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Everything posted by indiana123

  1. Just popped into Tescos. Thought I'd better let you know... The hot cross buns are in!!! Actually labelled as hot cross buns. Also saw a pub saying "Book now for Mother's Day Lunch" I give up!🙃🤣
  2. I woke up this morning craving turkey and ham stew, but we went out for Christmas Lunch and out Boxing Day. The plan was that yesterday when we were out at my daughter's inlaws and we would 'nick' some leftovers from them and bring them back, but when we left people were still eating (and drinking) so we slipped away without asking for a doggy bag.The doggy bag would have been given happily as we have spoken many times about the young ones wasting good food.🙃 I feel so cheated out of one of the best Christmas things that we are going to buy a small turkey crown at the weekend then two days later it will be time for the stew. I won't put vinegar in like OH does😀😍
  3. So sorry for those affected by covid. I hope you all recover well. My daughter works in a Private Hospital and it is quite bad there. She wouldn't come here the other day just in case. I think there is more of it about than they lead us to believe.
  4. Better not comment on here or I'll spend Christmas Day on the naughty step. Have you seen what's been going on on the Ambassador site. A right shenanigans. Bit complicated for me to explain but 800 cancelled for their Christmas Caribbean cruise for saving 6000 short trips. You will get it when you see it.Too late to get anything else. Very sorry for them.
  5. Sometimes we look at the calendar and moan as we have booked too many things. Sometimes we ask each other what we have planned and the answer is 'nothing'. BUT the most asked question is "what day is it?" (That is apart from "Now what did I come in this room for!")
  6. Just popped into Morrisons for newspapers and it's almost empty,. Also, I had e mails yesterday offering me an Ocado slot slot for Christmas and also something called Tesco Whoosh delivery almost immediately, and yesterday there was my Iceland order delivered in under three hours. Add that to the 15p vegetable war that is going on at the moment, and it makes me think they are all struggling for custom this Christmas. Josy, love the tree and so glad you decided to do it.
  7. Thank you everyone for your good wishes. I wont say anything about pain or lack of it or it will all go wrong. Eddie 99 .. welcome to the ATE Club (awake too early), that's a new name, and it is very exclusive you know and only opens in the dead of night to a few elite😄 Josy, as everyone says, you must do as you feel right, but can only say that if it was me then putting up the tree and a few bits and pieces would make me feel better. Merry Christmas and a Happier New Year to everyone and thank you all for your online support, and friendship. xx
  8. Now I'm not up with the fairies. Yesterday's procedure went well. I wont mention pain or lack of it or it will all go wring. It was very funny in parts like me threatening to run off with the anaesthetist but what happened about the knickers really cheered us up. What made us laugh is putting on the dreaded backless gown I asked about knickers. The nurse said that each surgeon was different and to ask him. Not an easy thing to ask a handsome Thai/Chinese? Surgeon. So as he left I said "Oh Underclothes?" and he turned and said "You can leave your knickers on" and rolled up and left laughing. I was very pleased because I had to launch face down onto three stomach pillows when in the theatre. I don't think that was pretty.🤣 Anyway it was all over very quickly. He said he found the spine twisted worse than it looked on the mri and he wasn't surprised at the amount of pain. I hope it all lasts for a few months but can only watch and wait.
  9. The shops are indeed half empty round here, Morrisons in particular was very quiet. Also some of the major supermarkets have e mailed me offering a late Xmas shop. They weren't available a few weeks ago. We realised just now that we were running short of cat litter, its too heavy for us now, so I looked on Iceland of all people, ordered 3 plus big boxes of cat food which last for ever and that is being delivered in three hours. Unbelievable. Can I morph into Kalos please, just for a minute! I ACCIDENTALLY TOOK MY CAT'S MEDICATION DON'T ASK MEOW I'll get my coat!😀
  10. I have just had to take my gel nails off ready for this afternoons procedure.. what a palaver getting gel off on our own is. It was a nightmare.. luckily someone is coming Thursday to do my lashes, and nails and hair.. then I should feel human again. Have a great time at Nidd.
  11. OK, but very unstable. It can go from one place to another in 10 seconds. Sometimes it surprises me, and I shout out, then it just goes. I am not a cryer, but sometimes I have cried, then it disappears. Thanks for asking. On Tuesday I am having spinal injections under anaesthetic so hope it take even some pain away.
  12. That's the one. Did Saturdays in a clothes shop. It was when big midi coats came out for kids. If the coats were too big we were encouraged to hold them in a pleat at the back. I couldn't do that, and other dodgy practices, so I left!
  13. When I was little my mum used to take us out for the day to Brixton. I vaguely remember having meals there as a treat. When I got bigger I worked in Herne Hill near there but had to visit Brixton Cop Shop many times, what a tough lot they were. In my teens Saturday jobs were Littlewoods in Peckham, a curtain shop then clothes down East Lane. Anyone remember East Lane??? It buzzed.
  14. When I was younger BHS did the best fish and chips. On the other subject, I love Pizza Express
  15. I went to Greenwich Market by coach the other day. Strange things for sale there too. One lady as selling dangly earrings made of small pieces of broken crockery. Both sides similar but not quite the same. OH bought me two pairs for my birthday as I loved them. Quirky but fun!
  16. But if I remember rightly Lincslady you have been through the mill too but stay cheerful. I know that feeling. I know mobility gets a bit iffy through age but I get "why me" sessions because it wasn't my fault. Its good to get on here though, especially when that Kalos is about. He would make one of those naughty elves people get at Christmas. We have had a good laugh this morning. We were going to my daughters on Boxing Day for a bit of chaos and fun, then her inlaws (the outlaws🤣) wanted to come, then their family wanted to join us. While my daughter's house is lovely she couldn't fit in 15 so the outlaws kindly opened their house up. As it would be Boxing Day it was decided that everyone would take everything left, leftovers etc. We are out for Xmas Day lunch so I explained to OH that everyone was taking leftover food, but we would take cheese boards, biscuits, wine, beer, Mars Bar Trifles. OH suddenly said "Oh, cheese and biscuits for us then. That's boring" WHAT... did he honestly think they would all be there guzzling down wine, with their turkey, ham, beef, pickles, bubble and squeak, while we sat at the end of the table with a bit of bread and cheese.🤣 When he got that stare from me he realised what a stupid thought that was and we rolled up. Needless to say,, it is already arranged that when we sit for our Boxing Day lunch he will be given a plate of cheese and biscuits and will not live it down
  17. The week before a move is weird. House in turmoil, paperwork, arranging things, but things get sorted in the end. All the best for a low stress time, and good luck in your new home
  18. Sorry to hear that. Hope it's not too bad. I heard that Prosecco, Ferarro Rochers, Maltesers and TV films are best for it.
  19. Very marvellous and a great relief to OH and the kids. They have never seen me cry before, not even with the Big C or the heart attack or any other problems. I don't like this crying wreck either, but the strangest thing is that the one thing that never left me is my sense of humour. Oh well better get off to bed. Goodnight x
  20. Thank you so much. Yes I am going next Tuesday for spinal nerve block injections under a general (?😃) Pain can change places in an instant so all very unstable. Some things they can't actually diagnose, although the back's had it, so they have suggested nerve blocks and fingers crossed. There is a big formal dinner the night before, so have had to cancel the starter and dessert. and that hurts and no alcohol and that hurts more.
  21. You are right, all having trials and tribulations. Also can't get post, can only speak to a Doctor over the phone, road works on every corner and on and on it goes. The Medway Pain Clinic has nearly a one year waiting list even though there is severe pain.. its ok for me as I can spend the children's inheritance and hopefully get some help but maybe not easy for some.
  22. Six months ago I had endovascular surgery, which is amazing. A young person could get up and run round the block next morning. No after effects whatsoever. As it took 5 hours I presumed I should take it easy for ages, also I complained to the surgeon about the half inch plasters. I wanted BIG ones. I tried to blag a few weeks rest but the surgeon said no and wouldn't lie to my other half. He was a stern man but we did have a laugh about it (especially me singing Mamma Mia in the theatre!!!)
  23. Yes it's NK Holidays. They have a very good website. Its was off to Greenwich then Masters Fish and Chip shop at Waterloo, which was really good and included everything including side dishes, then off for a tour of the London lights. We went as far out as Notting Hill We live on the old A2 and the driver dropped us almost at our door. Home about half an hour ago. Very good Company. ps to say the driver told us a lot more trips for 2024 will be added shortly
  24. Off to London today. A local coach firm is doing a trip where we drive to Greenwich and stay for a while, then off to a big fish restaurant in Waterloo for fish and chips then a tour all round London to see the lights. Nice to see a relatively new Company doing well. They have had to add more and more dates because of more booking requests. We went on a mystery lunch with them and it was a very nice venue and food, not like some would do for a coach party. The coach seats have comfortable back rests too. I never thought I would get OH on a coach tour, but after one he liked them. See, we never know what we will like till we try!☺️
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