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Posts posted by TheMastodon

  1. On 6/24/2021 at 10:59 AM, baldilocks said:

    We are fully vaccinated and see no need to be wearing masks and social distancing on Royal ships. So if they want to do this, we will cancel along with some friends that say the same thing. They are are not going to come all the way from NE to wear masks on a ship.


    Me too..  Thats okay.  I'll get on board when they are no longer required.  Everyone else can enjoy in the meantime!!!! 

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  2. On 6/28/2021 at 11:01 AM, harkinmr said:

    RCI does not need to jump through the hoops that it is in Florida. Celebrity just set sail from FLL with 99% vaccinated passengers and voluntary submission of vaccination proof. No problem with Florida government. Carnival will be proceeding with a similar plan. No less than 95% vaccinated.  RCI made a choice to welcome a larger percentage of unvaccinated passengers, including adults, thereby creating discomfort for both vaccinated and unvaccinated passengers.  Their call, and not the right one given the overall reaction. 


    Yep.  So dumb

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  3. On 6/24/2021 at 4:28 PM, ampurp85 said:

    I normally prefer smaller ships but couldn't pass up the great deal to try Sky class. I recall reading that Oasis and quantum class ships only need to be at 35-ish percent capacity to profitable. While the other classes have to be over 60%. I have also been told by many other pax that on those classes you usually don't feel the crowds because of how the space is utilized. Based on looking at available rooms, it looks like my Oct Allure will maybe hit 70%




    That is absolutely insane (if true) that a 35% occupancy would be profitable.  Wow!!!



  4. 4 hours ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:

    I have a feeling there is more bark than bite on these message boards.

    I'm sure a few have, but I seriously doubt all this talk and posting about RCL and vasccinated cruising. I think most are venting their frustartions.

    You can't quit Royal.... and you know it. 


    Message board warriors are fun!


    More bark than bite - such is life my friend !



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  5. On 6/4/2021 at 7:00 PM, Pizzasteve said:

    That is the most nonsense reply I ever saw. Cherry pick a random quote from a random person and try to superimpose it on a chart, as if the person was trying to time a market in stock trading.


    Your dismissal of expertise with a propaganda piece like that says all I need to know about your ability to use logic and data vs forming an opinion and looking desperately for something to prop up your world view.


    In fact we are still in a tsunami of death.  Do you watch world news?  Are you saying we were not in a humanitarian crisis?  Have you no sympathy for the thousands who lost family members or face possibly permanent damage to their health?  People continue to die.  How do you know long Covid19 isnt still on its way to causing long term health problems?  I personally know several who have been in and out of hospitals for almost a year, with permanent issues.


    But still, what does the rate of cases superimposed against a single quote, likely taken out of context tell us about your use of logic?  Yes, we got vaccines faster and more effective than any hoped, thank god, and the disease is getting more under control in a few priviledged countries.  That says nothing about what our science is saying about what is effective or not.  Yes scientist update hypotheses as new data emerges and sometimes reverse recommendations.  That does not invalidate the scientific method, but rather reenforces it.


    Anyway, what a rediculous response to a real problem.  A leader of the Center for the Investigation of Disease Origins who spent their life investigating diseases and teasing out causes, from AIDS to ebola and dedicates their life to protecting YOU deserves respect. What they say about quack theories is credible.  The rumors about AIDS, ebola, all followed patterns like covid and what you are perpetuating.  It is sad to be a mouthpiece for ignorance, but some love the attention of being contrary.  You got it, I responded.  Good for you.  What have you done to help humanity?  I was at a vaccine clinic yesterday as a volunteer.  When was the last time you helped anyone less fortunate than you are?

    “Tsunami of death”



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  6. 12 hours ago, Pizzasteve said:

    Scientist who is leader in forensic investigation of disease, called by staff 'disease detective.'  She has spent her live in the specific area of travelling the world and investigating disease root causes as well as using data to understand how they spread, what is effective prevention etc.  So someone with a lifetime in the specific field, PhDs, working and acknowledged as the expert is not to be trusted.  Instead look to Q.


    What is your source again that hydroxychloroquin is an effective tool on Covid19 treatment or prevention?  I found it interesting that as I read your post, a person was saying how that was one of the false rumors about the disease being spread, but of course you are a better expert than someone who spent a lifetime in the field because you question things.


    She also specifically mentioned the 'myth' that is you have had covid, you are immune.  She cited many known cases where a second infection was much more severe than the first.  Now I didnt peer review her data, but she seemed more credible than your post.




    • Like 5
  7. 42 minutes ago, Pizzasteve said:

    This is fake news.  Literally watching expert on TV taking about internet myths being perpetuated, including quack covid cures, proven wrong, and myth that getting covid provides protection equal to being vaccinated.  Research is suggesting second cases of Covid19 can be more severe than the original and that natural immunity, while offering some protection, has much worse outcomes than those who are vaccinated.  But it is your life and health.

    “Experts on TV” 

    • Like 3
  8. On 5/31/2021 at 9:12 PM, Rolla4fun said:

    Hello all!


    First of all I do NOT want to start a debate on getting/not getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Royal Caribbean is requiring everyone to be fully vaccinated to board their ships. I am wondering how the cruise lines are going to verify if the vaccine cards provided are legitimate since there is not currently a vaccine passport. Anyone can make or purchase “fake” vaccine cards these days. 

    Who cares? Let them figure it out.  Move on and worry about more important stuff

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  9. 10 hours ago, cusematt4 said:



    I know smoking in casinos used to be controversial.  I feel that post covid all cruise lines should ban indoor smoking for obvious airborne spreading of potential germs.  Have cruise line acknowledged if smoking will only be allowed outdoors?



    I wouldn’t recommend cruising if you are this concerned about “germs”


    But if you do, avoid the lower decks.  Get as far away as you can from wastewater processing and avoid the public restrooms.  


  10. On 5/26/2021 at 6:17 PM, jrapps said:

    The CDC posted new guidance today (5/26) specifically for vaccinated travelers, and cruises with 95% vaccinated passengers). There are major changes in here. Buffets are back! Masks are gone!



    • Cruise ship operators, at their discretion, may advise passengers and crew that—if they are fully vaccinated—they may gather or conduct activities outdoors, including engaging in extended meal service or beverage consumption, without wearing a mask.
    • Cruise ship operators, at their discretion, may advise crew who are fully vaccinated that they do not have to wear a mask or maintain physical distance in areas of the ship that are inaccessible to passengers.
    • Cruise ship operators, at their discretion, may designate areas as only accessible to fully vaccinated passengers and crew where masks and physical distancing are not required (e.g., casinos; bars; spas; entertainment venues; and dining areas, including self-serve buffets).
    • For ships with at least 95% of crew and 95% of passengers fully vaccinated, cruise ship operators, at their discretion, may advise passengers and crew that they do not have to wear a mask or maintain physical distance in any areas.


    Physical Distancing

    • Cruise ship operators, at their discretion, may designate areas only accessible to fully vaccinated passengers and crew where masks and physical distancing are not required (e.g., casinos; bars; spas; entertainment venues; and dining areas, including self-serve buffets).
    • For ships with at least 95% of crew and 95% of passengers fully vaccinated, the following requirements are recommendations only.
    • I wont type it all here but basically if 95% vaccinated, no long er need to space out elevators, theaters, dining, etc. Also no more required restrictions for outdoor water facilities


    Food Service (Buffets are BACK!)

    • Cruise ship operators, at their discretion, may designate areas as only accessible to fully vaccinated passengers and crew where masks and physical distancing are not required (e.g., casinos; bars; spas; entertainment venues; and dining areas, including self-serve buffets).
    • For ships with at least 95% of crew and 95% of passengers fully vaccinated, the following requirements are recommendations only.\
    • Same, I wont post the whole thing here but no longer need to limit or re-layout dining, they can have buffets, no barriers required, etc.




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  11. 24 minutes ago, mek said:

    I guess it really and truly means I can have that very small 4th of July party this year with other vaccinated people.  I'm so relieved to know that can happen.



    You could have had one last July 4th w/ unvaccinated people - like we did.  


    If someone breaks wind in an elevator the scent lingers... if someone does the same outside its like it never even happened.  





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  12. On 4/9/2021 at 2:02 PM, OnTheJourney said:

    I disagree with what was proposed and so sent the following reply:


    "As a loyal diamond-level customer of RCCL, I appeciate receiving this email. While I understand the sentiments expressed, I must admit to disagreeing with any sort of cruise restart as early as July and so unfortunately do not feel I can support the effort indicated. Given the number of virus cases surging in many parts of the US, along with the spread of covid variants, I do not feel it is the best time to restart cruising. I personally feel that the overall vaccination percentage, globally-speaking, needs to be considerably higher before the travel industry can safely begin to function again. I have a RCCL cruise booked for next year, and am more than content to wait until that time."


    Hate to appear like a scrooge, but I just feel we're not quite there yet.  



    Thanks for sharing your virtue signaling.  I'm sure you've made a difference!   


    I don't think that cruise next year is looking good for you anyways - ZeroCovid supporters like yourself need to be a little more realistic.  Only true safe place is your living room!

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  13. 36 minutes ago, livingonthebeach said:


    Heck some will do it for a donut.  Krispy Kreme is offering a free glazed donut with proof of vaccination.  Uber and Lyft are offering free rides to and from vaccination sites and Office Depot and Office Max are offering free lamination of CDC cards.  What more do they want?  LOL


    Screen Shot 2021-04-27 at 5.26.09 PM.png

    College brain washing educators I mean professors could even offer extra credit on exams LOL

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  14. 9 minutes ago, DCGuy64 said:

    I can't wait to hear the arguments about how the young are now anti-vaxxers, too. Not really a winning strategy, in my view, to shame the hesitant into getting vaccinated. It'll be interesting to see what kind of incentives they come up with to entice younger folks.

    Easy - 12 pack of beer, $60 for a bag of hippie lettuce, $$$ , vouchers for cell phone bills,  etc etc.

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