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Everything posted by ColoradoCruiser88

  1. Just did the walk today. Come out of the station, river side, look to your right and you will see the Movenpick hotel sign. Walk to the right following the red bike path. Keep to the right path until you come to a crosswalk with a light. There seems to be a walking path on either side of the busy red bike path)and you want the one on the right. Cross over and STAY on this right hand side path and cross over a ramp like bridge. This is the “higher” of the 2 paths going towards the Movenpick hotel. If you walked along the “lower “ path, you will need to climb a set of stairs because that path will end at water’s edge. (Guess which path we and a bunch of others took today? all following each other, rolling suitcases.🙄😟) stay on this upper path and pass the Music Hall ramp someone posted above. Soon after there will be an opportunity to cross the road to the other side of the street where the hotel is. I think just in front of the Passenger cruise terminal, so you backtrack slightly as the hotel is to the left of the passenger cruise terminal as you face both of them from across the street. BTW, there were lots of people rolling suitcases doing this walk, but I personally didn’t think it was such smooth rolling over the brick walkways. Nothing like rolling the suitcases over smooth mezzanine floors at the airports. But it was cheap though - €11.80 for 2 train tickets. Just use the kiosks at the airport to buy - they have signs(instructions) in english and pay by credit card. The machine spits out the tickets and you will need them to exit Centraal station later. Or stand in line and buy from a real person at the counter.
  2. @flahaganThank you so much for the directions! Hope you had a great trip and wishing you many more great and wonderful adventures ! As others have noted above, your enthusiasm and beautiful upbeat outlook on life and adventure shines through in your responses. Travel Safe & Well, CC88
  3. @kaisatsu OMG! Thank you SO much for the detailed instructions! Thank you!
  4. @flahagan Were you able to make the walk from Centraal station to the Movenpick hotel as planned? We will be departing on a cruise from Amsterdam early next week, booked 1 night at the Movenpick and hope to take the train in from Schipol airport just like you outlined above. Were you able to take the ramp or did you walk around past the hotel and U-turned (back-tracked) per Google maps? The last time we embarked from Amsterdam, there was a Conexxion bus from the airport that drops you off at any downtown hotel, but I think that is gone now. Thank you for any advice.
  5. @gnome12 Thank you for the response. I’m guessing that since you mention taking the bus 81 to meet up with tram 12, the tram stop must be some distance from the pier?
  6. Hello, We will be in Oslo in early July for 1 day and would like to visit Vigeland Sculpture park. The ship will be docked at Filipstad Quay. What is the easiest way to get there, please? Is it by tram #12? What is the nearest tram stop to Filipstad Quay? Alternatively, approximately how much would Uber be? Thank you.
  7. Been away and just now catching up on this thread - I can no longer get email alerts from CC forum on threads I follow. It appears to be the most recent price for O transfer is now $79 USD or $102CAD. You can pre-book through your travel agent now or just as easily book while onboard ship a few days before the end of the cruise. On our past cruises from Southampton, there were 4 of us traveling and it was reasonable to book private car service to and from London (once with Stonehenge added). But this time with only 2 of us, the easiest and cheaper alternative is to do the O transfer. Thank you all for posting the information!
  8. @osandomir Wow! Thank you for that information! My husband was keen on taking Uber, but I thought the numbers he got off his Internet search were too far-ranging. Thanks again!
  9. @22travel2 Thank you for the information and confirmation of Oceania’s transfer price.
  10. @alcpa1 Yes, I checked our roll call, but it’s very quiet and no one on it seem to be doing a straight transfer to Heathrow. I have also checked the British Isles forum and tried to contact several of the highly recommended private transfer companies, but it appears I have (for once) procrastinated too much and they are booked up. That is why my preferred private transfer gave me a quote of £365 - their “cheaper” cars are already booked up.😟 And the recommended private bus transfer company is quoting a price of $105 pax, so I’m better off taking Oceania transfer. Thank you for responding!
  11. @Jack1 and @Mrs f. - Thank you. $99 CAD is roughly $73 USD, so that is in the ballpark for Oceania charging $70 USD last year and in 2022. I think that will be our plan. Unlike Celebrity or some other cruise lines, Oceania doesn’t seem to make end of cruise transfers or excursions available for pre-booking, so we’ll just wait until it’s available onboard.
  12. Hello, Does Oceania still offer a transfer from Southampton port to Heathrow airport, and if so, how much please? The last price I saw on a forum thread was $70 pax in 2022. I just got a quote from a car service we have used in the past and it is now £365 (for 2 of us). Are taxis/ubers readily available at the cruise terminal and would that be a good alternative (8:00 am on a Tuesday in early July). Our flight to the U.S. is 2:50 pm) Thanks for your help.
  13. Yes, the waitlists do clear. We are also booked on Marina for Northern Europe/Norway cruises starting in late June, and booked shorexes because of the mandatory Shorex credits. We booked 5/6 months out and were waitlisted on 3/6 Shorex for the first cruise. Two months later, one cleared. Oceania sent our TA the notice and he forwarded the email to us. We called O to authorize the payment and confirm the credit card. Two weeks after this, we got another notification that another waitlisted Shorex on this cruise was cleared. At this point, we looked for a “cheap” still available Shorex at a port that we were originally planning to DIY and tried to book it so that we would have the minimum 6 Shorex to get 25% off (all the shorexes). The online cart didn’t work, so we called O to book to ensure we got the 25% discount applied to all 6 shorexes. We still have 1 pending Shorex waitlisted for this cruise. We have a back up privately booked excursion for this port so will decide what to do if/when this last waitlisted Shorex gets cleared.
  14. Do they still do the port pictures when you disembark at each port?
  15. WOW! Thank you so much for this information! I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions, @mahdnc! A lot to think about.
  16. Thanks, @Jim_Iain! PS. As with @mahdnc, I greatly enjoy reading your beautiful live reports and learn so much!💐
  17. Thanks again, @mahdnc! I think I understand more fully now the nuances.
  18. @juanrod Thanks for the tip! Happy to hear you were able to get it resolved.
  19. Since the group cruise pricing usually is refundable fare and cheaper, plus AI.
  20. Thank you, @mahdnc. Do you know if you can assign the Book Later cruise to a TA of your choice if you book later? If your TA has a “Group Cruise” pricing on your selected cruise, do you lose the benefits of booking onboard? TIA.
  21. Thank you! @mahdnc PS. Thank you for doing your “Live from” threads also. They are beautiful to read and I also learn so much each time.💐
  22. But if you try to shift the booking to a different cruise, you will be charged a fee of $100/pax, correct? Just like there is a fee of $100 for shifting a cruise if you had booked it “normally” not onboard or with a FCC.
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