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Everything posted by indiana123

  1. Here we go again. Tried to sleep for over an hour, now given up. Wide awake. I should have been a bat. Well I am an old bat but you know what I mean! 🤣🙃
  2. I am desperately trying not to eat. I'm starving. Its so difficult not to in the middle of the night. New meds are known for weight gain so I am trying to resist!😊 We hadn't heard about the new book, but saw it yesterday so OH has just started it. I'm not a great book reader.
  3. Good morning.., anyone else up? My sleep has improved a bit but I still have some bad nights. I'll go back to bed about 5.
  4. I went to Newnham Court Shopping/Garden Centre yesterday. Known to locals as Notcutts. Near Maidstone. Well, I thought I had walked into Santa's Grotto, it was like a winter wonderland and not finished yet. Its not in a straight line so you walk round and find more round the corner. The only lights were from christmas trees and fairy lights. The only thing missing was their all singing and dancing 6ft high deers that usually greet you singing christmas choruses AND it was only October 4th!😼
  5. Ooops! That could have been embarrassing!🤣 My daughter was taking her car for it's MOT but while shopping I saw something that might have been suitable for a present and needed to check with her...I rang her but, unlike me, I kept the conversation short and sweet as I knew she would be in the garage office. I don't know what she did but somehow the thing in the car must have been switched on and linked to her mobile as the mechanics came out shouting "Yer Mother's in Tescos! Did she manage to get the Lego?" Phew, that was lucky.. my daughter is quite outspoken,and funny, so it could have been embarrassing and hilarious had we been having a personal mum/daughter chat or had been having a good old moan about someone🤣😀
  6. I'm also glad Lady Kalos is feeling ok. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. One more thing...Another one... I think it's rife.. My brother got off FO yesterday, and has 'C' today. grrr
  7. No problem with blueberries here. Mine arrived OK. I don't stick to one Supermarket, I like to chop and change. It just proves they all know what is going on because often when I have been 'elsewhere' one of the others will send a voucher. I have even had £12 vouchers for a £70 shop. On these occasions I usually stock up with any offers they have and that combined with the voucher often means a saving in the upper £20s. I seem to remember the figure of £29 on one shop. Its a sign of the times, with the internet, they all share data, so do all Insurance Companies, and similar. Bit scary really that they all know what we do and when. I try not to think about it.(Still use the vouchers though!!!)🤣
  8. So am I Sarah, but I just couldn't do it! Look forward to reading bout your cruise. As an aside... I think that is more than 3 of us came home with C*%$% very recently. That's just us. I wonder what the numbers really are after cruises at the moment. I suspect quite high.
  9. Hooray just got my second neg. Just the bronchititis to go now but have large doses of antibiotics so all should be well. Why on earth did I get two things at once?? I wonder how many others off the ship suffered. Kalos, I hope you follow me with negatives soon. I was very fortunate. I keep hinting hoping OH will book a 'surprise' dinner tonight!!🤣
  10. That's strange Kalos, I've just spoken to the paramedic/lurgist (love that) and he is sending over more anti-biotics etc, they worry about our tickers when we get something else don't they. I have also done the same as you and given them oxymeter readings. Bit low at 90/91 but going up a bit now. It is a bit reassuring to take our own stats sometimes, isn't it. I was feeling a bit sorry for meself having pain when standing , bronchitis, then topped with cov.. on top, but Josy has put it all into perspective. Sad news indeed Stay strong. BUT most of all... stay on here when you can xx
  11. I'm going to stand in the street and see if anyone wants to throw any more at me. Was told on ship last week I had bronchitis. Never had it before. Left ship Thursday,started snivelling . C test negative. Went to acupuncture again today for severe pain. Popped into Boots for some 'beauty bits'🤣 and they had some tests at the front so I took some just in case we needed them one day. Guess what!! Yes, I've got it The Government say you can carry on as usual but I'm not going anywhere. I don't that is fair on other people. grrrrrrrrrr
  12. When I had endovascular surgery in May I had a general. I was shocked hat it took five hours. I asked how my heart had behaved etc (had heart attack a while ago) and they said 'perfectly', But when I had metal put in my leg/ankle (abroad) it was just 3 and a half hours and I was awake. Horrible that was. No one spoke English so I just laid there. No music, and no reassuring chat or nurse. At one point I could see my foot in the light fittings and door fittings, and it was terrible trying to point and yell "I can see".
  13. Neither can we. Not allowed to buy them at port and bring them on either. They said any would be confiscated. Most ships have beautiful displays. Also water or any kind of beverage not allowed, unless it's open, ie taken for consumption when off the ship.
  14. Missed something. No flowers on board, none whatsoever. I had rung the Company to order some but they told me it was no longer allowed and there were no flowers. We presumed it meant just cabins, but no... there were no flowers at all, in fact there wasn't any glitz or bling really. Flowers must be banned. I wonder why. (Norwegian Dawn)
  15. It was the strangest ever, but the people were amazing. We arrived and the cabin (club balcony/ ex mini suite) was brown. burr walnut colour furniture, brown carpet, brown curtains, we admit to disappointment (not P and O by the way).It was quite a depressing colour scheme but we decided to make the best of it which we did. We were told we had a shower, well we did but over the bath and no way could I get into it. we asked for coffee machine and got one, most days only had two tea bags, continually requesting more. No turn down etc, and usually our cabin wasn't made up until the afternoon. We love to relax in our cabin so that disappointed. Also what got me was in the cabin we had bits of wood to stir our drinks, we felt if we were to steal it wouldn't be a teaspoon!!!! Do all buffets have plastic plates etc? We couldn't remember. Above not a whinge but just facts. On to the good bits, the food was very very good We enjoyed it all. Now the people. We knew there was an American contingent coming over because we read the roll call, but didn't realise us Brits would be in the minority by far. Lots of other nationalities too, all jumbled up together. So much laughter. We had many funny conversations in lift regarding them losing toes because of my scooter. The Americans turned up and joined in all the silly games and quizzes and we all laughed a lot. Not one person was rude or inconsiderate to me. Sometimes they even pretended to jump out of the way. The restaurant had stairs, we were shown another entrance, and when they saw us they usually gave us a table for four so I was comfortable and we missed any queue. Not our suggestion, theirs. Bit strange though, as it was a casual cruise, sitting for dinner next to a table in shorts, tee shirts sandals and caps. Also not a complaint just an observation. All in all it was really good, but we feel it could be our last. I felt that OH had a lot to deal with, ie my collapsible scooter, and me when on sticks and hauling me off chairs. We will see. Glad you are all ok xx
  16. Boo. Back from our cruise. All is well. Anyone been on the naughty step???
  17. Yes, we have 1l.00/11.30 port arrival time for our NCL Dawn tomorrow. Thanks a million for all your good wishes and bon voyage other cruisers. Enjoy every minute. x
  18. Yep deal. Normally we turn our phones etc off on cruises but on this one we have some free wifi so I can have my daily dose of Kalos medicine then turn it off, although I may have a sneaky look on here sometimes.
  19. Well, what an event that was. Never, in all my life have I experienced rain like it.. My garden disappeared. Mr. Previous Owner added a lovely conservatory right across the back (28ft) and I live in it a lot. Where the house and conservatory meet there is only original sized guttering. This couldn't cope and water came in heavily along the seam. OH was out at the time. I am partially disabled and I suppose the adrenaline kicked in and I managed to drag some furniture out of the way, and draped the tv in towels as it was being splashed. I used every towel and saucepan. My bathroom floor was also awash. We can laugh now but OH got an earbashing. I calmly rang him to let him know in a very calm way and he said ok he was just popping in the Co-op for the newspapers and wouldn't be long. What!!! I was dealing with an emergency and he was getting newspapers!!!! Of course there was hardly any rain where he was, he had no idea🤣 Anyway we are off tomorrow and sailing on Norwegian Dawn on Sunday, Round Britain then across to (so they say), Brussels, Paris and Amsterdam, but we wont get to them as we think we are berthed many miles away. Lots of tender ports so 'll just sit and watch the world go by and have another glass of wine! According to a Roll Call a lot of Americans are flying over and it seems it will be quite casual. Hope it will be ok. Our cases have already gone with baggage handlers, its so much easier with sticks and buggy. Before that we have decided to put the furniture in the affected room into the middle and put towels round the outside. I wouldn't think a deluge like that will happen for years to come, but a bit wary. Please behave while those of us off on a jolly are gone!
  20. We too would always want a table for two. We go away for 'our' time, we want to enjoy each other's Company, especially at dinner with a nice glass of wine, a bit dressed up etc.
  21. Damian and Purplesea, forgive me and I am sure it is me being a bit thick here.🤣🤣..not difficult!!! I take it these are not the vacuum ones so how do they help. Reviews are good so I am feeling a bit silly x I
  22. HELP ... going round Britain then down to France, Belgium and Holland (last 3 whistle stop), with NCL. Temperatures are going to vary greatly so am packing, and packing and packing.,, I cant stop!!!! Up to 19 tops and not finished yet, then saw a half price top in Morrisons. Well you have to don't you🤣 Only up to about 10 trousers so far. Then it might rain up at Stornaway so need rain jacket, and jersey jacket and... and ... then theirs my four walking sticks, two gold for the evening and two others, then theres......... Good job I booked the Baggage people. They come on Wednesday. He makes me laugh as when we hand them over he usually says "Say goodbye to them, you'll probably never see them again" Anyway I will go back and try to cut down the stack of stuff still to be packed. I wish I had more willpower over things.
  23. We also prefer tables for two. We will chat if the other table want to but we do not interrupt them when they are eating. We have found that chat stops when either table are served (apart from just between us two). Perhaps we have just been lucky
  24. We have our flu jabs booked for in a couple of weeks. No C boosters just yet though
  25. Just wondering if this is local or widespread. My friend ordered 79 items from Morrisons Home Delivery and 38 were missing. It was all the staples missing ie butter, veg, chicken etc £79 worth (refunded). A lot of fresh stuff missing too, but she got all her tins and packets The poor delivery man said she wasn't the only one, there were others. He had no idea what is going on. Very odd.
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