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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. No, got things booked at home but we'll be back soon.
  2. We have four booked…so far, one in the same cabin and the others in a different, but same cabin again. I'm happy to post photos of this one if anyone is interested.
  3. Can I add, as a complete sceptic but one whose glass is usually half full, I will be very sad to leave this ship on Friday.
  4. I’m thinking my cherished school ‘autograph' book which I still have after all these decades.🙂
  5. They are next door but one to you on the banquettes. Gary's YouTube videos are brilliant.
  6. Delightful couple. Already had shared our thoughts and I think we’re on the same page.
  7. QV's Lido is my ‘guilty' pleasure and I love to go up for a plate of pick 'n mix a couple of times on a two weeker. Went to Annie's equivalent last week. Won’t be bothering again this cruise. I thoroughly approve of the sneeze Perspex/ glass shields and I think the hot selections are on a par with QV but the salads are fairly paltry in comparison and I didn’t see any smoked salmon or sushi. Maybe I missed them. A nice touch is the Bakery plus the made up rolls and baguettes station. A member of staff made up a salad for you and there were some queues. That was early doors. Wouldn’t give it the time of day at peak times. If the buffet is to be mostly served, then more staff are needed and apparently, this is being addressed. I also gave my feedback on the salads and I know the Wellness cafe does have some healthy options, but I like to have my usual eclectic mix on one plate. Still a work in progress obviously and personally, not interested but I will go and have another look before we disembark. A plus though is there seemed to be adequate number of seats. Edit Ok, just popped up and I missed the charcuterie station with cold meats, fish and cheese. No queues, plenty of seats and tables and seemingly, more staff. There are ‘menus' at each station but difficult to see initially if you’re in the queue.
  8. Reminds me of those in the past, who ‘required' assistance on and off the ship but who recovered mobility enough to dance the night away once onboard. Obviously, research scientists were missing a trick in not recognising the recuperative strengths of being at sea.🙂
  9. Such is the heightened awareness of 'elf 'n safety and to be fair, the litigious aspects of today’s society, I appreciate the problems involved and cannot for one moment hold Cunard, for that’s our only experience at sea, as over zealous. The best thing to do is fill out the form.
  10. Point for all mobility challenged passengers, whether on one stick or wheelchair bound. In an emergency, could you walk down numerous flights of stairs on your own and without impeding fellow guests. There are a good number of walking sticked fellow passengers onboard and walking behind them reminds me of following a car towing a caravan on a narrow windy road…impossible to pass at times.🙂 Now this is absolutely nothing against fellow mobility challenged passengers, for heavens sake, we’re with them, but I would not want to be impeded by anyone who thought they didn’t need help in an emergency.
  11. Yes, there are rehearsals for the choir.
  12. I can’t ever see myself loving Annie, but if we’ve had a relaxing holiday and enjoyed ourselves, then those can’t be bad signs. The next cruise later in the year will be interesting if only to see if we still like her. Enjoy your holiday.
  13. Sorry, I meant the whole internet issue which included logging in/ keeping logged in. Are you on a daily or a whole voyage package?
  14. Not on this trip. I feel positively young at times! 😀
  15. You are unlucky. We haven’t had a single issue with the internet.
  16. The sun has had its hat on for much of the time, and the wind has certainly blown a hooley at times, but that hasn’t detracted from a lovely holiday on a ship which is growing on me more, each day.
  17. We came across some dance instruction in the deck 11 lift lobby the other day. Very graceful it was too.
  18. The o/p has asked if smart short sleeved shirt will be acceptable of an evening, not about giving any impression. The answer these days is yes on non formal occasions and there are a few ssshirt wearers in QG on Annie which confirms the wearing of such is acceptable.
  19. I’m just hoping the initial lift chaos doesn’t colour your views. Remember, in the first 24hrs, if the lift has wheelchair room, be it going up or down, grab it. Monitor the decks of all four lifts in the lobby and don’t stand at one side as you can bet your bottom $$, the opposite lifts will be free! 😀 and if folk are in the lift, 'hold the lift please' will be your holler throughout the holiday.
  20. Not a clue. I’ve never been on such a new ship before so haven’t experienced some of the snags some folk have experienced. Dancers certainly have a reason to be less than enthusiastic about Annie and the theatre has drawn negativity in some, whereas I like the idea the Queens Room is being used for entertainment and I like the acoustics and line of sight of the theatre. Marmite again.
  21. Strangely enough, I don’t equate high price with high expectations any more as enjoyment is all so personal and what suits one, is an anathema for others. You just have to bite the bullet if you want to try anything new and see if you like it or not. We like this product. Not love, but like. Sincerely hope you like it too. 🙂
  22. Not been the best of weathers but as we’re not bothered, no problem. I have heard quips along the line of 'if we wanted sunshine, should have stayed at home' but most of the folk I’ve spoken to, are enjoying themselves but there are those who vow never to set foot on Annie again. All a bit Marmite! 🙂 We will not be cancelling our future bookings and are having a great time, which doesn’t mean QV isn’t still our main love, it’s just the fact Annie has exceeded our expectations which to be fair, were set at a pretty low level initially.
  23. Essential internet connection is excellent. Can’t confirm Premium as it’s not needed for us.
  24. Can’t see why it should be more user friendly. It’s a bit long but not long winded and I have had no problem filling them in. Filled one in and now use it as a template for the others, as long as the link works. Compared with previous forms, this should leave no passenger in doubt what’s expected of them, as long as all passengers who require assistance fill the form in.
  25. Yes. I gave up for '25 and '26 before we came away. The usual Cunard efficiency at work…not!
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