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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Apart from the corner 5s on deck 4, I would prefer the aft 5 and 6s for better utilisation of space. The bathrooms tho' are pretty similar if I remember correctly but as it's a decade or more since QE aft, I might be misremembering. What I didn't like, were the bathrooms of the corner 5s on deck 4. No separate loo from the main bathroom and I seem to remember a shower curtain.
  2. Thx I'm mixing up a QE post with the O/p's QA thread.
  3. There will be a charge for the alternative dining unless you have a Diamond dinner perk [not Verandah, that's charegable ]. It's not much though and worth it if you want to dine with friends outside your restaurant. Alternatively, you might be able to dine with your friends in the Britannia Club restaurant one night. If yes, then no charge there. Unfortunately, dining 'down' is a possibility, 'up', not.
  4. You can ask for the speciality version but if it comes from the QG kitchen, it might not be an exact replica of Coriander unless specified exactly as the Coriander version. I learnt that last year with Crispy beef. It wasn't as Bamboo. Tasty but not what I expected or to be honest, wanted. If Coriander is on rotation on your cruise, you might be able to get the meal direct but that seems to be pot luck, sometimes yes, sometimes no. Either way, ask for an 'Indian Evening' and as BigMac1953 says, the head waiter will discuss your likes and will order the meal accordingly. We have never been disappointed.
  5. Yes. Apart from either dining with friends not in our restaurant or wanting to dine with fellow Q.G'rillers we meet onboard and then we choose an evening pop up [alternative dining] in the Lido, we always dine QG. Always.
  6. You can see menus but at the end of the day, if there's nothing on them you fancy, as long as the ingredients are on the ship, you can order what you want either at dinner the night before, or breakfast or lunch time so yes, steak is most definitely covered. 👍 If the following day's menu isn't in the slot before you leave for drinks/dinner, ask to see the menus for the following day when you sit down to dine. We were on QA 10th May cruise, along with another CC member and have a bit of QG experience so ask away. edit Yes the menus change every day and the a la carte menu, usually every week.
  7. Our go to in Vancouver since late eighties, again, awash with ex Starwood pts! Love the Tower suites. It's draggable [just] from the Westin but I'd grab a cab.
  8. Yes, the Penthouses do have a curtain but not having ever had the sofa bed in action, can't vouch for squeeze space. If there is any, it will be very, very narrow.
  9. Why should you apologise? To be fair, we have no idea of the magnitude of any issue and one person's blip can be another's full on. I witnessed a bit of an issue which was conducted quietly but I thought out of order. As exlondoner implied, things are still settling down and one or two gave no quarter to this. One evening, we just had to leave for 'our' seats in the theatre as pud and coffee were just too slow in materialising. No problem but another passenger had a bit of a moan at the same thing. As I have said many times, perhaps we're too easy to please.
  10. Let's hope this person's blip wasn't noticeable to others and the rest of the cruise goes blipless. We witnessed staff taking a bit of flack too so I'm sure the staff are well versed in stoically 'taking' it and I imagine, part of their training.
  11. Thank you bluemarble , for posting the video 'No matter how great the ship, she would be nothing without her crew'. How true and Queen Anne has a wonderful crew.
  12. I wonder Mareblu , where this person was seated. On our cruise, the celebrity speakers were seated at the same tables/next to each other as you entered the restaurant left, consecutively obviously, and the table/s were sort of out of the way and definitely not very sea view'ish. If the same or similar tables, maybe 'out of the way' was too, out of the way. I would prefer the banquettes to those. The staff go above and beyond in their care and attentiveness and for anyone to subject any to an even minute tirade, is unforgivable.
  13. Loud music? Not the parts of the ship I was in. No, I'm talking the bright and general ambiance in places although the food hall is nowhere near as good as the one I experience on Eclipse. Didn't equate the colours of the 'ambassadors of Liverpool' with Cunard but I guess the red and black could be Cunard'ish.
  14. I have been asked a few times what I think of the new ship and my reply is she is definitely Cunard but also not, in a [on my one and only foray onto that cruise line] Celebrity way. That's not a bad thing, just a bit different.
  15. I hope you wore the trousers in the bath to get that extra. extra slim look! 😀
  16. Megabear2 you are a breath of fresh air. It's very fashionable to moan, sad but true and some Cunard passengers do seem to enjoy moaning even when booking their next Cunard cruise. Change can confuse and can be difficult to digest and I think yesterday gave some dyed in the wool Cunard traditionalists a lot to think about. I'.m a sort of traditionalist as I love Cunard as it is as well as what it was when we first joined the family in 2011, but I will also get to like Cunard as it evolves and the day it evolves too much, we won't moan, we'll just cancel future sailings. Happily, I can't see that happening any time soon.
  17. Absolutely. Elegance personified counters the edgy look of youth. Cunard want different with Queen Anne? They got and gave different yesterday. 'This is Cunard and we're not stuffy'! Well done Cunard for giving a great look in line with the new ship.
  18. As long as he didn’t sing!
  19. We have a few cruises booked on her. If we were disappointed, we would have transferred our bookings to QM2 [gulp, there's an admission] but we weren't. Not 100% enamoured I have to admit but most of that was down to unfamiliarity and a teething issue which was resolved for us. She's different, no doubt about it, but she's also the same. Go and enjoy.
  20. Cunard's Queen Anne is a departure from the more traditional. The appeal is hopefully, apparently [although not obvious on our cruise 😄] to a new, younger clientele. The chosen Liverpool ladies blend beautifully with that idea..and Sporty Spice lived up to her name!
  21. Different ship, different naming approach and a great idea.
  22. I think I'm out of step but having witnessed the wonderful receptions the people of Liverpool give Cunard ships when they visit on a port of call, and as Liverpool is the birthplace of Cunard, I think it rather appropriate to have the city as a Godmother/father.
  23. Not strict enough 🙂 OOPS, Should have been quicker but didn't want to spoil anything.
  24. No but it's rather appropriate to my mind if my source is correct. Personally, if correct, it's great
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