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Everything posted by Cbtours

  1. Come o. Guys! Don’t talk yourselves down! I’m sure you could hold a candle to any of these whippersnappers 😁😁
  2. Had you done the transit previously or your first time? It looks fascinating. How long from start to finish?
  3. Well there you go, learn something new everyday 🤣
  4. Very funny 😁 in our later years if it’s long haul, we book premium economy and request upgrade to business for the biggest leg of the flight with points. Scored at least half the time. otherwise frank has his own method, even in short haul, before the plane has left the runway, he’s in sleep mode!
  5. I assure you it is said “tongue in cheek” as my kids are definitely the biggest encouragers of me spending anything. i am incredibly proud that coming from a very working class background all my kids have done very well by working hard, putting themselves thru uni etc. so ski tours has always been a joke 😁😁🥰
  6. lol ok Amazon will help!!! At least nothing can get in my ears mouth or more 🤣🤣🤣
  7. I say “thanks” which should have a. Exclamation mark!!! I haven’t ever thought about anything crawling and what will I do now if I can’t think it 😣😣😣😣
  8. I’m the founding member of Ski Tiurs Spend Your Kids Inheritance
  9. I’m very happy with the elite complimentary laundry, but sometimes a stain however small can be missed, hence the stain remover being great. easy to drop a bit of food, spill something etc
  10. OzKiwiJJ gave a great tip re Sard? Block stain remover. You spread it on stain and can leave on 7 days it says. it’s remarkably efficient.
  11. Unless your left home kids look after your dog while you’re away 😁
  12. Do you have to fly to take your cruise 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. As little as possible! The only exception to their supplied toiletries is my own shampoo! But I take as small amount as possible to cover the times I need to wash my hair 😁
  14. It’s whatever makes you happy! That’s what holidays are😁
  15. We know what you mean! Insurance is like an additional airfare! our main travel is going backwards and forwards to see Franks family in South Africa.(going for Christmas this year) And next year we’re going to see my family in UK, so adding a British Isles cruise on the end of that. there’s plenty of Australia still to see.
  16. So ideally, you could find a cruise to somewhere you wanted to visit, cruise there and stay a couple of weeks, then catch a cruise to another place and stay a week! Sounds pretty idyllic to me 🥰
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