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Everything posted by bobby3334

  1. I like enrichment speakers too but I have no way to measure this but it seems the lines are cutting back on these as well or the speakers have nothing to do with ports to be visited. I am not talking about HAL here but a couple of other lines I recently have been on that either had no enrichment speakers at all or talked about things like “how to improve your golf game” A few guys were interested but I don’t play golf. I suppose everyone considers themselves expert on somerhing. On my last transatlantic cruise on the Rotterdam to Rotterdam from Ft Lauderdale the exceptional entertainment director from Belgium gave the best port talks I have ever heard. Unfortunately I can’t remember his name. He was truly great and the theater or venue was packed when he talked. He and the Captain were everywhere and the Captain even introduced the whole staff and gave an extensive talk. I assume both already had accommodations. Mike PS They are cutting back on entertainers as well on other lines.
  2. I forgot to mention after over a lifetime of cruising on a variety of lines, in all about 65 cruises, I now confine my cruising to 14 or 15 day trans Atlantic. After about 130 countries “my bucket list” is almost entirely empty. So if all goes as announced a priest should be on board. There are several other threads on cruise critic about this change by HAL but very difficult to find. I do know Cunard and the transatlantic Queen Mary 2 provide a priest as well as another major line which is rumored to be beginning. I would suggest you contact the Apostleship of the Sea for most up to date information. Mike
  3. Thanks to all who wrote about the importance of Mass and priests’ to them. Whenever I have been on a Holland America on Sundays the two Masses attracted around 250 total on the larger ships and 40-50 at the early (8am) daily Mass. It seems like the cruise lines are experimenting with how to not only hold onto but attract new customers e.g. the drinks package. The Lincoln Center has now been discontinued on HAL I was told due an expired contract. Now that the ships are full or almost full it is important that the decision makers understand what is important to customers. I am guessing they are going to have to begin raising prices to make up for the tremendous debts incurred during the pandemic. If you look at the financials and stock prices before and after the pandemic I think you will see what I mean. Mike
  4. I am only going by what a staff member told me. I did attend a couple several years ago on another line when there was no Mass and it was led by the cruise director with about 50 attendees. The most important requirement for anything on a ship is the room. I believe the Catholic Mass on sea days was at 8am and on port days was 5pm after departure. Most were eating or preparing to eat. I was thinking of non Christians asking for space with growing number of Moslems etc requesting space and publicity. I assume HAL ships must already have minimal requirements for Mass: altar breads and book and vestments. We know they have wine! I believe it took one staff member to put up and take down the table and chairs We know Catholics and mainline Christians are declining in US and Europe
  5. I should have stated that since the topic is longer cruises apparently HAL has committed to try to have a priest on these It is the short cruises that are affected. Mike
  6. A retired priest friend went on HAL several times as a chaplain. He was never paid anything; the only thing he received was a free inside room for daily Mass and two on Sunday. He was expected to care for everyone which a few months ago on Rotterdam crossing to Rotterdam had an attendance of around 250 on weekends and 50 on weekdays. An ordained priest is required for Mass. I asked a staff member and they said the interdenominational service led I think by the entertainment director/cruise director and announced in the ship’s bulletin at least one Sunday got about 50-75 people. Generally Catholics regard these as Protestant services requiring no special ordained leader. Jewish service are never omitted although they can be led by anyone as I understand it. You probably know Ronan Catholics are by far the largest Christian community; I believe second is non practicing Catholic. I had a feeling that the days were numbered due to protests from other small denominations Another major cruise line is going to begin priest led Masses. I don’t think I should mention it in case a rumor. Mike
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