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Everything posted by indiana123

  1. Good morning (2.51).. nothing much has happened yet!😆 Just going to try an 'Avril'. and read some aged posts. See you later
  2. Thanks Avril, what a great idea. Sometimes in the middle of the night I run out of ideas of what to do next. I am going to try that x
  3. Do you remember a week or so ago when we had that annoying pop up from an Agent, the name of whom I may not disclose for fear of the naughty step.... well I have been receiving messages at home now via e mail but have had no dealings with them. Bit of a coincidence?
  4. Avril, you could have taken your curlers out! At least I had a dressing gown ☺️😆
  5. I walk with two sticks, but usually use my tiny mobility scooter on board or long walks, also it changes day by day, but I am sure that in an emergency adrenalin would kick in and I would hang on the banisters and possibly be first up the stairs!!! I
  6. We went out to dinner tonight, like a date night🤣 Although we were dismissed from the Court case after lunch it took it out of us,remembering events from two years ago. I had questions regarding the vehicle in our wall being very slightly to one side. On the day this is something I would never have noticed. Most of my questions were about being offered a trip up the pub and leaving the scene. It was when the Off Duty Officer missed the corner and drove into our wall. How he wasn't killed I will never know. We didn't bring proceedings Police Conduct did re leaving the scene offering drinks and other things ie abuse of Warrant. The case has two more days to run which is for forensics and science expert witnesses so goodness knows what else there was. All we know is the wall cost £17,000, which was paid by his Insurers. They couldn't match the wall so it had to be a completely new one, The annoying thing was our Insurers hiked up our yearly payment up by £300.. I'm having a lazy day with a jigsaw tomorrow and giving my brain a rest.
  7. We are witnesses in a matter today. Just waiting for Police to arrive to check on computer settings. We are doing it by video. Due to last three days. Scary stuff trying to remember what and when, some of our timings differ a bit, but after two years that is normal. Strange feelings.
  8. Heavens have opened, garden flooded, Terrible storm, in two parts here in Kent. Thunder went on and on. OH had a meeting, but lovely Morrisons driver ran in with the shopping for me and put it nicely in the kitchen. He rescued me from a spider too. He couldn't believe then noise of the rain on the conservatory roof and that has a proper ceiling. Hopefully that's it. It was scary stuff, being in alone especially as i had dropped off and woke up in the dark with the doorbell ringing. Hope everyone round here is ok. There are quite a few of us on here from around the area.
  9. We went to Leeds Castle last night for a Classical Concert. Very long trudge from the coach park, but worth it.. All was going well with the warm up act when the heavens opened with hailstones, then rain, we were soaked to the skin, especially with a few more showers later. We were in an open but enclosed seating area. Everyone was dripping. The concert was magnificent., especially when a spitfire arrived overhead doing spins and dives, almost in time with the rousing music. It was the London Philharmonic, with two brilliant soloists. At the end the 'serious' conductor left then re-appeared in sparkly jacket and a party started, We were enjoying it but decided, with others, to get a bit of a headstart on those younger and more agile for the walk to the coach. It was a but scary finding our way in the dark, especially when the crowds caught us up with their trolleys and picnic gear, I was ok I was on my scooter with one bag on my knee, but poor OH had to walk with another bag and my crutches. What a great evening, but all talk in the coach on way home was how uncomfortable everyone was being soaked through. We were lucky the coach dropped us at our door.
  10. 🙂😃Eeeeerm not a pretty sight these days!!!! Not my words "never has get em off quick" meant so little!!😊
  11. We are now laughing at our antics yesterday! We fancied a coffee so popped into Greggs for coffee and a sausage roll. OH then decided to drive to a local Country Park\Quay. (I was holding one coffee) I joked asking him if his intentions in the Country Park were honourable etc, sadly they were, although I can't repeat his reply. Suddenly there was a big speed bump and down onto my lap loads of the scolding coffee went went. I yelled stop, park, help. He pointed to a bottle of water in the side panel. Well he parked near some trees,but even so, goodness knows what anyone thought. Me trying to get my trousers down, still in the car, throwing a bottle of water at my legs, then squirming trying to get wet trousers up. I think our street cred would have gone up.. two old dodderers trying to have fun🤣🤣We dream!! Luckily I think our quick action worked. A bit of redness but all well. Mind you the ride home was uncomfortable, wet trousers and drawers and wet seat.
  12. Good morning from the Wide Awake Club! We had new super duper mattresses delivered today too. Re Manor Farm..It's a shame. We have been there many times, mostly years ago. I can't think of any use for the building, on the corner, raised up a bit and with mezzanines and nooks and crannies as you say. Its quite a big PI behind it. I would think it would be doing well, but obviously not. Its a shame, its been going for donkeys years.
  13. Agree... absolutely😀 but not the amount I slathered on it!!!😊
  14. On a more tasty subject than BP. We have all heard of the ladies/people who go to Sl**ming W**ld then after the meeting go to McD's for a Big Mac and chips...well I did something similar this morning I made a big thing about we were going to try healthier eating. I said I could have a lightly toasted bacon sandwich (some leftover in the fridge) but I would cut off all fat. I painstakingly did that even though crispy fat is the best bit. THEN I realised I had covered the toast in butter. My healthier eating plan, which I had been on and on at OH about, was all over in 2minutes!😏😀
  15. Goodness all this BP talk can get confusing. Mine has been high for yeas,but then got a bit stable.The problem is trying to get information especially regarding my recent event. I was sitting watching morning TV when I felt weird. It didn't feel like a heart attack, but was scary. I took my BP and it had dropped dramatically and was 76/50 and continued dropping into the 60s. I phoned GP but calls only taken between 10.30 and 12. I sat quietly and it went up slowly so I rang 111 who said I needed to see my Doctor and they would arrange it. They rang to say they couldn't get a reply either (ridiculous when professionals can't contact each other urgently)Next day a nurse rang and said to reduce BP tablets. I decided to use common sense and while mine is a lovely 120/70 I won't take them but speak to her when she rings. My problem is... at what point do I ring for help or go to A and E. No-one can give me an answer. BP at 76/50 or 60/44 is scary when not normal for me, All ok now.
  16. I often crave for things and can't settle until satisfied, normally it's something like a hamburger or sausages and chips or even a certain vegetable and I thought it could be my body needs something but this last week I have been fancying a sea view, (a little sun, not too much) newspapers and a glass of wine. I managed to find a site with Scandinavian Chalets on, not cheap, but with two verandahs and a clear sea view so we are off later after popping in to a family BBQ, Just four nights but we are just going to chill. See you all soon.. behave! 😇
  17. If you say to a child "Lets go for a walk", they will probably say Boring...". Say to a little one "Lets go on a duck hunt" then that is different.😂 Lots of these events creeping in over here, possibly from across the pond. Went to a Baby (sex) Reveal party the other day, thats a new one, and I admit a bit odd, but like the ducks... just a bit of fun.
  18. My turn in the Wide Awake Club this morning, my only friend being the biscuit tin!😗
  19. I heard some strange muttering.. it didn't sound very polite to me!😂 Then I heard more muttering about going in the garden to water the plants. I didn't enquire but I told the cat to stay with me......
  20. That seems like bad luck. We have never had to wait for separate tables to catch up or wait. What we have found on these adjoining tables is that conversation flows between courses, or when adjoining tables aren't eating then it stops while eating. We found this very good and very polite.
  21. Eddy 99 That really made me laugh. I could have posed for that!!🤣
  22. Oh no... I won't get that vision out of my head all day now!🤣 Take it easy today Mrs K, and hope you are ok xx
  23. Thank you again for mentioning little Riley and sending good wishes. Just an update to say that they are home and mum will be resting. Her body had gone into shock for a while but she is on the mend nicely now. I can't get to see him yet as they live in an upstairs flat. They said they will take him to my daughters at the weekend. I have said mum must rest and we would rather have a cuddle when all is well again. I thought of you today Megabear when I saw a bit of Royal Ascot. In the race I saw 1st was 80 - 1 and 2, 3, and 4 were either 40 or 50 - 1. Would this be a Bookmakers nightmare?
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