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Posts posted by mimbecky

  1. 45 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

    Yes exactly.  Unfortunately in my state (PA) the county where I live even controls some of the pharmacies.  If you want a vaccine at RiteAid pharmacy you need to register with the county and get on the same wait list.  I have not seen any evidence that CVS and Walgreens is even taking appointments for Covid vaccines.  Same for pharmacies associated with grocery stores.  Hopefully this all changes soon.

    Yes, I hope so too.  I have in laws outside of Pittsburgh who are eligible and have been looking for quite some time, without any luck. 😢


  2. 17 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

    Sure hope that holds up for everyone!  Celebrity is famous for their consistent inconsistency, but that would only seem fair.  Why should those of us who have had their money held for even longer be at a disadvantage.  Thanks for the info

    Well, here you go.  I contacted my TA about another lift/shift and was given the following response.


    At this time, the cruise lines are weighing their options.  There are grassroots efforts to ask the federal government to waive the provisions of the PVSA (sometimes mis-identified as the Jones Act) for this summer to allow cruises without a foreign port call.  The cruise lines may lobby for the same.  There may be solutions which can be created, it’s just too soon to know.  


    We are on top of the issue though and we recommend waiting for a final determination from the cruise lines how they are going to deal with the sailings.  My agency is in direct communications with the lines, and I will reach out to you as soon as decisions are made by Celebrity giving you your options.     

    • Thanks 1
  3. There is a new topic in the forums saying that these Alaska cruises are being lifted and shifted. I contacted my TA and got the following response.


    At this time, the cruise lines are weighing their options.  There are grassroots efforts to ask the federal government to waive the provisions of the PVSA (sometimes mis-identified as the Jones Act) for this summer to allow cruises without a foreign port call.  The cruise lines may lobby for the same.  There may be solutions which can be created, it’s just too soon to know.  


    We are on top of the issue though and we recommend waiting for a final determination from the cruise lines how they are going to deal with the sailings.  My agency is in direct communications with the lines, and I will reach out to you as soon as decisions are made by Celebrity giving you your options. 

  4. 1 hour ago, mayleeman said:

    when the result is numerous whites getting vaccines in minority neighborhoods where special outreach is being directed

    Exactly....Here, the superstations etc are all in either the south bay (nearer the border) and in Escondido which also has a prominence of Latinos and more of a reliance on mass transit.  I haven't really heard anyone complaining- everyone in my surrounding areas just jump in their cars.  As long as they don't limit vaccines to those zip codes, we are good.  I figure, all the Caucasians showing up may help increase the trust but maybe I am naïve. Most of our hospitals are not giving out vaccines.


  5. I just saw this online although I think it is a long shot.


    “The industry may consider asking for temporary relief from the Passenger Vessel Services Act,” CLIA manager for strategic communications Laziza Lambert said, referring to the 135-year-old U.S. law that forces foreign-flagged cruise ships to make a stop at a Canadian port when sailing to Alaska.


    Alaska cruise season could be over before it begins as Canada bans ships for all of 2021 (thepointsguy.com)

  6. 49 minutes ago, Turtles06 said:

    I posted a detailed review (with photos) of our 2019 cruise, at the link below.  You'll find not only a great deal of info about the Summit, but also about what we did in each port.  I hope this will be helpful to you in making your decision.


    Thank you for all of your information!  For now, I will wait on Celebrity, but this sounds like a very possible plan.


  7. 13 hours ago, davekathy said:

    Come join us in September 2022 on the Summit. We did this cruise in September 2019 on the Summit (14 night cruise that year). Fantastic itinerary. 

    I was previously looking for a full Panama late 2022 or early 2023 (it doesn't exist) and came across this post.  It has been on our bucket list.  I see 2 in September...which do you feel has the better itinerary and why? If we can't do a lift and shift on the Alaska, this would be an option.



  8. 23 minutes ago, joetop2467 said:

    I hope the cruise lines can get around the need to stop at a foreign port rule and salvage some of the Alaska season.  Those people up there need tourist dollars. How about an Executive order?

    Well, my TA said our cruise is "likely" to cancel but no official word from Celebrity.  Maybe that is hopeful they are working on a solution of sorts, or maybe that just means Celebrity is slow on the uptake.  If not, hope they lift and shift (my August was already a lift/shift) or issue FCC that doesn't need to be used right away.  Sad for all around, but in the grand scheme this is minor I guess.


  9. Sorry in advance as I am sure this has been covered elsewhere but I was sure it wouldn't apply to me and haven't read up on it.  Apparently Canada has made it so Alaska cruising this year is out.  Do I take the FCC at 125% (if that is what is still offered) or just refund?  I understand the 125% isn't that great because cruising is so much more $$ now.

    Your opinions?


  10. 5 hours ago, nocl said:

    One of the major reasons with Long term care is the number of workers and even residents that are refusing the vaccination.  One statistic I saw indicated that only 1/3 of the workers are taking the vaccination and only 2/3 of residents.

    I am hoping this has more to do with mRna being a new platform than vaccinations themselves.  Maybe this number will go up (and more people in general will be favorable) once more traditional platforms become available.  J&J is just around the corner and maybe AZ and Novavaxx.  Me? I'll take what they give me, and happily so.

  11. 9 hours ago, deadzone1003 said:

    Isn't Blue Shield a medical insurance company?  What does it know about distribution and logistics?

    Yep, no idea what they know....I guess we will find out.  Right now some grocers like Albertsons, Vons, Ralphs, and some medical groups (Scripps, UCSD) have the vaccine.  Ironically not CVS or Walgreens yet. Most people are getting them at County "super stations" like Petco park (Padres) and college campuses.  Not sure how that will change.  As mentioned before, there is a possibility we will move to an aged based system but of course that is hugely controversial so decisions to be made after the current 8.5 million people over 65, teachers, food and agriculture workers are done which will be months down the road I am sure. Hoping states learn from other states like WV.

    BTW there are a lot of stories of people being at the right place at the right time being where there happen to be doses available at close of businesses.  At that time, phases/priority mean nothing so.....


  12. California has brought in Blue Shield as a private 3rd party to oversee vaccine distribution in our state.  Right now everyone that I know over 65 in San Diego has either had their first vaccine or has an appointment this week so I  am not sure if this move is a good thing or not.  Supposedly the move is to streamline efforts...maybe other states will follow suit?

    Blue Shield Selected as California's Vaccine Rollout Partner (lamag.com)

  13. Interesting news....it appears California may be moving towards a more age based phasing for vaccines. 


    "Moving forward, there will be a single statewide standard and movement through the tiers. The state will continue through 65+, health care workers, and prioritize emergency services, food and agriculture workers, teachers and school staff. From there, the state will transition to age-based eligibility, allowing California to scale up and down quickly, while ensuring vaccine goes to disproportionately impacted communities."


    Currently, the next phase would be not be age based but would be transportation, manufacturing, homeless and incarcerated.

    More information on the change and specifics tomorrow. This supposedly is in an effort to simplify.  Maybe other states will follow.  I will post after tomorrow's update.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Crazy planning mom said:

    The new CDC director said that the vaccine won't be in pharmacies at the end of February.

    Do we think regular folks can get it May June? 

    Good question.  Yesterday I read two articles written in the last few days from LA Times. One showed an updated timeline saying 50 plus should start late Spring (even though still behind essential workers, incarcerated etc.).  The next one I read stipulated at this rate priority for those over 65 would be necessary through at least June before anyone else would even be considered. That would place the 50 plus way down the line. It is all over the place.  In other words...what planners like you (and me) love to hear...."no one really knows".😕




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  15. Governor in California announced yesterday that vaccines should be now given to anyone 65 and up.  San Diego county has nixed that for now saying we have too many health care workers to extend out.  I am fine with that- I wouldn't qualify over 65 anyway and know our health care workers deserve it.

    They have opened up Petco Park (Padres) and plan to open more "super sites" in each the North, South, East portions of our county with hopes of  

    1.Starting Feb 1 to administer 24,000 shots a day 

    2. Have 70% of those over 16 vaccinated by the end of July.

    We have about 2.6 million over 16 so not sure if the numbers add up or if it is possible but at least they are planning!!! 


  16. 1 hour ago, LGW59 said:

    Stop with nonsense already with posting this stuff people

    I fail to see what is nonsensical about it?  Someone had just posted about the CDC saying a 4 day grace period for second doses was acceptable. I was just posting that the World Health Organization is saying up to 6 weeks between vaccines is ok. It isn't like I was pulling it out of my you know where. And although there isn't necessarily a shortage of vaccines now, there may very well be as more people seek their second doses. I also realize that the FDA would need to approve this but the post was informational only.

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