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Posts posted by mimbecky

  1. So to understand correctly, given that I have Verizon I should be in airplane mode with WIFI calling when on the ship.  When on land, considering I would have the $10/day with Verizon, I would place it on what settings?  Does it matter?

    I often get more accurate answers from those who don't work for Verizon.  LOL





  2. Thought I would post here since I know there are a lot of cruises out of Rome coming up (including mine May 14). Maybe I am being too hopeful, but I think this means as of March 1 they will drop the COVID test for entry into Italy if you are fully vaccinated. 


    “From 1 March, for arrivals from all non-European countries, the same rules already in place for European countries will be in force. For entry into Italy, one of the conditions of the Green Pass will be sufficient: vaccination certificate, recovery certificate or negative test,” said Speranza in a post on Twitter.

    Under the new rules, fully vaccinated travellers will be able to provide EU Green Pass or equivalent certification of their vaccine status in lieu of a negative test result. Travellers who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated will be required to provide a negative pre-departure test result or a recent recovery certificate.


    Italy to ease Covid entry requirements | ITIJ



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  3. 2 hours ago, jelayne said:

    Traditional seating you will be assigned a dining room,  table and the same wait staff. When we were on they were not doing shared tables but that could change by May.  
    No matter what dining room you are assigned to you can order the “special dishes” from any of the 4 MDRs so the only reason to change would be to see the different decor, menu is all the same and good is excellent. 

    Ahhh, this helps quite a bit.  Can you the see the "special dishes" from the other MDRs on the menu or do you need to look them up in advance on the app or TV or something?  Here is hoping they let us share tables by them.  Reducing mask mandates is a start 🙂

  4. We are a couple traveling on the Edge in May.  As usual we have chosen to have traditional early dining at a 6-8 tabletop. We enjoy eating with the same "new" people most evenings.  Apparently on the Edge there are 4 "main" dining rooms that you can visit for dinner.  I am a bit confused.

        - Will we be assigned a specific dining room since we have traditional seating?
        - Can we just show up at the other choices on occasion, or do we need to make reservations?
        - If we visit a different one, is there an opportunity to sit with other people or is that unusual.  I know in the past this is common choice for anytime dining.
    If we are indeed assigned a specific room, opinions please on which we should request in advance?
  5. I called the company that I booked our trip insurance through and was told I would be covered if I came up positive any time before stepping on the ship.  Note, it would have to be via PCR or better.  Therefore, if I show positive with the monitored online test, I will need to get a PCR test right away or I am not covered.  Best to make sure you understand the specifics with whatever insurance you end up purchasing.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Turtles06 said:

    All means all. Yes, fully vaxxed and boosted American citizens flying home to our own country from abroad must still be tested (and risk having to isolate in a foreign country, arranged at the very last minute and for an unknown number of days), although anyone can fly anywhere in our huge country without being tested or vaxxed. 

    Frustrating indeed.  Worst case my husband OR I test positive before flying home from Europe.  I say one leaves the other behind because if not, then there is a chance the other will pop positive within that 10 day quarantine causing another round of quarantine.  I am hoping they drop this rule within the next few months!!

    • Like 4
  7. I have booked a flight for return home same day as we arrive back in port.  We have done this several times, booking a car at 7am- getting to airport at 8 for an 11am flight.  Never had a problem. 

    Now we must test before coming home (obviously this may change).  I thought they would test onboard.  They do NOT.  There is testing AT the port upon disembarking.  Total time about 40 minutes estimated.  Ship ports at 5am but not sure how long that may actually take.  I am vacillating about booking later but booking is through flights by Celebrity so they must think it is possible.

    Those of you who have booked flights coming home on arrival in Rome port, please share what you are doing.




  8. 4 hours ago, bikerunner said:

    Yep just need to use a smartphone and or computer   It’s a video visit type of test.  

    How difficult is this from somewhere like Rome?  We will be there before our May cruise and I will have my ipad.  I imagine time zone issues?  Or internet issues?  I wish Celebrity would just do it as you board.

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  9. On 11/7/2021 at 12:07 PM, jelayne said:

    They recently extended the Covid-19 Assistance through 4/30/22 so I think the testing requirement will be around until then.

    Hummm, our cruise isn't until May but looking ahead....

    We are leaving out of Rome and plan to fly out from the West coast Wednesday morning to arrive Thursday morning before our Saturday cruise.  How the heck would we test within the 2 day window??? Not sure how we could teleconference from Rome- would that be covered on my phone plan?  Uggg.

    This could get interesting.

    Thanks for any input.



  10. On 6/8/2021 at 7:32 AM, markeb said:

    I'm in TRICARE, and all of our records are centralized.

    Really? I need to look into this.  Between different duty stations different doctors offices, work, CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens I wonder how much they have documented.

    BTW, my COVID test was negative so if I wasn't sure before, I am a firm believer in the vaccine now. I can only imagine what was floating in the Vegas congestion.

  11. On 6/4/2021 at 8:35 AM, cangelmd said:

    I'm in your camp, all the data I have seen plus my real world experience is that these shots are extraordinarily efficacious

    Spent the last week in Vegas.  No masks, 100 percent capacity.  Went to 2 shows, dinners out, a crowded Freemont street, full blackjack tables with people hanging over my shoulder for a spot to open up.  Average age seemed to be MUCH younger than usual- I would say 30 (?).  I really feel that if I didn't contract COVID then it is totally because of the vaccine.  My daughter isn't in the clear yet so I am going to get tested Tuesday so as not to need to wait 2 weeks.



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  12. On 5/25/2021 at 5:05 AM, D C said:
    On 5/24/2021 at 7:43 AM, TeeRick said:

    Current Green, Amber and Red countries for UK travelers.  Some examples. The USA and most parts of the northern hemisphere world are Amber.  India is Red as is all of South America.  Portugal and Iceland as well as AUS/NZ and Singapore are Green.




    That's a pretty nonsensical list.   No consideration for vaccination status either.  Weird. 

    Also nonsensical in that one can't travel to AUS/NZ anyway, they won't let you in! 

  13. On 5/24/2021 at 7:05 AM, amyr said:

    New Zealand seems like they could open by the end of the year 2021 if they get all their folks vaccinated.  

    We had thought of doing at least NZ land if Australia cruise doesn't happen but we were going with friends and they don't want to travel all that way and only do one part. Like I said, I can't imagine one opening without the other.  If Australia is open to NZ and NZ is open to everyone, then I don't know how protective that is for Australia....It seems it would cause them to do one of 2 things- either they open up also, or close to NZ too.

  14. 9 hours ago, Florida Jim said:

    We are booked on Viking Orion, Feb. 7, 2022 Austrailia to New Zeland.

    Yes, we are on Celebrity around Australia in early February and then planned to fly to NZ and drive though for 2 weeks.  That is why I am wondering if NZ alone might be a possibility.


  15. Seems NZ may be more willing to open than Australia.  Last I saw Australia didn't expect to open to international travel until July 2022.  Wonder if NZ actually opens, will Australia feel any  pressure to do the same?



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