to make it a bit easier to understand. Once you're onboard, access ship-name.princess.com to bring up Ocean Concierge. My screenshot is from the Grand Princess, but Grand can be replaced with whichever ship you're on fleetwide. After you've got that page open, use Share (icon should look something similar to the one in the bottom middle of my screenshot) to Add to Homescreen. This is the process for Apple iPhones and iPads, so maybe someone else could weigh in with how to do it on Android. HTH! p.s. I absolutely agree that it is a MUCH better version of Journeyview!!!
  3. True dat. 🤭 In this case, though, it is different than other types of On Board Credit offered by Princess in that I am able to apply the OBC associated with the Shareholder's Benefit to pre-purchase Specialty Dining, for example. If the Shore Excursion OBC was posted to my account in the same way that the Shareholder's Benefit is and I used it to pre-purchase Specialty Dining only to have the shore excursion cancelled the day after my meal, I could see that this would cause no end of heartburn to rectify.
  4. I can confirm that the 10% discount appeared as OBC only after we were onboard. Given the fact that two of our shore excursions were cancelled while on the cruise and 10% OBC credit for those tours then removed from our portfolio, I don't see that Princess will ever make that OBC available to use before boarding.
  5. If not at the pier, then you might be given a keycard to get on board and then you’ll have to go to Guest Services to have new one(s) made. At least that’s the way it was done last December at Port Everglades. HTH
  6. Copied & Pasted last chart in new post: TO UPDATE THIS LIST: DO NOT push the "Quote" button. It creates a copy that the next person cannot properly update. DO select and copy ALL of the text, including the above heading, these instructions and the footer note, from the most up-to-date list (the most recent reply with the list).  Go to the bottom of the latest post, to the "Reply to this Topic..." box to create a new post. Paste your copied text into that box. Make your modifications to the list. Click the "Submit Reply" button just below the list you are modifying. Confirm that everything is correct! You can edit for up to 20 minutes. SHIP CAPTAIN CRUISE DIRECTOR ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR DIR, RESTAURANT OP's Caribbean Princess Steve Holland Kristoff Greyling Martyn Moss (on leave?) George Drugan Coral Princess Kevin Tugwell Crown Princess Lazaro Jody Miles Kelvin Joy Mariusz Caermemnazowicz (sp?) Diamond Princess Stephano Ravera Aaron Hawkins Duke Christopher Not In Service Discovery Princess Tim Stringer Marcus Prince Juanta Frenchie Desbuquois Emerald Princess Fernando Cunha Enchanted Princess Nick Nash Aaron Hawkins Daniel Falconer Silvio Zampieri Grand Princess Michele Bartolomei Corinne Steel Callie Smit Paul Ciobanu Island Princess Andi Sanders Daniele Rosafio (until Sept 11) Majestic Princess Michele Tuvo Armando Merin Ben Powney Francisco Patricio Regal Princess Andrea Spinardi Dan France Neil Rose Nicola Furlan Royal Princess Natalie Costa Ron Goodman Ruby Princess Stephen Lewis Michael Reitano Bernie Fuentes Jacques Ghennai Sapphire Princess Not In Service Not In Service Not In Service Sky Princess Marco Fortezze Paul Chandler-Burns Matt Thompson Francesco <COPY TO THIS LINE SO THERE IS SPACE TO TYPE CHANGE NOTES AFTER THE CHART> Grand Princess current as of 7/27/22
  7. Captain swap-out as of today (only personnel change affecting this chart) 😉
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